Video: quality or length

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    Votes: 888 30.6%
  • Increase duration by decreasing quality!

    Votes: 569 19.6%
  • Increase quality by reducing duration

    Votes: 1,447 49.8%

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Game Developer
Aug 5, 2021
Greetings, friends.
I'm finally proud to tell you that an update to this game will be ready very soon!
Thanks to the help of a mysterious stranger, we have almost completely changed the technical component and made the game much more user-friendly, understandable and enjoyable. I hope you will appreciate our efforts. But I will always welcome your comments and constructive criticism.
Version 0.2 will be available next week on my Patreon. I will now post the list of changes here.
- 29 scenes with already known characters;
- 15 scenes with new characters.
- The system of changing relationships with characters;
- system for opening new scenes;
- display of characters in the App;
- the ability to view open scenes.


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Are all the characters locked at 1/7 control or am I missing something? Because it seems like there's a shitton of characters but no actual content for them...


Dec 15, 2017
Are all the characters locked at 1/7 control or am I missing something? Because it seems like there's a shitton of characters but no actual content for them...
no just keep working on their profile and changing characteristics and it will eventually progress past 1/7


Active Member
Jan 27, 2019
Thank you, and you are certainly welcome to your beliefs. But if you are willing to listen I think I can adequately prove that there is something weird happening in regard to hypno content. You might not agree with the same conclusions I have reached, but I think there is enough evidence to make you question things for yourself once you stop and check things out for yourself independent of my own research.

My next post is long so feel free to skip reading it if your mind is made up and you do not want to listen to me point out things that do not make sense for me with the accepted narrative regarding hypno content.

First I want to start by saying that I wish it was all simply just a made up conspiracy in my own crazed mind. Unfortunately it is a reality that Patreon (among other companies) has made game makers in the past remove hypno content once they were aware of it.

Now, I can't prove the "why", or even my explanation of cause and effect, but I can give a timeline of when things happened. So in that sense I agree with you that this can easily seem like just a "conspiracy theory" since those usually share those distinctions.

But while I can't prove my "theory", I can very easily disprove the usual given excuse of "we ban this content because it is a form of forced content." and my theory is the only other reasonable explanation after you take that away.

Further, my theory is based on economics and domino effect caused by individual choices alone rather than the usual conspiracies involving intentional shadow groups behind everything in a puppet show.

I honestly do not think there is some big plan involved nor that anyone is colluding in backrooms somewhere or any such thing. Instead I think that each group (MasterCard, Patreon, PayPal, etc.) are simply trying to make more money and risk less money which is basic capitalism at work. Which is actually an accepted narrative once you start investigating things (if you ask I can point you to dozens of news articles and press releases).

Where my "conspiracy theory" differs from the accepted narrative is that the companies all claim that their reasons, for the removal and banning of the word "hypno" and content associated with it, have to do with it being a "forced sexual experience" or similar words to that nature.

The thing is that these companies actually let by some forms of "forced" content while being very proactive at removing "hypno" content. And this just does not make sense when you take their excuse at face value.

If a game has content where you drug someone or get them drunk out of their minds and then show that person having sex that does not (yet) get taken down as long as you include a disclaimer about it being fictional. If a game has content where you use blackmail or guilt trip or trick, or use other forms of "persuasion" that does not (yet) get taken down either assuming the same disclaimer. Nor does it get taken down if there is pain play, sadism, torture, abuse, or other types of related content.

But if you put in a person being exposed to hypno images, and then made to have sex, then like magic it does get taken down. Further unlike those things which are allowed with a disclaimer, hypno content is forcibly removed regardless of disclaimer. All that matters is whether they realize your game exists with that content. (And my point that started all of this was that having that word "hypno" in your game name makes that awareness happen much faster.)

I am not just basing it on "I heard from a friend of a friend that..." or anything of the sort. A few years back in 2014 there was a game developer who specialized in f/f game content. One day that developer suddenly had the funding frozen. This case stood out for me back then because to get the hold on funding removed they had to remove just one scene from their game. It was not the bad ending scene where a gun was held to the MC girl's head and she was ordered to give a bj then a black screen while he said things that made compliance be inferred and then finishing with a *BANG* followed by a game over screen as he presumably shot her dead anyway. No, that didn't get censored. Instead it was the scene where a dominant female character decided to use fetish hypnotism to make the MC girl picture in her head a scene where she accepted a submissive lesbian act.

