VN Ren'Py Abandoned High School Crush Simulator [v0.6.1] [Bright Sun Studios]

5.00 star(s) 4 Votes

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
Aww, i missed the witcher girls discussion. I'm team Yen btw. Fight me.
Discussions about the witcher girls (pay attention to how I didn't say 'fights about the witcher girls') are always welcome. So why don't you give me some arguments for why you like Yennefer? I'm always genuinely interested in hearing arguments from the other side, even if I don't usually agree with them.

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
updated op to v0.2
Thanks. It might be a good idea to add this hotfix I posted a few hours ago in the OP though (It fixes a potential issue people might have with the music when loading old save files):

And if possible, could you remove the Persona add-on from the OP? It's no longer necessary for version 0.2 and will cause problems if you install it, so removing it will avoid confusion.

Also, is there a F/M tag? If so, that should be added to the tags as version 0.2 adds two male romance options to the game. (Same goes for 'pregnancy' if there's a tag for that)
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Staff member
Apr 5, 2017
Thanks. It might be a good idea to add this hotfix I posted a few hours ago in the OP though:

And if possible, could you remove the Persona add-on from the OP? It's no longer necessary for version 0.2 and will cause problems if you install it, so removing it will avoid confusion.

Also, is there a F/M tag? If so, that should be added to the tags as version 0.2 adds two male romance options to the game. (Same goes for 'pregnancy' if there's a tag for that)
ok done added the fix in the op+removed Persona add-on
i don't think there is a f/m tag yet but i added pregnancy tag.


May 10, 2017
Well, mainly because Yen strikes me as a lioness willing to fight and bleed for her Ciri and Geralt. While she is a bitch, no doubt about it, she kinda has quite a few reasons to be a bitch towards Geralt (the love wish, Geralt's sleeping around with every girl he can, including her friends). While i like Triss too, what she did in the games was an asshole move towards both Geralt and Yen, and if their roles were reversed i'd like to think that Yen wouldn't sleep with Geralt while he was dating Triss.
Oh and i was kidding about the fight, i understand where people from both sides of the wall come from, Yen is kinda hard to like, and I can't deny Triss's charm.

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
Well, mainly because Yen strikes me as a lioness willing to fight and bleed for her Ciri and Geralt. While she is a bitch, no doubt about it, she kinda has quite a few reasons to be a bitch towards Geralt (the love wish, Geralt's sleeping around with every girl he can, including her friends). While i like Triss too, what she did in the games was an asshole move towards both Geralt and Yen, and if their roles were reversed i'd like to think that Yen wouldn't sleep with Geralt while he was dating Triss.
Oh and i was kidding about the fight, i understand where people from both sides of the wall come from, Yen is kinda hard to like, and I can't deny Triss's charm.
It is okay that I find it very odd that you still like Yennefer despite admitting that she is a bitch? That is my major issue with her and I just can't get passed it. And I certainly don't agree she has any reason to disrepect Geralt or be a bitch to him.
I understand the arguments you give, but they sound like the copy-paste arguments I've seen so, so many times from people who might not have actually read the books or done an research on it. How exactly is she allowed to be a bitch to Geralt because of the wish? The wish saved her life in the books and forces them to have an unhappy romance due to the whole evil genie and 'be careful what you wish for' thing the Last Wish short story was going for. The only things it means is that even in the books Geralt's love for Yennefer isn't real (although you can role play as it being real in Wild Hunt, you can also role play as it not being real without breaking the canon). Also, Geralt certainly doesn't sleep around with any girl he meets. The player can make him visit whores and such of course, but that's player choice. And he does have an increased libido due to being a witcher, so... know what you're getting into when being in a relationship with one. He did sleep with Triss, yes. But that was when he was not in a relationship with Yennefer, so why shouldn't he have done that? I guess it's like a whole Friends 'we were on a break' thing, but it wasn't even like they'd just broken up the day before. But you know who actually cheat on Geralt and slept with another man while being in an active relationship with Geralt? Yennefer in the short story A Shard Of Ice. I never understand why people ignore that or immediately forgive her for that because 'ooohhh... but that was the moment she realized she loved him and she choose Geralt over her other lover'. She fucking cheated and ran way. End of story.
Also Yennefer has completely no respect for Geralt or the witcher profession. She constanly refuses to stay out of Geralt's mind through magical means (Usually to see through his eyes, but also to make sure he doesn't keep any secrets from her due to her mistrustful nature) and she fucking refuses to come near Kaer Morhen (mentioned both in the book and in the intro of Wild Hunt).

