Thank you very much for your responses. Your acknowledgment and efforts towards addressing issues is greatly appreciated.
You know, for a couple of months now I'm on different forums with my game asking for feedback and so on with almost no responds. Its like talking to a wall. Someone told me I should come here and I didn't think it would be in anyway different. But it is. I appreciate all the feedback even if its just to tell me I do a bad job or making fun about a picture or anything like that. At least I know what I have to change to make the game better.
Anyway here is the interesting stuff an update on the things you asked about:
Resolution: Your right, the resolution settings was not working correctly. A writting mystake I made in the command. Should be corrected in the upcomming fix. I still have problems with your native resolution. I'm asking around in the unreal engine 4 forums for a solution. I don't think this should be an uncommon problem. However so far no answer. Because I want to offer you a fix in the upcomming days (maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow) I also added windowed modes for different kind of resolutions.
After doing some testing the best results i got was choosing lower resolutions then your native one in windowed mode. This is however hopefully only a temporary fix.
Loading screen: Good news I changed it.
Google told me that a darker, brownish red is good for the eyes and I added some of the illustrations. Again only temporary but I hope I can avoid more war crimes with that change.
Sound Volume: So I turned down the background music. Right now I can't offer the player a master volume setting to turn it down manually and I'm also not sure if it is worth to set something up. The music is so loud because the game has at the moment no other sound effects. Sorry, work in progress...
In other words except you really like the copyright free music you won't miss to much if you play without sound.
Other changes will take more time. Absolutly everything about the intro and tutorial section. To make some hasty changes or fixes there won't really help much. I will taking my time improving this parts of the game.
Thank you and Happy New Year everyone.