Aug 15, 2017
I just played the game for the first time. I did version 0.303a, so some of the things I may mention may have already been addressed. I think the game has potential, but it's still pretty buggy. I went ahead and became a patron, but I am a bit on the fence. Hopefully some of these issues will be addressed shortly. This is after just one playthrough, with some reloading to see different variations, and it's off the top of my head. It isn't like I sat down and took notes, and I didn't experiment looking for things. Just to make things clear, I had a good relationship with everyone, Angela and the girls at the office, and didn't have much fear.

  • The first time I met Alice, it was fairly far into the game. I walked into the living room with Angela chatting with her. It seemed everyone knew each other, but I was wondering who the hell is this person. That scene did not do a very good job introducing the character. I don't think I even realized she was a neighbor until she called me for the second visit. You might want to add an introductory scene for her during the first or second day, perhaps riding with her in an elevator or something.
  • After the hypnosis scene with Alice, if you molest her, it says Opportunity Gained, but there is no new opportunity listed.
  • Olivia doesn't seem to benefit from the relationship bonus for Psychology 1 when chatting.
  • Izumi doesn't seem to benefit from the lust bonus for Psychology 3 when massaging her.
  • The progress bars for Work and Fitness are messed while at the Gym. They read 100+%. I first noticed it around Level 3 or 4 for each.
  • If you try going to Alice's apartment too late, it kicks you out to the main screen.
  • If you leave Alice's apartment and then select it, it says you're already at the restaurant.
  • If you select opportunities while talking to Emma, it goes to the Izumi in the office screen.
  • Eating at the restaurant gives +100 morale. That seems a bit excessive.
  • Chatting with Jack about work reduces relationship, even though it's listed as a good option.
  • Chatting is inconsistent. Grace will usually allow you to select 2 good options, but sometimes 1 and sometimes 3. Most other characters only allow 1, but sometimes 2 and sometimes 3. I don't know how it's supposed to work, and that isn't a feeling a player should have playing your game.
  • Relationship adjustments for sex acts are inconsistent. Grace's, Alice's, and Angela's living room blowjobs raise stats, but Izumi's and Angela's other 2 repeatable scenes do not. Having sex with Grace raises lust and relationship (and reduces fear), but sex with Angela raises relationship and Alice's doesn't raise anything.
  • Each time you have sex with Grace, it says you get 20 lust, but lust stays at 20, it doesn't go up after the first time.
  • When you select Past, Present, or Future for Izumi too early, it just says Coming Soon with a transparency screen, just like characters where it isn't implemented. There should be some indication whether the content is missing or just not accessible yet.
  • The girl you help from TV is named Emily. Bailey also has a friend named Emily back home. IRL it wouldn't be too strange for two people to have the same name, but in a game, the natural assumption is that they're the same character. If they are, that's fine, but then it doesn't make sense that Bailey is calling Emily in Nebraska when she's in New York. If her friend is in New York, you'd think Bailey would mention it.
  • We should have Bailey's phone number and be able to see her stats.
  • Alice, Bailey, Bella, and Emma don't have the chat, etc options the others have. While some characters work differently than others, such as Bailey and Bella, the inconsistency is noticeable.
  • Angela's relationship can get above 100.
  • You'd think Bella's reaction to the character would change a bit now that he's rocking the joint. That just may be due to not having time to develop her content yet.
  • I think the first priority should be getting all the UI interactions set. Each time you hit one of those coming soon screens, it really takes you out of the game.
  • Given how early it was introduced, I really want the getting to know Angela storyline to progress.
  • Similarly, given how early Olivia is introduced, it really feels like she needs some content (note: Angela and Olivia aren't necessarily my favorite characters, it just feels to me that they need more content sooner than other characters).
  • Why is every character going Brazilian? Some variation would be nice.
  • The second time you call Grace in for an evaluation, it asks if you want a tutorial, gives a brief one and then she's gone saying that you already called her in today. One, that tutorial should happen the first time you call Grace or Izumi in for an evaluation, and second, is Grace supposed to have some content there?
  • It might be interesting to be able to visit the guest room before you redecorate it or Bailey gets there. There wouldn't be anything to do, yet, but I think I like that option better than the room just appearing.
  • Your office is listed as Mcoffice everywhere but when you're in it, where it is called My Off.
  • When you call Grace in for a repeatable evaluation and tell her good job, it takes 6 hours. That seems excessive.
  • When Izumi gives you a blowjob, she says that never happened before. What, the guy coming? That seems odd. Also, she says it each time, when you repeat it, which makes it more odd. You might want a first time/subsequent times variation for repeatable scenes.
  • There are a few instances where Byron mentions that his job is 24/7, but the office is closed on the weekend.
  • Similarly, if you talk to Bailey in the evening on the weekend, after you got her a job, she'll make the same comment about relaxing after a long day, even though the office is closed. You might want variant dialogue for the weekend.
  • Izumi's scene regarding the glasses triggered way too early. I had just researched micro cameras, I hadn't done the glasses yet, and that started the whole Izumi engineering series.

