The replay has to be removed from Jennifer, but it shouldn't be a problem since Amy has the same event and you can start it from her achievement page.
The problem is related to the way the scenes and events are designed.
Every scene/event/appointment is a "function" that can be called.
The function has one mandatory import/input parameter which is an instance of the character class.
The achievement only has the function name linked and takes the character variable from the girl who has the achievement.
So events with 2 characters also have only 1 variable. In the above case, the variable is for Amy and Jennifer is kind of hard coded in the event. So if you call the event with (jennifer) instead of (amy), the pictures can't be found and jennifer is talking to herself too instead of with amy
I could add an optional overwrite parameter for the girl to the achievement class to solve the problem. But since you can still start it from the other girl, I don't think it's a big problem if I just remove the replay from Jennifer.