
Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
Something about this AI is jank, or I just got a lot worse at Mahjong all of the sudden
It seems to go from almost impossible to win at first to almost impossible to lose once you get the cheats youself. That said, I have played Mahjong for exactly 1 day so maybe I just really suck.
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Aug 29, 2017
The bots definitely cheat, not as much as they do in high Yakuza tables, but they absolutely cheat
they 100% do they just throw out RON at randomly way too early way too often. They keep having perfect boards to fuck the player over every time. I am the only one ever to lose points. It's always my time that perfectly makes their shit happen. While I have a very limited understanding of this game the AI for this is cheating. I managed to get tons of points then proceeded to lose every subsequent round to still end up second place. Not sure why they would make a rigged game like this but oh well.
You need to know way too many things that I do not to play this game.
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Oct 22, 2020
I think this is it, after all these years trying, being puzzled over what the duck is happening in anime when the characters play it... I will finally learn mahjong but never be able to tell anybody how.


New Member
Nov 3, 2020
I swear these AI's got the best sets imaginable im trying to just get by on stage 1 and without any cheats every time i think i got something going i get destroyed:KEK: i gotta just be bad at mahjong or something because theres no way this game is this messed up


Jun 11, 2021
My time has come, all these years facing off against my family has prepared me for this moment. I will reign supreme, no way am i letting some ficitional fuckheads beat me in Mahjong
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May 14, 2018
Thanks for the upload!

I played this some time ago on the japanese version, but saw it now has full translation including UI so wanted to play again.

I don't recall it being too hard, considering I managed to beat it using google translate for the skill tree and learning the rules of Mahjong as I went along.


May 14, 2018
Any idea where this keeps saves? I wanted to check if my old save from Japanese version would work out of curiosity.

EDIT: Nvm, it just sees my old data. I'm going to start over anyway, especially since there is a gallery unlock switch, but I was curious.
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May 14, 2018
As a Mahjong noob, does someone know what it means when a certain tile is highlighted in blue?


Jul 27, 2023
Yea.. riichi differs from chinese mahjong in that you pretty much need to never eat otherwise you'll need to follow their special wildcard rulings, which does make the game alot harder if you don't happen to start with one of those wildcards early.

Fateful draw also draws cards based off your hand that aims towards a victory, so you can use it every single turn if you really want. Great if your hand is closed since any combination is valid, not so much if it's open since it may draw a card that won't be a valid winning move. If fateful draw leads to another riichi after the first, that means someone else has the card you need, so either toggle riichi and let it ride or switch your deck up.
The skill's actually ridiculous if you have an inkling of how to play mahjong. Just use it every turn, toss out the cards that aren't part of a set, ignore the riichi toggle when it occurs since this also indicates your next usage will automatically result in a tsumo. Use the riichi toggle if you need to know which card to throw out, just remember to untoggle it when you throw the card out.
Does completely take the challenge out of playing though.

Also a 3 way ron lol.
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Mar 4, 2020
As a Mahjong noob, does someone know what it means when a certain tile is highlighted in blue?
It shows Dora, if you have a Dora Tile it gives you 1000 points for each you have in your hand. The Dora Indicator is on the top left, if it shows for example an 8 Pin, the Dora is a 9 Pin. So normally the next in line, for Wind Tiles or Dragon Tiles its Different. For Wind its East - South - West - North - East . For Dragon its Red - White - Green - Red.

There can be multiple Dora Indicators for the Same Type making it worth 2 han for each you have. To get another Dora Indicator someone has to Kan, that means having 4 of the same tile and calling on that. Once you Kan and Discard a Tile the new Dora can be revealed.

As a last thing if you Riichi there is a Bonus for you Called Ura Dora, these are hidden and only revealed once the hand is won. The More Dora there are the more Ura Dora, if you are lucky you can increase your already good hand even more.


May 14, 2018
It shows Dora, if you have a Dora Tile it gives you 1000 points for each you have in your hand. The Dora Indicator is on the top left, if it shows for example an 8 Pin, the Dora is a 9 Pin. So normally the next in line, for Wind Tiles or Dragon Tiles its Different. For Wind its East - South - West - North - East . For Dragon its Red - White - Green - Red.

There can be multiple Dora Indicators for the Same Type making it worth 2 han for each you have. To get another Dora Indicator someone has to Kan, that means having 4 of the same tile and calling on that. Once you Kan and Discard a Tile the new Dora can be revealed.

As a last thing if you Riichi there is a Bonus for you Called Ura Dora, these are hidden and only revealed once the hand is won. The More Dora there are the more Ura Dora, if you are lucky you can increase your already good hand even more.
Thanks. I noticed the relation with the thing in top left, but wasn't fully sure what that means.

While we are at it, could you help me with the few skills that aren't clear?
I get Fateful Draw (though I wonder what the extent on it is. Does it only do anything if you could get a Tsumo...).

