This will be my first post here, even though i`ve been watching from the shadows for some time. However this game fully deserves it. Among the plethora of games on this site, many of them well made, but many of them lackluster, there are some which shine through creativity or experience (drawn from soul experience). If you read and play this game, immerse yourself in it, you will notice that heart and emotion was put behind it. There are not too many authors who respect themselves and their audience to put quality in their work, but would instead prefer a quick buck, or even better, scam that buck if they can. I played this game over a year ago and decided to check back on it`s developer...only to find out on it`s patreon, that he kinda went through hell (the posts are public). We are assuming here that what he says is true...if we read the energy behind his writing. From my point of view he has my respect, both as a human being and a creator of things (in this case games), and i wish him strength of character and determination to continue on this road.