Whether you find it pointless or not is irrelevant. You had MTL'd the game and then edited the mess by adding funneh jokes (at least thanks for being honest), therefore "Edited MTL" is the correct description of your work. The term "Fan Translation" is commonly associated with manual translations made by people who often spend months if not years carefully translating just a single game, relying solely on their knowledge of the Japanese language and maybe additional resources like jisho.org. I think their hard work should be acknowledged and appreciated and the least we can do is to make a very clear distinction between their work and MTL slop (edited, not edited, whatever).
Again, I've had people review my work, and happy to have someone who speaks Japanese do so again. MTL produces slop, but this doesn't mean it is wrong, just that's structured incorrectly. When it is wrong, it's usually wrong in one of two ways. Either it's wrong about something inconsequential, like an onomatopeia, or it's pretty obvious because the context around it breaks down quickly. In those cases, I can compare it to other sources, and I was happy to get some input from more knowledgeable people during the translation process as well. There is definitely a loss of nuance using machine output, though it's worth pointing out that these nuances could be missed by fluent translators as well. That nuance also needs to be there in the first place, needs to be purely textual, and needs to be understandable to an English audience anyways.
If I was doing a game that was complex enough that I couldn't trust the MTL, or one where I didn't have as much familiarity with the game, I'd agree with you, and say it was Edited MTL. This is just a really straightforward game, translated by a fan, as you wish with care and attention over a few months. It would have been longer if the game was.
I played this like a month ago from the translation thread and the translation was quite bad, has it changed much since then?
It is in Games not Translation because the translation is complete, so yes, it has changed quite a bit for the better.