Well - as I expected this card uses Hanmens NextGenTextures and Hanmens NextGen Shader.
She´s loading fine in my charamaker, she should then look like this
Oddly this character uses hooh´s Pogskin for Body and Hanmens Texture for the face, this caused the significantly color neckseam. Better is to use Body skin and Face skin from the same author (like Hanmen, nyaacho, K1T0-K1TN....).
As you can see there are still more rosy color areas on nose tip, chest and arms, but as I found these are regarded to the used Skin Overlays for face and body
If you don´t like these you can "Clear Texture" to make them disappear, or better "Export current texture" to a folder (normally UserData/Overlays/
subfolder (e.g.
myExports) so you can reload them if you want.
BUT now to your MAIN PROBLEM in your character screenshot: as I said above the card also uses Hanmens NextGen Shader, and to work properly you have to activate GraphicsMode with SSS for your game (you activate GraphicsMode on the InitSetting screen).
Without the skin overlays you would have had the typical "grey skin effect". Due to the skin overlays I didn´t recognize this at first in your screenshot.