Dude? You need MORE to get the girls to load the way your
SUPER AMAZING snaps show her. This is what she looks like on a fresh R10--without that infernal Hanmen skin shader--and two more two mods its missing. Can you provide those zipmods in a MEGA link--AS WELL as an actual screenshot of how she looks on your machine? Thanks D!
View attachment 1967653
Ok, I'm procrastinating about those Blueprints rn... I fiddled with that amazing nurse of Daggoth's and make her so she no longer needs that Hanmen skin, or the shoes. I'm not sure what the rq m1 is but in any case, here's the card that came out--after trying to play with the lighting to get her more like your screensnaps:
View attachment 1967696
And here's the card if yas wanna try her out...
View attachment 1967697
All credit to Daggoth!!
I just so hate it when our cards are loaded by people and there's something missing. AHHHH!!