I wouldn't say males are niche, but more like not as popular as the futas for the nature of the game and the character. At the same time, for example, I'm personally a massive fan of femboys and while the male Sibyl strikes me as that to a degree, is not exactly like that in this case, cause the male lacks the proper makeup that the futa has.
I mean niche in the audience of this game. Yeah it's a very quick hackjob.
About the endgame content. I think it's safe to assume that people expect at least another 7 updates, including version 1.0, so six stages alone feel a bit limited on that regard, maybe an extra floor with more levels could give the remaining amount but then those working differently than how the first 6 were?
When you say another 7 updates does that come from the current version being 0.
3? I don't want to misslead people, I haven't partitioned out a plan to release major updates up to 1.0 into 10 parts.
Probably shouldn't be doing that for several reasons, it's better to switch to saving to file, be it in exe's dir or appdata
Don't worry too much about it, PlayerPrefs is fine for what I'm doing, it's only a couple or so values. If I started storing folk's custom colour values for every item or something, then yeah, I'd change it.
I suppose it can feel barebones because most of the content is on a lose or still a temporary defeat if you have upgrades, and the robot is easy to hide from. things like the emp where you have content on a win feel better, maybe if the robot could get caught by the traps like the gas trap and the one that lifts you up. atm you just sneak past use the fleshlight and leave each level so they feel samey. Maybe a difficulty setting that increases the robots roaming speed so I can lose by accident
Eh, that might just be down to prefence. It's mostly meant to be a femdom game, the futadom is just a little extra due to requests. Yeah, it'll be an idea for later to add dificulty settings.
If you develop your game to be finished with just the 6 or so levels you have planned, I would say that would be the bare minimum to justify a £3 or £5 price tag. Depending on what you add next, one could probably finish this game in no more than 2 hours. What you have is pretty decent, but like others have been saying it's really not a whole lot to work with.
That surprises me, 2 hours? I would have thought the completed thing would be like 20-30 minutes, but if it comes out to 2 hours I have no problem charging £3-£5.
Kind of reminds me of Futurama, "It took me 3 hours to write, I thought it'd take 3 hours to read!" Not to say that as any kind of insult, but I do understand that you're probably putting in a lot of time and are shocked to hear that it's not actually that much at all. One could argue that these first four levels could be the tutorial to a much more fleshed out game.
I hope your Steam release does well though, I can totally understand if you want to wrap up this project and I encourage you to keep making more games like this if you have it in you. There's definitely some talent you can tap into if you keep improving. Though I would advise you look carefully for voice talent. Personally, most actors out there are very, very amateurish and something like that can really kill the mood. I would just have no voice actors at all if it were up to me, but at the very least make sure you have the option to turn them off if you do decide to hire.
It's not that I'm shocked that the game is short, more that I think most folks have a much different idea about what the finished game will look like than me. It's always meant to be a fairly short game, where all the scenes are given to you in a fairly short time instead of having to spend ages grinding them out or anything.
Yeah, I know voices aren't for everyone and I'd definitly include a mute option.
Edit: Let me elaborate on why it feels barebones.
The goal of the game is reach these checkpoints, do your thing, and then leave. The goal is very simple and straightforward. When it comes to porn games, you have a few different ways of making content, each with varying degrees of content between gameplay, porn, and story. Your game seems more focused on gameplay, then porn, then story. The story is basically one sentence long, so not a whole lot to work with. The porn only happens in a few key areas and as a defeat status, and what is there are recycled throughout the game. The gameplay is the meat of this game, but even that feels very lackluster.
Haha, I feel like it's the opposite, the porn is the meat of the game to me. The gameplay has far less thought. Thing is that I wanted the gameplay to be simple and easy enough to play one handed without unintentionally being caught too many times. The main point of the gameplay is two things: to set the mood (you're being hunted!) and to pace the porn scenes.
As for the rest of your post, yeah, I see what you're saying. I think maybe a better overall design for the game would be to make something like Monstrum where you have to explore around to collect different parts to eventually escape. Maybe another time.
i think that when you've already outlined the game into stages and 1-2 unique anims per stage, then the expectation of content isn't super high.
that doesn't mean you can't add more and indeed you have a good enough setup that any animation you work on would look great and just add that much more value, but it really is up to you how much you wanna spend on this project before moving on.
Thanks, the problem right now, as most devs run into, is that the original idea was somewhat smaller scope. As I've hacked on more and more features my spaghetti code is getting a bit out of hand. Now that I have a better idea of what folks want, I could start a new project with those features in mind from the start.
That's why I mentioned the idea of after the 6th being done that the central pilar of the main hub becomes an elevator of sorts that leads to a new area. Or maybe having some stairs on the 6th. I think this game has potential :3
Haha, I think you'll find I've already foolishly hardcoded a few things to only work at the height the level sits at, and if you tried moving it it'd all break. (It's not that bad, I'm sure I could fix it. I mean, the switch perspective thing turned out to be super easy because, unlike what I'd thought, I'd actually coded it properly).
I feel like the addition of a larger variety of traps (like 4-5 total) as well as making them a more core element of the gameplay loop would make the game feel more engaging. Even with 0 upgrades, I feel like the game is lacking in engagement, being too easy to beat. RubiA is extremely loud and relatively slow, making it easy to avoid her. Additionally, the traps are so few, and also easily avoided, that even the ones that you are forced to get rid of don't really hinder you that much.
I know this is kinda changing a core part of the gameplay, and would require a lot of work to implement, but making RubiA detect the player easier, and in more ways, and adding much more traps, forcing he player to avoid them while they run would make the game feel a lot more engaging.
This is something I could definitly do. A unique trap for each level and a difficulty setting.
To summarize:
I think the game would be more fun if It focused on running away from RubiA, and avoiding traps with unique counter play for each, eventually kiting her for long enough to get an opportunity to fill one of the repositories.
When you talk about a 'counter play' do you mean like with the EMP? So each trap would have a way to work on RubiA?