Much appreciated. Is there anyone in particular or a plotline I should keep an eye on to understand a bit more of what's going on? I really have a strong sense of... Being a bit lost, when it comes to the main plot... And now i can't tell if i have missed stuff or have to play on to find out.
I don't mind sandbox, but there are ways to make sandbox games less grindy and I would love it if more devs took those shortcuts into consideration, like for instance a single button to go to bed, take a shower and eat, at the end or beginning of the day, rather than having to keep track of how hungry you are or how smelly, which i don't believe adds much to the game. Whereas I understand the need for different levels of horniness, or even, to an extent, fatigue, feeding and showering is really a bunch of buttons to click and nothing more.. That would be a substantial shortcut already... And yes, I understand that that's just my personal preference.
In the end, fatigue, hungriness and tiredness are 3 variables to take into account the combination of which either gives you access to an event or a girl, or it doesn't. Which is a binary solution.
From a realistic point of view it makes sense, but ultimately, it could all be summed up in just one stat, fatigue, and would produce the same result of either accessing a scene or girl or not being able to. From a Dev perspective you're complicating something simple for the sake of realism.
From a player perspective, you're adding a complication that doesn't produce a different result, as far as I can tell, and therefore doesn't really add anything appreciable to the game other than more buttons to press. Again, i feel this is so on the ancillary stats, not necessarily on the core ones... But it's just an example of how sandbox can become grinding for the purpose of grinding... But doesn't have to.