This story is basically a study in polyamory. If you have concurrent romantic/sexual relationships with multiple people, but can't tolerate the thought of them being intimate with each other, you are not polyamorous.
That's not a good thing, or a bad thing . . . it simply "is what it is". Polyamory is a distinct sexual orientation, just like any other sexual orientation: Heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, etc. (Those 3 orientations are related in that they are gender dependent. Conversely, polyamory and consanguinamory are gender irrelevant).
You can't be both heterosexual and homosexual at the same time (that would generally be considered "bi-sexual"). However, you
can be heterosexual (OR homosexual, OR bi-sexual) AND polyamorous, AND/OR consanguinamorous all at the same time. (However, being both consang AND poly is extraordinarily rare, despite the preponderance of content here that suggests otherwise. "Sisterly Lust" is a prime example: The MC has a full-on consang
and poly relationship with both sisters (edit: make that THREE sisters) and mom, PLUS several "regular" relationships with outsiders. It's pure fantasy).
As for the "look but don't touch bs" you mentioned: I find these characters very endearing. I get a real sense of genuinely caring about them. I love seeing them happy. When Jenny looks into MC's eyes with love and adoration, telling him it's "fun" being with Danni . . . she's HAPPY! I like that! When Jade and Amy say "look but don't touch", I consider that a healthy expression of their exhibitionism. They're HAPPY! I like that! Alternately, if I try to imagine myself concurrently trying to keep 6 or 8 nubile young women sexually satisfied . . . I'd be dead in a WEEK! Them keeping each
other 'entertained' would certainly go a long way in prolonging my life.
Note: Devs who include incestuous content in their games/VNs generally are pandering to incest fetishists. I'd be stunned if a single one of them could define terms like "genetic sexual attraction", "non-genetic sexual attraction", "Westermarck effect", "double love", etc. I'm still waiting for that first game/VN that portrays a realistic consanguinamorous relationship (I'm partial to hetero siblings . . . hint, hint).