These are probably dumb questions but.. I don't understand how to actually drill, or open the shop
I was able to open the shop a couple of times, no idea how but I bought a drill while I had the chance. I don't know how to actually use it though once I'm on the overworld map, and I haven't been able to re-access the shop to buy more things.
I'm still really enjoying the game, I just feel stuck since I KNOW there's more you can do in the game, and I just can't figure out how to actually access it lol
Edit: Ok the shop is right click! Not sure about the drilling and/or combat though
Right click brings the shop menu and everything. On the top left, you should see a drill, that'll let you start the drilling game. Just press left or right arrows to move, you'll automatically go down.
Once you get at least one girl, it's important to click on the Squad button, below Drill, to put them in the drill squad with you.
Combat you just have to avoid the bullets with your mouse and let your squad hit. If your photo is red, you can either left click it to attack an enemy, or right click to try and capture one enemy.
Move around the map, set a drill (bought from the first tab of the shop) on the place so you always get one resource of the terrain every day.
When in the trailer, move the camera with middle mouse. Click on any of the girls to interact with them. You can also give specific items to get more love quickly (carrots for the bunny, meat for the wolf, honey meat for the fox), which unlocks more sex poses