But ignore that for a moment. Right here on this website there have been several instances of game devs being told by Patreon to remove the hypno content. Including in some cases the devs posting the actual letter they received from Patreon.

For a quick example, the game Perverted Education was forced by Patreon to remove incest, the therapist's hypnotist content causing mental and behavioral changes, and the teacher's content was changed from forced to assisting; but meanwhile other content such as the cheerleader using peer pressure and trickery to shame, humiliate, and basically rape the MC was allowed to continue unchanged among other similar scenes and acts.

Patreon and games hosted on it are by no means alone with this unreasonable banning of content. And the ban on "hypno" is quite specific. Going outside of games to videos is like comparing apples to oranges, but it is the easiest way for me to prove how specific this issue really is.

Take for example the porn site XHamster. If you try to post a comment on any video with the root word "hypno" in your comment it immediately gets flagged by their system and refuses to let you post. (Easy for you to test, just try posting a comment with just that one word in it...) If you do a search of their site by keywords then a search for "subliminal" will give you hundreds of videos but "subliminal hypno" or just "hypno" by itself results in a "we're sorry no videos match that". If you scroll through their list of available tags when making a profile on their site they have thousands available... but not a single one with the root word "hypno" in it. You can use a lot of tags that include the word "forced" but not a single tag with the word "hypno" in it. You can choose a tag for "consensual non-consensual roleplay", tags with "slave" in them, tags with "abuse" in them, and tags with "breaking" in them, along with an even longer list of other dubious consent tags.

But, despite all of that being available, you are never given a chance at the "hypno" tag. Ohh, but you can use the tag mental control or subliminal..! Because obviously neither of those have anything to do with the use of hypnotism... >_>

XHamster is not alone by any means. One porn star actually put together a spreadsheet and published it to the public showing a bunch of the adult hosting sites from her personal experience that ban the word or use of hypno content (and yet it is nowhere near complete as it neglects to list a lot of famous porn sites which I know from personal checking ban it such as PornHub or the previously mentioned XHamster). Dozens of sites actively block "hypno" but still allow things like "rape fantasy", "forced", and "slave" content.

I think my point here is this... I can't prove "why" the word hypno has been banned. But I can easily prove that it has been. I also can't prove that my theory that it is all based on the u.s. laws regarding practiced hypnotism, and how I believe companies made the decision to boycott to prevent lawsuits and charges. But I can easily disprove their usually used excuse when they attack any hypno content of it being because it is forced content. I can also quite easily prove that all of these banning movements only started happening after those laws went into place.

So my question is this... if my theory is not correct (that they ban to prevent risk of losing money or lawsuits) then why do they do it when they don't ban other "forced" things yet use the excuse for hypno content being "forced" when they ban just that?

If anyone does not believe that I have proof of these weird bannings of hypno because it is "forced" but not other forced content then please say so.

(Assuming the admins here will allow me to post outside links to these sources...) I will be quite happy to point you to published articles written by various people since 2014 when the bannings roughly first started. I will happily point you to dozens of porn sites and tell you to search for hypno and then search for the various forced sex acts and do a comparison of what they host. I will be pleased to forward you to the mentioned porn star's own site which includes a link to that spreadsheet I mentioned which shows what content that is banned at various sites. I will quite gladly point you to posts by people stating that Patreon had written them a removal of content notice because of their content depicting hypnotism - this includes artists, game developers, and musicians among others.
nothing weird about it, its just a change in legality as such certain sites depending on server location and advertisers/investors have to change their tos and then its a bit of a mission to trail through content so they just automate it with blanket sweep terms and see if any users complain or not

Black Xoul

Apr 5, 2018
Not gonna lie that Sissification tag give me a heart attack..but boy oah boy wasn't I in for a treat ..... thumbs up!!


Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Old saves aren't recognized. Could be because the version number is included in the game title or something?


