WA and HG are both games that had fantastic beginnings which put enormous pressure on their respective developers to deliver similar high-quality content in a "reasonable" amount of time. The Patreon model of artist support is imperfect. As a fellow creative professional, I have projects where I bill by the hour on Upwork. Some hours are literally just a screen capture of the same stupid wall of text with like two changes. The reason for this? During those hours I was fucking thinking.
Do I bill for thinking? Yeah, I do. Do my clients like it? Nope. Not until the end. When the final product arrives there is an understanding that has developed that my progress was never going to be steady and predictable like a data-entry product. It's just not how the creative process works. In the end, it is my responsibility to ensure that my work is satisfactory and done within a reasonable time frame. Otherwise, I will not be rehired and my reputation will suffer.
I can empathize with the creators of both games. I have been there. Sometimes a one-hour stretch contains more work than two days. What this forum is doing, and Patreon also it seems, is staring at the screen capture of the wall of text.
I feel for you @Kamisari, but it might be a wise decision, for the sake of your own reputation (which is worth more than this or any single game will bring in), to pause donations. It's a big decision. But sometimes I stop billing for the blank screenshot because I realize I have billed for too much thinking. I have set the bar too high for my own comfort level. No amount of money is worth my peace of mind. And no amount of money is worth my future earning potential (loss of reputation for reliability).
That is a suggestion that, at this point, hard as it is to swallow, you might want to accept. Live and learn. Unpause the contributions after you publish an update. And then in the future, knowing you can do this, provides additional peace of mind as a pressure release valve.
Just one guy's thoughts. Best of luck man.