I'm a huge packrat, and I deleted this after about an hour. Bad writing, bad design, meh girls.
The "FAILURE" text is like a repeating kick to the balls,Wow I was looking so forward to this game but I really hate it. They made the puzzles more complicated, added some random bullshit with the baggage that changes every match, pumped the HP way too much, etc. And that's even before you get to the new designs not being great and the CGs just being more boring than the first game.
Just a huge, huge disappointment overall for me.
Context, my dear.why is everyone so hyped for a mediocre popcap game with lewd stills?
Suki is the worseAsh and Lailani are the only two characters I like. The rest are mediocre at best or just outright fucking terrible at worst (who decided Sarah would be a good character?).
What a goddamn disappointment.
Did that. doesent workFull save
Place it inside AppData\LocalLow\HuniePot\HuniePop 2 - Double Date
its not letting me download the file its a link to a webpageMade Another because doesn't get all clothes
And yes my save not legit
Save with all clothes and gallery
I usually come here to see the F95 reviews on games, and there is a huge disparity between this and Steam this time. This is a 95% current top 5 bestseller on Steam, but the thread here many people are rating it as subpar even compared to many free sex games.I am surprised it is getting such negative feedback
I liked the original, wasn't in love with it but liked it well enough... here goes nothing
Well probably the biggest part of reviews here are from people who did not buy the game, so they dont have to justify themselves why they threw 20 bucks down the drain and will rate the game more critically because they are used better.I usually come here to see the F95 reviews on games, and there is a huge disparity between this and Steam this time. This is a 95% current top 5 bestseller on Steam, but the thread here many people are rating it as subpar even compared to many free sex games.
Honestly this gives me mixed feelings, because the people here know what really makes a good sex/h game. However when there are 1500+ reviews on Steam already and its 95%...I literally almost instant bought it on that (and enjoyed the first game) alone.
Now that I've read the F95 reviews, I'm holding off for now—but it is interesting to see such a disagreement from the hive mind on Steam and people who post about/review sex games on a regular basis.
I usually come here to see the F95 reviews on games, and there is a huge disparity between this and Steam this time. This is a 95% current top 5 bestseller on Steam, but the thread here many people are rating it as subpar even compared to many free sex games.
Honestly this gives me mixed feelings, because the people here know what really makes a good sex/h game. However when there are 1500+ reviews on Steam already and its 95%...I literally almost instant bought it on that (and enjoyed the first game) alone.
Now that I've read the F95 reviews, I'm holding off for now—but it is interesting to see such a disagreement from the hive mind on Steam and people who post about/review sex games on a regular basis.
I'm not part of the team we just got it from steam and cracked it cool name by the wayLive footage of code crackers working on HP2 to get it on F95 for us.
Y'all the real MVP.
Thanks. You ducking rule.