I also never understood why people think Triss was an 'asshole' towards Geralt or Yennefer in the games. In my opinion, she did nothing wrong. And... Yennefer wouldn't have slept with Geralt, you say? How about the seen in Wild Hunt where she spitefully kisses Geralt in front of Triss at Kaer Morhen (even if you broke up with her and are in a relationship with Triss). She also says many times in the books that seduction and casual sex is the way of life for sorcresses and she certainly slept around before the start of the books. I think she even mentioned she had lovers in every major city in the Northern Kingdoms (usually wizards), but I might be misremembering that.

I know I might be biased towards Triss a bit, but I usually find Yennefer fans to unfair towards her. But I suppose Yennefer fans like yourself might find Triss fans like me unfair. Also, this is really just a personal thing, but I like fire magic more than ice/electric magic. And I think Triss's voice actress and appearance are much better than Yenenefer's. But certainly not everyone agrees with that.

To be honest, even after reading so many opinions about it I simply don't see any reason to choose Yennefer other than 'she's the canon choice from the books'. And I've already explained why I don't think that actually counts for anything.


May 10, 2017
How exactly is she allowed to be a bitch to Geralt because of the wish? The wish saved her life in the books and forces them to have an unhappy romance due to the whole evil genie and 'be careful what you wish for' thing the Last Wish short story was going for. The only things it means is that even in the books Geralt's love for Yennefer isn't real (although you can role play as it being real in Wild Hunt, you can also role play as it not being real without breaking the canon)
Well, let's say someone used magic to force you into being in love with them, that verges pretty closely to mind control imo, and justifies anger. Yen could have been angry he didn't wish for something else. Also i don't think that assuming his love for her isn't real, he could've fallen in love before the wish, and wished that she loved him back.
Also, Geralt certainly doesn't sleep around with any girl he meets
Maybe not all of them, but a lot of them, even in the books.
And he does have an increased libido due to being a witcher, so... know what you're getting into when being in a relationship with one. He did sleep with Triss, yes. But that was when he was not in a relationship with Yennefer, so why shouldn't he have done that? I guess it's like a whole Friends 'we were on a break' thing, but it wasn't even like they'd just broken up the day before.
I was not refering to the time he slept with Triss in the books, since Yen was fine with looking past that. I was talking about the time in the games. I remember you said that Triss couldn't have known about Geralt's amnesia, but that didn't stop her later when she knew. Also she could've inquired about the status of his relationship with Yen before sleeping with him instead of assuming they're on a break or something.
But you know who actually cheat on Geralt and slept with another man while being in an active relationship with Geralt? Yennefer in the short story A Shard Of Ice. I never understand why people ignore that or immediately forgive her for that because 'ooohhh... but that was the moment she realized she loved him and she choose Geralt over her other lover'. She fucking cheated and ran way. End of story.
I don't deny that was a shitty thing to do, but the way i see it, she was forced into loving the man that she might've not even liked at the time, so she wanted to check if she could actually be with another man.
She constanly refuses to stay out of Geralt's mind through magical means (Usually to see through his eyes, but also to make sure he doesn't keep any secrets from her due to her mistrustful nature) and she fucking refuses to come near Kaer Morhen (mentioned both in the book and in the intro of Wild Hunt).
Mind reading is pretty understandable to me, and actually sweet during the ball in one of the books. Dislike for Kaer Morhen is also understandable, since you know, it is kind of a dump far away from civilization. She doesn't like other witchers because they also dislike and don't really show her much respect. I don't remember her ever disrespecting the witcher profession.
I also never understood why people think Triss was an 'asshole' towards Geralt or Yennefer in the games. In my opinion, she did nothing wrong. And... Yennefer wouldn't have slept with Geralt, you say? How about the seen in Wild Hunt where she spitefully kisses Geralt in front of Triss at Kaer Morhen (even if you broke up with her and are in a relationship with Triss).
I never said Triss was an "asshole" towards Geralt, i said what she did was a shitty move towards the man she loved, and her friend. As for the kiss it was more likely a "marking territory", while Triss purposefully tries to steal Geralt from her. You say she did nothing wrong, well i think none of them is really a saint.
I know I might be biased towards Triss a bit, but I usually find Yennefer fans to unfair towards her. But I suppose Yennefer fans like yourself might find Triss fans like me unfair.
Maybe a little unfair, but i get where you're coming from. You like Triss and you're looking for ways to explain her behavior in a way that would make her being with Geralt the way things should be.
This vid shows exactly why i like her, she's willing to do anything for Ciri, and throws herself under the bus for Geralt.
Fuck me, writing anything takes me a ton of time.
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May 5, 2018
trying to explore all the content, how does one get this chick knocked up? i've gone through quite abit already but lack some of the other content. Also, table tennis? first time i've seen someone add that into one of these games haha.

