I haven't played these two games can you tell me what's the difference? both graphically and also the playability?
AI Shoujo/AI Girl between this and this
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For playability if you arent just looking to fap AIS hands down.
AIS Has exploration and a tomagochi-esque waifu hunger/cold/sex management element with scavenging materials and a somewhat clunky/yet with mods potentially fantastic house/base building system. Even a tiered tool system for gathering more things. Personally I like it a ton and was addicted to just playing it instead of just H. However it lacks Free-H, and idk why they seemed to have dropped doing a DLC. It's actually a title I went and bought. It runs smooth even on a 8 year old so-so laptop. One of the few illusion games where the overworld map doesnt screech to a halt every step you take. For some reason a lot dont care for it, but I kind of had fun with actually playing it. An illusion title where you can have fun for more than the succ.
Think illusion custom waifu H-game meets somewhat clunky building system (its a total chore to get a house where you want a room's ceiling to be two stories up without bad clipping) meets tomagachi. Also there's equipable perk items which have effects too. Its the most deep title since AA2, sadly people wanting Free-H hurts it for them.
HS2 allows you to use the cards from AIS and is basically Honey Select (if you played it) but prettier. Not much really all that different aside less sex positions than HS1 does. It's also not too bad for performance.
HS2 is legit just load your waifu cards/make your own, add them into the hotel groups, then start fucking. There's some stuff you can unlock but most of them worth anything take a few sessions worth of "achievement" points to unlock and not much more. I'm sure there's 100% saves all over the thread if you dont want to bother. Mods of course will add the variety, but the gameplay is totally the same.