Try to move the dick navigator a little bit far. This dick navigator gimmick has two spheres, red & blue: one of them is the starting (insertion) point and the other is the path guider.
Or maybe the dick nav is not proper parented. You may want to use the scene I have provided as a tmplate and find out how it is works.
Right now I am away of my PC to help you with, but if you want I can make a mini tutorial this weekend for you.
I have made a very small tutorial for adjust the dick navigator to get an effect in moving the entire rod when spanking the otter, i mean when giving a HandJob.
Sorry for my limited english vocabulary.
Keep in mind that are several methods to parent things in this game. You can simply parent them like folders / sub-folders fashion, or parent them in the tree of character-limbs (like in the character has several folders, hands for example, and in it there are sub-folders, fingers.), another methods is parent the objects to folders, and then those folder go parent to any limb or bodypart, other is using the Chara anime (or animation controller, I dunno the exact name, never use them but heard about it) and the node constraints that I use the most. other method is using Timeline, VNGE or MMD, quite advanced but the end result is amazing in some cases
There is an user that is very skillful in doing this kinda things, the person is
AmaNo04 , in fact this person use anothe method when parenting, take a look:
In this case we going to use Nodes constraints. first we need the material:
A piston
a Dick
and a navigator