I never said it was going to be 5 hours. I always said that Chapter 1 would be way bigger and longer than the prologue.Sure, first it would double the content (you in 2020). Then you said it's gonna be way bigger than the prolouge (which is 6-8 hours (8 according to you)) I remember that a few days ago you said it's "only" going to be 5 hours (don't know if you meant the future update or the winter update which wasn't 5 hours with normal reading for me at least). In more than 3 years. Normally I'm just a lurker but this pisses me off so much that I have to say something because it is a fucking great game. Also funny that more than 3 years ago it'll "probably release next month". Dude, seriously get it together.
Look at it that way: if you release your alpha/beta version, people can help you with their feedback. You could change the little things. And please, don't say you're a perfectionist. After all these years it looks like a scam. Show them it's not. Prove them wrong.
Also funny how you only quoted that again, avoiding everything that's critical of any of your work without being sarcastic/ironic like a few times already or the pity seeking way.
That'll be the last time for now that I write something on this thread. If you release something in this year, please dm me. I'd love to talk to you personally and give you my feedback in the DMs. I'd even love to voice chat with you and give you my feedback in the most honest way that I can. I'm also not a native english speaker. Sure, I don't give you any money via patreon but I still think it shouldn't be the only people you should listen to because it can be an echo chamber and not be objective. Please think about it.
I said the winter thing is 5 hours, and most of the people had that playtime, you can have more or less!
I always do an ALPHA version before beta. It happened with the winter update.
I quoted that because most of the time my words have no weight, nonetheless, I answered you about the full message.
Please, for more precise information about everything check the latest Patreon post, it answers almost every doubt you have!