This game really suffers from content overabundance (I still like the game though), too many characters with their complex relationships to one another (it would've been better to have fewer characters but much more focused story on those characters). Plus it's just not comedic fluff that the character bond events spout out, some of it showcases background lore/story with regards to the greater lore of the world or in relation to another character. A key character showcasing this example is Cordelia the bond events of said character expounds on so much background lore that I find it hard to keep track of who is who lol, or in some cases it mentions characters who have not yet appeared in my story or maybe they are part of other games of the developer I'm not sure (I'm currently at start of chapter 3,1st run/new game). One would need a fcking chart with connecting lines showcasing the relationships of the characters to understand the lore more deeply. Same can be said of the games mechanics so much of it is there for the sake of it, grind or just so it can have more mechanics in game. Like most of the Culture development is just one big grind with minimal numbers changes per upgrade (exceptions can be found of course like +1 party member upgrade but they are rare and cost a lot). Like others have said it would have been better to lock certain bond events within certain chapters (it would help pacing of the lore) and certain game mechanics be locked based on progression (currently I think I can max the culture developments in any chapter just by grinding a shit ton of times). The game would've been exponentially better if it's a bit more tight in the characters in game (fewer characters leading to them shining more and tightly packed story, but I also know that the dev's style is about a game with lots of characters so yeah...)