Is the "Acquired Rewards" loot table fixed (As in there are 12 items/equipment per stage)? Or is it possible that the stage only has less than 12 drops? I have maxed out farm and trade culture upgrades so with regards to drop rate/quality I have it maxed. I've farmed this stage on normal-hard-ultimate a couple of times (10+) and this one item doesn't drop (the "???" in the acquired rewards tab). The way drops work is the lower it is on the table the "rarer" and needing higher difficulties (exception to this is having some trade upgrades) it becomes. So theoretically this should drop more frequently on normal/hard difficulty, but it just won't drop. It's supposed to be a rather common/uncommon item too (I've had the best item in this stage drop a lot of times compared to this mystery item that won't drop).