Thanks for the kind words! I have a full time job at the moment so it's true that I can't pump out stuff as quickly as I'd like to!
Totally understand where you're coming from, please give the game a shot in a few more updates and let me know what you think then!
I made mistake that I focused only on the negative sides

It's not that I didn't like your demo, art style is beautiful and overall setting seems very good. It's just the fact that I really like side scroller games focused on story and dialogues, and those are rare on this site. And unfortunately all are plagued by the same problems.
As for more constructive feedback here is the list of things I would personally change.
- it's nice that you have added mouse movement as requested but it can be further improved by adding ability to continuously move in one direction by holding LMB in left/right side of character, in the current version character stops in the place you have clicked
- moving from one location in side scrollers is repetitive and usually characters walk slow, it would be nice to additionally implement autopilot/pathfinding so you could just click on the target location and the character would just walk there. I know it's more tricky to implement than simple player controller but it could pay off, I bet that there are out of the box solutions one the unity asset store. Downside is that you have to keep track of the locations and their connections in some easily traversable structure for pathfinding. Easier solution is to add quick travel like in Skyrim, movement in 3D games is more fun and as you can sea even AAA studios think it's boring after a while

- don't make player guess where he should click to execute some action. In the current version finding the exact spot you have to click to move from hall to bedroom in the player house is annoying. IMHO areas on the screen that you can interact with should be marked with an icon or some kind of outline/highlight. If some of the actions can't be executed by the player because of whatever reason (locked door, no stamina, end of current version) grey the icon out, allow them to click on it and see the message you have prepared for this occasion but don't force them to click on every door to check if they are locked or not, again, it's annoying
I hope I could help and thanks for your work.