
Jul 17, 2018
Damn, some passive skills do not stack and some have weird interactions with one another. For example when you have passive skill A and B with same effect then only 1 will work (don't know if it affects all but I've tested this with Nyanyame with summon 1 random beast per round=skill 1 and summon 3 random beast per round=skill 2. Equipping both will disable skill 2 thus resulting only in 1 beast. In theory it should summon 4 beast in a round but I need to only equip skill 2 for it to work, they do not stack and it's not stated in game). Thus bringing doubts if similar effect skills stacks like evasion skills, damage up skills, etc. If that's the case which skill works, is it the same as my example as the lower level skill overriding the higher value skill? The developer's ambition for the game sure is large with it's immense amount of mechanics, but it results in bad cases/glitches/balancing issues and not in a good way. My goro skill that gives 100% mana when with Yushia also bugged (Supporting Gaze=Skill name. The description states that when Goro is With Yushia in battle team then 100% mana at start. Either the translation is wrong or the game puts out wrong info. The Skill Supporting Gaze is meant for Goro and Luluka. I've tested it with and without Yushia/Luluka. Kind of odd since the skill picture shows Yushia so does that mean that it's the game giving wrong info/bug?)


Jul 17, 2018
Which character/s is/are not obtainable/usable in good/true end/new game plus route? Cordelia and Nana?

Panther H

Jan 1, 2019
Is there a way to make the girl currently on your menu page(the one that can be changed by the navigator button on the bottom left) change into her brothel clothes?


New Member
Jun 16, 2018
Is there a way to make the girl currently on your menu page(the one that can be changed by the navigator button on the bottom left) change into her brothel clothes?
Brothel Management > Setup > Select Girl on list to the right > Hit Setup/Open on their character card above allowed brothel option.
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Nov 9, 2018
1. There aren't really "routes" instead bonds that barely involve You and its comedic for the most part. Then a true bond for the finale for who you truly want so go for em all
2. No corruption
Hooo.. Just one way routes with different ending tho.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2017
is it possible to gives modification (spiria orbs(?)) to a equipment/item that doesnt have a modification?


Dec 16, 2019
is it possible to gives modification (spiria orbs(?)) to a equipment/item that doesnt have a modification?
Are you asking if its possible to put mods on gear that dont have any mods? if so then Yes, you'll probably have to go into the item field to raise its Mod Limit since it will probably be at zero but afterwards you should be able to. its the recommended way to farm specific orbs you need, since you can just making the random orb chance only have one option.
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Dec 16, 2019
While im on that topic, it seems not all mods are equal, I put Rainbow on a Sword with ATK heal so i could farm both at the same time but I've continiously gotten ATK heal without getting Rainbow so dont get greedy like me and just farm them one at a time.


Jul 17, 2018
While im on that topic, it seems not all mods are equal, I put Rainbow on a Sword with ATK heal so i could farm both at the same time but I've continiously gotten ATK heal without getting Rainbow so dont get greedy like me and just farm them one at a time.
It seems fcking rigged to me though lol, Tried 10-20 times on the Chainsaw (Greatsword) weapon, it has 3 mods. I pressed the Random mod extraction in item field. Without fail it kept giving me the Slam (1st mod) 100% of the time. The description says random spiria but it's BS lol. Might be bug, or weighted chance per mod but really 100% of 1 mod out of 3 in 10-20 tries. That is to say all those mods are innate and I did not put a mod that is not native to the weapon itself.


Dec 16, 2019
It seems fcking rigged to me though lol, Tried 10-20 times on the Chainsaw (Greatsword) weapon, it has 3 mods. I pressed the Random mod extraction in item field. Without fail it kept giving me the Slam (1st mod) 100% of the time. The description says random spiria but it's BS lol. Might be bug, or weighted chance per mod but really 100% of 1 mod out of 3 in 10-20 tries. That is to say all those mods are innate and I did not put a mod that is not native to the weapon itself.
i can't confirm this but i think whats going on is. Every Modifier has a Spiria Cost set to it specifically, So the Random Spiria Cost might say 15 but thats because the minimum spiria cost for that one if 15. What you are seeking might actually require 50, 55, or in my case 100. So if you roll without having that minimum, it makes your random Rolls be only whatever you can afford at that time.

More reason to solo farm spiria orbs but yeah. That's my theory on how it works.
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Mar 20, 2021
Anyone know which file item data and such are stored in? The 'script' folder only has event data.