Alexander Krisnov

The Dead Commisar
Sep 14, 2016
@Bright Sun Studios i am guessing this game isnt like those where the main MC is a sex freak and can fuck anyone .
Also while i like the art whats with those bars on the top? I am not telling u how the game should be but if they're transparent it would be great

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
Well, let's say someone used magic to force you into being in love with them, that verges pretty closely to mind control imo, and justifies anger. Yen could have been angry he didn't wish for something else. Also i don't think that assuming his love for her isn't real, he could've fallen in love before the wish, and wished that she loved him back.
I like this discussion, because I find it quite interesting that I disagree with just about everything you just said (this isn't an attack, I just want to drive the discussion forward).

First of all, you seem to have read the books. But I can't help but notice we have very different interpretations about some things that happened in the books. This is actually one of the reasons people like to argue about this because the books were sometimes so vague or simply left information out on purpose.

First of all, let's talk about the Last Wish. You seem to think Geralt fell in love with Yennefer and wanted her to be in love with him too, so he used the genie's wish to mind control her. When I read that story, that isn't at all how I see it. Geralt doesn't show any signs of being in love with her. He doesn't even like her that much (makes sense considering the in my opinion downright evil actions so took in that story) and comments about being able to see through her magically altered appearance due to his witcher sense. Him later never mentioning this again signals to me that the wish took care of some of the issues he had with her, but that's just my interpretation. The wish also wasn't like 'make Yennefer fall in love with me', the books never even actually say what the wish was. I agree with the games in that it was something like 'let our fates be forever intertwined'. He did this not because he was in love with her, but because it would save her life. Yennefer had pissed off the genie, but the genie couldn't do anything because he was still tied to Geralt until Geralt had made his last wish. He alway knew the genie wouldn't be able to kill his master (Geralt), so the only way to ensure that the genie wouldn't immediately kill Yennefer upon being freed by the last wish, Geralt wish for their fates to be intertwined. Now they genie either had to kill them both or let them both life, thus saving Yennefer's life. I hardly think it's fair to blame Geralt for this and it doesn't give Yennefer any kind of reason to be angry. She was already angry and bitchy before the wish as well.

As for Geralt sleeping around a lot in the books... did I miss something? I only remember a few instances of that happening and they weren't just 'oh, let's fuck' moments. There were usually feelings involved and Yennefer doesn't have any 'exclusive right' to Geralt's affection. Also, that doesn't explain why you don't mind that Yennefer did the exact same thing in the books.

About Triss in the games: Let's be real here... How would she have inquired about his relationship status with Yennefer if Geralt had amnesia? Think about it. That's impossible. As for her sleeping with Geralt without knowing if he was in a relationship with Yennefer... he agree didn't he? Triss didn't know about his amnesia (most likely) during that first night, so she had no reason to assume it would be wrong of her to at least ask Geralt if he wanted to sleep with her. As for not stopping after she knew Geralt had amnesia... they didn't even know if Yennefer was still alive. In my opnion there was no reason for to stop going out with Geralt if Yennefer was in some unknown location, possibly dead. When they learn that she is alive in Witcher 2, Geralt and Triss have been in a relationship for a while. It would make sense for them to continue and not just break up because 'oh, Yen is still alive'. I was kind of pissed to be honest that Yennefer in Wild Hunt seemed to immediately assume they'd get back together and I couldn't tell her 'no way. not gonna happen' immediately.

As for the Yennefer cheating part: That doesn't excuse her actions to me. She was unfaithful and that's all there is to it. Doesn't matter the reason or what you learn from it, it's a shitty thing to do and she should (in my opinon) not just be forgiven for that. The books after that act like it never happened and that didn't sit right with me.

As for Yennefer's mind control: Once again, it being 'sweet' occasionally doesn't excuse it. Geralt constantly tells her to stop it and she doesn't listen because she doesn't give a fuck about his feelings on that matter. Also, actually mind controlling Geralt to murder rather innocent people in Last Wish is also something that gets strangely ignored by Yennefer fans and the books. That's evil, no way around it.

As for Yennefer's dislike of Kaer Morhen: True, it's kind of a dump. But it's her boyfriend's dump. And Triss is perfectly okay with it and even kind of likes it there (despite Lambert not liking her). And doesn't it say something about her that the other witcher don't like her? They have very good reason to dislike her. I'm not sure, but I also remember her saying things like 'you're just a witcher' in Shard of Ice and she always seems to think being a sorceress makes you awesome and better than a witcher.

