Leave it alone, he's already dead (reference to the simpsons), this dev will sooner or later cease to be relevant, the few simps that he has left sooner or later will be on our side of the sidewalk, when what the others happen, I met the I play for the update... but after reading all the comments and the number of years I spent without saying anything and putting out mediocre content, I understand those who got angry with him and I side with him, the truth is who with half a brain you spend years waiting for a crumb of content?, and what's more, who pays or supports you so you don't see results... it's sad to think that there are such stupid people, and that there are those who take advantage of them... but this is how it is In the world, those who have to pay for it do it... when they have better things to do, I suppose they will stop supporting and defending someone who only takes advantage of them, and that's it... Everything comes in due time... karma comes to everyone... whoever is wrong or right, time will judge... I think we are only witnesses of one thing or another... but this novel will certainly not have an end, due to the time it has been in development and has not yet come out from the prologue... is he planning to retire based on support on patreon?... Who in their right mind would be so foolish to spend years supporting or following a novel that shows, does not have a future... except that every two months present something and move extremely fast to finish your 3 parts of chapter 1.... and how many chapters do you plan? 2 or 3? That would be appropriate if he wants to finish it... now if he plans 10 chapters or more, it's impossible for him to achieve it in 2 more years if he spends 2 and a half with nothing...
The one who thinks, the one who reasons things, easily realizes that there is no point in following this novel... the dev will get tired... or the community will get tired... but there will be no continuation of one or the other way... no matter how much the dev rants that yes and if we don't like it we leave and blah blah blah, it's his way of not scaring away the few simps who still support him... but in the long run everything is discovered and if they see how things are going and reason, if they are intelligent they will realize that it is not worth it...
Only fools believe in nonsense