Dec 16, 2019
Someone should make a compilation of tips. speaking of which here's one for grinding high Difficulty Fights faster.

on the Team Composition, there are autofight settings, to help control your NPCs better. You can have them use their Ability whenever its ready/the buff for it wears off. if you do so, it wont do the cutin and lets you use buffs quickly without thinking about them. I'm mostly using this on Nana who gets a 5x Party Damage buff so she constantly maintains it without me thinking about it. I gave her Mana Pots to refill her mana right after she uses it so lt works entirely on autopilot.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
I've tested this with Nyanyame with summon 1 random beast per round=skill 1 and summon 3 random beast per round=skill 2.
Isn't it per wave vs per battle? At least that's was how the water summoner worked.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
Does stage difficulty affect drop rate/ gold rewards/ worker recruits/unit exp gain? So far by testing the first story mission (bandit tutorial) gold and worker recruits is the same/ near the same levels from Normal difficulty, Hard, and Ultimate. Got REKTed hard on Lunatic difficulty. I'm also not sure if higher difficulty has exclusive items dropping from it or higher chance of said items, or can all items/acquired rewards be obtained in a stage by just going Normal difficulty?
From what I understand from the Trade Cultural Development, item drops use a Grade system so higher difficulty gives a +1 to the grade that is randomly selected. Not sure about XP and Gold.
I'm trying to give Aeon explosives with 2 durability and spare throwing knives to switch to but she just goes straight to chucking rocks after she runs out of explosives. So far fiddling with autofight settings doesn't yield any different results.
Bombs and Knives are bugged and don't mix from my testing, you probably need another weapon to go Bombs>Other>Knives.
This game really suffers from content overabundance (I still like the game though), too many characters with their complex relationships to one another (it would've been better to have fewer characters but much more focused story on those characters).
It's not content, it's pacing, which is stupid since it has enough map battles to give better pacing.
I wish I could mod so that bound event level increased much slower.
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Jul 17, 2018
Isn't it per wave vs per battle? At least that's was how the water summoner worked.
Friendly Invite (4 Base AP Cost) is the summon per battle, it summons 3 random animals at start of battle. It stacks with both things I've mentioned earlier skill 1 (1 random animal per wave) and skill 2 (3 random animals per wave). Skill 1 is Friendly Join (4 Base AP Cost) summons 1 random animal per wave. Skill 2 is Monotaro Dumplings (Ally Bond Event obtained,15 Base AP Cost) summons 3 random animals per wave. Skill 1 and 2 don't stack with each other. Unrelated to the topic but the max summons per unit is X(10) and Nadie can summon 10 water wedges while Nyanyame can summon 10 animals per type. So in total she can summon 50 animals (easily tested with right skills in item field) with the 5 types.


Jul 17, 2018
It's not content, it's pacing, which is stupid since it has enough map battles to give better pacing.
I wish I could mod so that bound event level increased much slower.
I generally agree here but some bond events are unrelated to the main story (fluff side story) or romance side content, or world building/background lore/foreshadowing. Game's already grindy enough with the upgrade system lol, but yeah a bit of pacing will help and it was a smart choice of them to not put a fcking TIME LIMIT to the game or I'll have abandoned the game out of sheer frustration lol. As a completionist and a person interested in the lore though it pains me that there's no better way to track BOND progression. I don't understand the bond levels when it comes to allies as it's WIDELY INCONSISTENT. So to put things into perspective first of all the bond between NPC/Ally and the Protagonist/You is tracked properly. BOND LVL 9 is max bond with an Ally/their "bond with You" (which means you can unlock and view all of their bond events *some unique character/s excluded). Meanwhile when it comes to ally bonds with each other it's inconsistent/chapter locked. What I mean here is yes you can view all their bond events with each other(3 MAX per ally to ally bond), but the bonds page/status menu in Kingdom Status will only display how close they are depending on how long they have been in game (how many chapters have passed). Another point is how they are not reciprocal to each other for some reason lol. I'm currently at start of Chapter 4 in New game mode (1st route/bad end route). Casco's Bond with Nana is LVL 5. Meanwhile Nana's Bond with Casco in her status bond page is LVL 1. I've seen the 3 events they had with each other (Don't know if 3 really is the max but I've already seen many ally to ally bond events and the 3rd bond event usually brings a conclusion to their bond event and no matter how long I've grinded no more additional bond event appears). It's widely inconsistent and could have been a bug or a developer mistake. As with my example above it seems to be shared among other characters as well so it is hard to keep track if you've done their ally to ally bond events unless you manually take note of it. A better mechanic/game UI/design would be a heart/number tracker signifying the 3 bond levels. Then after each bond event viewed the number rises and it will state if you've already maxed out the bond events of 2 allies with one another. My post is a bit long and I hope I got the point across lol. WALL oF TEXT


Jul 17, 2018
Is Grey's skill Nullification BUGGED? It's description reads as "All attacks deals no damage whatsoever, even with zero defense". It does not seem to work on Ultimate or Lunatic difficulty lol which makes it quite pointless for it's cost (28 Base AP Cost). It works on Normal and Hard Difficulty.. At first I thought it was related to how he needs to be solo for it to work but nope, it only works on normal/hard difficulty. Which kind of makes it pointless (unless there is another specific fight like the tentacle monster in chapter 3 that deals a lot of damage even on normal) on normal and hard since the enemies are easily disposed/tanked with proper gear. Damn shame thought I'd be able to cheese the game with that skill lol and it would make sense lore wise.
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