Okay, so a fairly solid first outing.
Right off that bat, the fact that they didn't number this version 1.0 means that they're paying some attention to detail.
I liked that the conversation with the therapist passed the sniff test. A lot of amateur writers run afoul of trying to write dialogue for professionals (doctors, lawyers, police, etc.), and make the kind of mistakes that can eject the reader right out of the experience. Accurate or not, nothing there caused me to do a double take or otherwise shatter my suspension of disbelief.
Visually, the models are a bit rough. With the exception of the therapist and the landlady, everyone looks a bit off. Lighting could use some work. I don't know what's wrong per se, only that it often looks flat and very artificial. In so far as posing goes, the weakest thing is by and far the shoulders. I don't know if HS2 has skeletal controls for the clavicles, but if it does, they really need to consider how people's arms and collar bones actually shift when they do stuff like raise their arms over their heads.
I like the characters, but take that with a grain of salt; any MC that isn't a dipshit teenager author-insert that just trips into pussy left and right gets a pretty big pass from me (but legal-loli gingers with fun accents are always a win).
So yeah, color me intrigued. It's not spectacular so far, but there's the solid foundation here, and it's pretty obvious that the creator has put care and effort into the production. The attention to details, like character building and not neglecting their inner monologues, are much appreciated.