Oct 22, 2017
am i reaching last content for 0.2?
because there is no walkthrough.
can you explain about another character control? or it will appear in next update?
cmiiw this game just click on "try to change her characteristics"



Sep 25, 2016
at the start the story is quite similar to the chyoa one, dont remember the name,


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
They claim to have done a lot of re-writing of code, but the whole thing is basically the same as the initial release. First off, if you haven't tried cheating in the javascript console for Sugarcube games, look at my guide over on the Sluttown OP. Here's a link to the post there.

The $Money variable is a grind you can avoid, because the dev only has coding to make money (Pizza delivery and developing a client profile), not spend it anywhere. So why waste your energy on it?

A client's level variable gets bumped when you choose to change their characteristics. The name in Sugarcube may not match the name displayed for whatever reason. For example Ruby's level variable is $fre_level. Maybe this is something lost in the translation from their native language (French?) to English? Instead of bumping by 1, they bump by several units for some reason. Ruby gets bumped by 4. Scenes unlock as the client's level variable hits what appear to be random ranges.

So the idea is to go into the console and then set their level variable to whatever value is necessary to unlock the next scene (the number is their control level you see on their stat)

For Ruby (SugarCube.State.variables.fre_level)
Scene 1: $fre_level less than 15
Scene 2: between 16 and 30
Scene 3: between 31 and 45
Scene 4: between 46 and 60
Scene 5: between 61 and 75
Scene 6: between 76 and 90
Scene 7: greater than 90 (and the scene isn't written yet)

Here's how that looks in Ruby's control passage in the Twine generated html file:

><tw-passagedata pid="30" name="Control(fre)" tags="app" position="3950,1000" size="100,100">&lt;&lt;if $fre_level &lt;= 15&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene1(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;elseif $fre_level &lt;= 30&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene2(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;elseif $fre_level &lt;= 45&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene3(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;elseif $fre_level &lt;= 60&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene4(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;elseif $fre_level &lt;= 75&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene5(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;elseif $fre_level &lt;= 90&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene6(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;else&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;goto &quot;Scene7(fre)&quot;&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;</tw-passagedata>
I'm not going to bother teasing this out for the rest of the "girls". Looking at this in a simple editor like notepad or whatever will probably be a mess, so use something that can understand html and work with largish files. I'm an emacs fan myself, but that's because it's probably than you are.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
While writing this, I'm seeing that the level range checking going on for scenes is the same as for Ruby.

The "girls" you get via Liam in no particular order:

Ruby, female, level 7 not implemented yet, $fre_level
Jeanne, shemale, level 7 not implemented, $swe_level
Anne, female, level 6 not implemented, $ann_level
Jessica, female, level 6 not implemented yet, $swe_level
Cecilia, female, level 7 not implemented yet, $cec_level
Catherine, female, level 7 not implemented yet, $try_level
Sean, male crossdress, all 7 levels, $sea_level
Brianna, female, level 7 not implemented yet, $bri_level
Avery, female, level 7 not implemented yet, $ave_level
Victoria, female, level 6 not implemented yet, $suc_level
Priscilla, female, level 7 not implemented yet, $pri_level
Anna, female, level 5 not implemented yet, $but_level
Emma, shemale, level 7 not implemented yet, $emm_level
Gabby, female, level 5 not implemented yet, $gab_level

The next set require random triggering by walking around the city. Or you could just go in and flip their levels from -1 to 5. Then they will become available to corrupt normally.

Samantha, female, all levels, $sam_level
Bella, female, all levels, $bel_level
Katty, ?, level 1 only, $kat_level
Madalyn, ?, level 1 only $mad_level
Mikky, female, all levels, $sec_level
Taty, ?, level 1 only, $tat_level
Yvonne, female, level 6 not implemented yet, $yvo_level

That leaves the four Kendra, Monica, Liam and Ginny whose level variables are set at -2. Kendra doesn't even appear in the app, but there's a missing spot in the 3rd row where they might be later. The other 3 are the ones on the bottom which don't have hyperlinks. Setting these to 5 doesn't do anything in this release.

And.... just to head this off at the pass... Here's a zip of a save to disk from this hacked playthrough just so you can go into gallery and happily fap without all of the grind this dev was expecting to extract out of you.
2.00 star(s) 14 Votes