Damn, some passive skills do not stack and some have weird interactions with one another. For example when you have passive skill A and B with same effect then only 1 will work (don't know if it affects all but I've tested this with Nyanyame with summon 1 random beast per round=skill 1 and summon 3 random beast per round=skill 2. Equipping both will disable skill 2 thus resulting only in 1 beast. In theory it should summon 4 beast in a round but I need to only equip skill 2 for it to work, they do not stack and it's not stated in game). Thus bringing doubts if similar effect skills stacks like evasion skills, damage up skills, etc. If that's the case which skill works, is it the same as my example as the lower level skill overriding the higher value skill? The developer's ambition for the game sure is large with it's immense amount of mechanics, but it results in bad cases/glitches/balancing issues and not in a good way. My goro skill that gives 100% mana when with Yushia also bugged (Supporting Gaze=Skill name. The description states that when Goro is With Yushia in battle team then 100% mana at start. Either the translation is wrong or the game puts out wrong info. The Skill Supporting Gaze is meant for Goro and Luluka. I've tested it with and without Yushia/Luluka. Kind of odd since the skill picture shows Yushia so does that mean that it's the game giving wrong info/bug?)