Someone clarify something for me and then answer a question real quick.
My assumption is that updates aren't happening based on this one page of essays and then the dev making jokes. Let me know if that is right. Is there enough gameplay for me to bother with this as is if that is the case?
On updates not happening: In the last few years there has only been a Christmas update and at some point before that a Halloween update (can't remember when that dropped). Dev has been fairly open about what's happening and that they are still working on the game, up to you on how cynical you want to be in believing that or not. This back and forth has gone on for years, to the point where I have most of it on ignore because I ain't reading all that.
Is there enough gameplay: If you have never played before, yes there's a good amount of content. Hours worth. That being said, who knows how far off the next update is. If you'd rather wait to see if/when that does indeed drop then I'd say there's no harm in that. I'm personally waiting for full Chapter 1 before returning, which given that it's being split up, will probably take awhile. Is what it is.