My main issue are the passives.
Shuntsu says it increases change of sequential tiles, so I assume if you have 1-2- it increases chance of 3, that's fine.
Toitsu says it increases chance of pair tiles. Does the "toitsu" imply anything if this might be only for pairs or if it should work once you have 2-2- to give another 2?
Now, Taatsu doesn't say what the Taatsu tiles are. Googling says those are incomplete triplets (so like 1-2- is a taatsu?). Any idea if this would mean it increases chances of getting a 2 when you have a 1, or if it means chances of 3 if you have 1-2- (but then what would Shuntsu be? Maybe shuntsu is for 1-> 2).
And Ankou is just mysterious. What does "concealed triplets" mean? Do you think it might mean increasing chances of getting the tile for Kan if you already have three?

To be clear, I'm hoping you can figure something out from the names of those, since obviously neither of us can know what the game actually does internally.


Mar 4, 2020
Well i only used Fateful Draw before i Riichi to get an Easy Win, also the Extra Points for Ippatsu (getting your Winning Tile in one Table Rotation). I dont know if it would influence your other draws tho.

With Toitsu i think it refers to your Starting hand already having a Pair considering how frustrating it would be to just get pairs.

Taatsu means when you already have 2 number tiles waiting on a Sequence, so like you said 1-2 waiting on a 3, or 4-6 waiting on a 5. Shuntsu means that Sequence is finished, meaning you already have 1-2-3 or 4-5-6, it even has different names for it being closed or open.

Now for Ankou i didnt find anything, but yes it has something to do with concealed triplets. For example there is a Yakuman hand that if you have 4 concealed Triplets its called Suu Ankou. That hand only being worth Yakuman if you have that hand fully closed, meaning you have to draw every tile yourself. Even the winning tile. There is also San Kantsu being the same setup but with 4 Kans but there it can be fully open.
Thanks. I noticed the relation with the thing in top left, but wasn't fully sure what that means.

While we are at it, could you help me with the few skills that aren't clear?
I get Fateful Draw (though I wonder what the extent on it is. Does it only do anything if you could get a Tsumo...).

My main issue are the passives.
Shuntsu says it increases change of sequential tiles, so I assume if you have 1-2- it increases chance of 3, that's fine.
Toitsu says it increases chance of pair tiles. Does the "toitsu" imply anything if this might be only for pairs or if it should work once you have 2-2- to give another 2?
Now, Taatsu doesn't say what the Taatsu tiles are. Googling says those are incomplete triplets (so like 1-2- is a taatsu?). Any idea if this would mean it increases chances of getting a 2 when you have a 1, or if it means chances of 3 if you have 1-2- (but then what would Shuntsu be? Maybe shuntsu is for 1-> 2).
And Ankou is just mysterious. What does "concealed triplets" mean? Do you think it might mean increasing chances of getting the tile for Kan if you already have three?

To be clear, I'm hoping you can figure something out from the names of those, since obviously neither of us can know what the game actually does internally.


May 14, 2018
Well i only used Fateful Draw before i Riichi to get an Easy Win, also the Extra Points for Ippatsu (getting your Winning Tile in one Table Rotation). I dont know if it would influence your other draws tho.

With Toitsu i think it refers to your Starting hand already having a Pair considering how frustrating it would be to just get pairs.

Taatsu means when you already have 2 number tiles waiting on a Sequence, so like you said 1-2 waiting on a 3, or 4-6 waiting on a 5. Shuntsu means that Sequence is finished, meaning you already have 1-2-3 or 4-5-6, it even has different names for it being closed or open.

Now for Ankou i didnt find anything, but yes it has something to do with concealed triplets. For example there is a Yakuman hand that if you have 4 concealed Triplets its called Suu Ankou. That hand only being worth Yakuman if you have that hand fully closed, meaning you have to draw every tile yourself. Even the winning tile. There is also San Kantsu being the same setup but with 4 Kans but there it can be fully open.
Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe those apply to opening hand specifically? Giving you odds to start with a given configuration? I guess it's simply not clear from the description.

Using Fateful Draw before Riichi makes sense. Also the ones that lower you losses/increase winnings are neat since they don't get "used up" if you don't win/lose a given round, only when they actually apply.

I wonder how good the rest is...
Blocking a Ron once sounds very corner-case.
Stagnation I have absolutely no idea. Does your experience tell you how useful that would be?
And seeing enemy tiles - I'm not sure how abusable this is. You can see how close they are to completing their hand, but other than that?


May 14, 2018
Damn, if I understand correctly to get the true good ending you need to win without cheating. Good luck with that I guess? It's also not clear what counts. Perhaps just having clear skill tree for last game would be enough?


May 14, 2018
Damn it, I don't even know how to play Mahjong lol
It's not *that* bad if you google a bit. Hardest part it's Riichi Mahjong so if you don't know any yaku you are best off just trying to build a hand without snatching any tiles from other players (since that's a yaku in itself, or something like that).

I managed to win the game (although with the skills, so cheating ending) while having no prior Mahjong experience other than some very, very general concepts.
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