Anyway, that's what I can think of off the top of my head. There were probably other things, but I can't remember. I did enjoy the game, and I think it has potential. I know the list may indicate otherwise, but I wouldn't have remember as much if the game didn't engage me, and I wouldn't have wasted the time writing this if I didn't think it could be great. It was enough to get me to pledge, I just hope it lives up to its potential.

any idea how to fuck gf?
any idea how to fuck the girlfriend ?
There is one non-repeatable scene with Angela. The first morning, when she enters the bathroom, mention last night and then pick the option that isn't about sex. Then, get home around 18:00 to have dinner with her. On the first Saturday, after you unlock your first research option, you'll have an option to go on a date with her. First time, select casual conversation and the second time ask her about Everitt. Then you go back home and have sex. I don't know if that's the only way to unlock it, but that's what I did my first playthrough.
Is it possible to dump Angela? I am running this relationship deep into the ground.
I don't think you can dump her, but, in the CG, there is a whole series where you and her aren't on good terms. Alice calls you a few times (in my game, Alice called me once after the first meeting and then told me to stop by anytime but never called again.) One call is while you're watching TV with Angela on the bed. Angela also calls you once while you're watching TV with Alice with Alice's head in your lap. In my brief experimentation, I couldn't get that series to launch, but I didn't try too hard. I would probably have to go back to day one and be mean to Angela from the start (mention sex during the bathroom conversation on Day 1 and then refuse the blowjob because you don't want to be late.)
Yess. I can blackmail jack now, I talked with grace and i got this opportunity now. :) And in the mean time i'm research level 15 and work level 5 haha. This is too easy guys!
I don't remember ever getting a change to blackmail Jack. I do remember saying you want to help Grace get back at him, then you get a chance to use his insider trading to profit yourself and Grace.
there are scenes with bella?
There is a scene when you are walking into Jack's office where Bella exits with one of her tits hanging out. There is also a scene where you can watch Jack and Bella have sex in his office if you installed a camera there.
I'm stuck on the black screen which says chapter 1 on the rise (after the research). Help would be appreciated
I think a few pages back the developer said that happens if you get your research to 10 because there aren't that many topics implemented yet, so it causes problems. You'd need to reload a save where your research is only 9 and don't do any more research until more has been added.

This is probably way too long as it is. I look forward to future updates.


Apr 28, 2017
How do you blackmail Jack? Do you need to go down the fear path with Grace for that?

You need to check the micro-cameras, or put one in Jack's office. It will trigger two scenes, one with Bella and the one you need to start the storyline (which has not been completed yet)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
You need to check the micro-cameras, or put one in Jack's office. It will trigger two scenes, one with Bella and the one you need to start the storyline (which has not been completed yet)
Meaning the blackmail is not implemented yet, did I get that right? So the only things you can do is short the stock together with grace and ask him if you can hire the girlfriend's sister?


Apr 28, 2017
Meaning the blackmail is not implemented yet, did I get that right? So the only things you can do is short the stock together with grace and ask him if you can hire the girlfriend's sister?

She gives you a blowjob once the first parte of the operation (Brown Pharma) is over.
For Jack, yes, future content with Bailey should be in the next update.


hello, in this game only mc have sex, or there other males? :)
Aug 15, 2017
Where i can find signatures?
If you mean, "How can I edit my signature?" hover your mouse over your name on the top bar. When the drop down menu appears, select signature. If you mean, "Where can I find the game advertised in the signature?" you can do a Google Search for "F95 Zone [Game Name]" and it should come up with the thread.
hello, in this game only mc have sex, or there other males? :)
From what I've seen, you can catch your boss having sex with two of your coworkers, on separate occasions, not concurrently. There is also a short section when talking to your girlfriend about her past where she talks about partying and the MC imagines her partying with a couple of guys. The MC can also daydream at one point about one of his coworkers undergoing an "invasive search" by two police officers. That's it for sex scenes so far. We have met three named male characters so far, so it's possible there'll be more in the future.


If you mean, "How can I edit my signature?" hover your mouse over your name on the top bar. When the drop down menu appears, select signature. If you mean, "Where can I find the game advertised in the signature?" you can do a Google Search for "F95 Zone [Game Name]" and it should come up with the thread.

From what I've seen, you can catch your boss having sex with two of your coworkers, on separate occasions, not concurrently. There is also a short section when talking to your girlfriend about her past where she talks about partying and the MC imagines her partying with a couple of guys. The MC can also daydream at one point about one of his coworkers undergoing an "invasive search" by two police officers. That's it for sex scenes so far. We have met three named male characters so far, so it's possible there'll be more in the future.
they don't have anything with mc, right? i mean coworkers
btw, good job boss :happyblush
Aug 15, 2017
The MC is currently able to get a blowjob from one coworker and both a blowjob and sex from a second. The second coworker is one of the two you can catch with your boss. That is the same coworker that the MC imagines getting "searched" by the police. She also has a husband named Eric who is neither the boss nor the MC.
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Mar 6, 2018
It's true. I'm at work level 5 and research leven 9...So now I can not continue til the next version of this game...


May 1, 2018
I just started this game and since there is no walkthrough what tips and stuff do I need to know? I get their relationship up and get their numbers and a couple of the girls I can hangout with but what levels can I do more with them at, etc.


I hope that in the Next version will be added sex with Bella


Mar 6, 2018
Here is the dev's patreon page. there you can see how far he is with it. Maybe something will happen in the bedroom of jack...Thats what i know.
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