About Triss doing nothing wrong & The Kiss at Kaer Morhen: 'Marking her teriorty' is just a shitty thing to do. Is that really an excuse? Jealous and not knowing your boundries is what it is. It also shows disrespect for Geralt's decision to go with Triss and it shows disrespect to Triss herself, who she is supposed to be the best friend of.
I also don't agree with Triss 'stealing' Geralt from Yennefer. She didn't think 'oh, let me grab this opportunity to screw over my best friend now that Geralt has lost his memories'. She was already in love with him during the books and to me it makes perfect sense for her to go after Geralt when Yennefer is out of the picture. Once again, Yennefer has no exclusive right to Geralt. And unlike with Yennefer, to me it feels like his love for Triss is real. This is just how I think it happened (my sort of head-canon I suppose): The amnesia given to Geralt by the Wild Hunt negated the effect of the wish due to him not remembering Yennefer. This meant that his feelings for Triss could grow more naturally instead of them being forced by magic (to me it was clear Triss and Geralt already had feelings for each other in the books, but they didn't act on them because of Yennefer). So we have forced love for Yennefer vs actual, naturally grown love for Triss. There can only be one winner for me, I'm afraid.

As for the scene in the Freya's Garden (was it Freya? I can't remember). To me it's very interesting that you see this as a possitive moment for Yennefer. Because that very scene is my most hated scene in the entire game and I can't get through it without reigniting my dislike of Yennefer. It shows that she has no respect for anyone (not the dead an not Geralt), she doesn't care that Geralt is against the ritual, she doesn't really care she destroyed a divine garden in the process, she doesn't care about seeing the dead guy in obivous pain, etc. I could go on and on about this scene. Sure, she might care about Ciri due to a somewhat dangerous obsession with having children of her own in the early parts of the books, she just doesn't know whet she's going too far. The ends don't justify the means, so to say.

Anyway, I'd like to know your thought on this. I doubt we'd ever agree, but that's okay. It's just an interesting discussion topic.

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
trying to explore all the content, how does one get this chick knocked up? i've gone through quite abit already but lack some of the other content. Also, table tennis? first time i've seen someone add that into one of these games haha.
There is only one way to get pregnant since there is currently only one instance of someone cumming inside her: Jason's storyline in the bathroom involves a single sex scene. That sex scene can impregnant the MC if she's on the correct day of her menstrual cycle. There will be more opportunities in the future though.

Also, I do try to be at least a bit unique with this game. I don't think you've ever seen a girl masturbate with a hairbrush in a game either, but... you can do that here if you want

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
@Bright Sun Studios i am guessing this game isnt like those where the main MC is a sex freak and can fuck anyone .
Also while i like the art whats with those bars on the top? I am not telling u how the game should be but if they're transparent it would be great
Well... you can fuck most characters if you romance them? It isn't an all out fuck-fest game though. And the characters do have a higher than average libido for... 'role play' purposes for those who want her to 'realistically' masturbate 6 times a day.
Also, the idea about slightly transparent UI elements is a good one. I'll give it a try and see how it looks. The text on them should still always be clearly readable though.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
I've tried several times but I can't recreate the text message bug.
Well, let's say someone used magic to force you into being in love with them, that verges pretty closely to mind control imo, and justifies anger. Yen could have been angry he didn't wish for something else. Also i don't think that assuming his love for her isn't real, he could've fallen in love before the wish, and wished that she loved him back.
He didn't make the wish to make Yen love him, he did it so the genie wouldn't kill her.

He intertwined their fates. The genie was going to kill Yen but couldn't kill geralt, he made a wish that made sure the genie couldn't do anything.

At that point in time Geralt hated Yen.

Bright Sun Studios

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 17, 2017
I've tried several times but I can't recreate the text message bug.

He didn't make the wish to make Yen love him, he did it so the genie wouldn't kill her.

He intertwined their fates. The genie was going to kill Yen but couldn't kill geralt, he made a wish that made sure the genie couldn't do anything.

At that point in time Geralt hated Yen.
I already said that in my essay length post, but holy shit... a witcher fan who actually agrees with me. Feels nice... yes, nice... I thought this was pretty obivous when I read the short story, but apparently not to everyone.

Also, what text message bug are you talking about exactly?


May 10, 2017
Ok, i would have to reread the books for the 5th or so time, to check the last wish exactly, but i would never go as far as to say Geralt hated Yen. I can remember a conversation between him and another dude in that story, that would imply his feelings for her.
As for Triss in Kaer Morhen, would asking "what happened to you after Rivia?" would be too much? As I said, i really like Triss to so getting past this is hard for me.
What I don't understand is why you don't want to acknowledge the growth in Geralt's and Yen relationship, nor her love for Ciri as real feelings. Saying her actions were caused by an "obsession" is really unfair. I think that pretty much any decent parent, knowing that their child is in danger would do anything to protect them. She doesn't do those things because she wants to, she does them because she has to, for Ciri's safety. Also if she just wanted a child she could have easily adopted one, or bought one or whatever. And yet she gave up everything she had, for Ciri. While Yen might've loved/hated Geralt in the short stories, i think that since Ciri showed up, she started thinking of themselves as a family and developed real love towards both Geralt and Ciri.
5.00 star(s) 4 Votes