Hello everyone.
I'm sorry this will be a longer post. I know some ppl don't like it when I fill the thread with too much informations about the game and want to keep it clean. In future I will limit my posts on New Releases and interaction with you guys and will provide links to public posts on my patreon for other informations and updates. However because this here are important informations and it is a while since the last update of the public version I decided to post the complete post. If you don't like it for this one time just ignore the post.
Because of a lack of updates I wanted to give you here a big junk of new informations about Immature Commander to show you that I work everyday on the project not only to add new content but also improve already existing aspects of the game.
What I understand under renovation is a (almost) complete overhaul of the game in an effort to listen to your feedback and create the best game possible that hopefully can be enjoyed by many.
The renovation was actually planned to start after V1.10 was out. However I realized that it was better to do some new additions to the game already in an improved form instead of doing them outdated and have to change everything later. Most of this changes affect the interface and I will talk about them in the last section of this longer post.
In other words the renovation already started to a certain degree but really starts after V1.10 is out because V1.10 will be an important update. The Renovation will be a slow step by step progress for two reasons: Main focus will still be on creating new content and because I want to avoid a half-assed paint job I will take my time with it to do the best possible job.
I learned alot about game developement and the tools I use while working on this project and I'm spending extra time to learn new tools and better ways to solve different problems. All this new knowledge will of course go into the renovation of the game. There is however only so much I can do at once and I have to ask you to be patience with this project. Every kind of support is extremly appreciated. Not only my amazing patrons but also everyone that takes the time to send me a feedback, showing me flaws in the gamedesign and telling me about bugs I missed. This is really helpfull! If you want to help further without having to spend money as game tester or editor please contact me. Thank you everyone.
So after all this here are the most important bulletpoints of the Renovation:
- Better Saving and Loading Options. Save up to 16 Slots for different playtroughts or the same. Overwritting now possible and loading different saves in game possible. (Already implemented and will be feetured in the next update)
- Improved Interface (design and functionality)
- Main Menu replaced with less complicated widgets that can be accessed from World Maps without extra loading screens.
- Split tutorial sections: Essentials and controls In-Game and further informations can be found in a Guidebook
- New Clothing Textures and Materials: Includes standard textures, texture patterns, Slimed and Wet Textures, Damaged clothe textures and a better system for changing colors.
- New and more realistic clothing physics
- Improved Character physics, armature and animations, new custom hair Textures and new pubic hair textures
- New World assets and more detailed World Maps
- Improved Cutscenes and Dialogues.
- Better camera controls in combat and in interaction mode
- Smoother and less klunky combat
- General Graphic Update ( but don't expect nextgen graphics please)
- More Changable Graphic and other Game Settings plus possibility to save this changes.
- More and better player controls in World, Combat and Interaction Mode
- and other things I'm forgetting right now or will come up while working on the renovation
I will keep you updated about the renovations and give you more detailes as soon as it affects the game. I will try to also comunicate gameplay changes directly in game.
Here are the changes that will be included in the next update:
Save and Load:
Its now possible to save the game to up to 16 different Slots. You can create different playtroughts or easily save the game in different back up slots or overwrite existing Save Files.
You will find the save files under Immature_Commander > Saved > Save Games
The name of your saves are ICsaveXX.save (XX stands for Slot number). You can copy and paste this files without problems to newer Versions of the game as long as you don't change the names ( it should be possible to change the number as long as it is not higher then 16 or less than 01 and a 0 has to stand before a single digit)
It is also still possible to use the manual save option in game I added because of bug problems.
Preferences.save is a new Save file that will be immediatly created after starting the game first time. Graphic, Screen Settings and other things will be saved here and it also helps with other tasks.
TestGameSav.save can be ignored. Nothing that is important to you or your playtrought will be saved here.
Main Menu:
The Main Menu will be replaced with simpler widgets that can be accessed from the world maps. This means no more extra loading screens and easier navigations. The Main menu can still be accessed by pressing "M" until tutorial sections in the game regarding the Main Menu will be updated. However I wont do any updates regarding the main menu and I recommend to use the replacements.
Achievements will be replaced with Guild Quest. You can however keep all reward you earned from the list.
New Hotkey List:
The new hotkey list will in the next update replace teh shortcut list and appear on the left side of your screen on the World HUD. This is also a little preview for the interface changes I have in mind. Simple buttons with Text will be replaced with similar Icons you see here and a infotext that pops up when you hover over it with the mouse.
Icons from top to bottom:
Book-Icon: Guide Book, Hotkey "G"
The Commanders Guide Book (Credits for the idea to arelor) will store all important informations about the game, gameplay, story, Side-Quests and more and can be easily accessed in the world maps to get further informations. The book will be updated by progressing in the game. Right now the Guidebook may miss alot of informations. I will udate it for the book for every new content added to the game and old informations will be updated during the renovation.
The Guidbook will hopefully be the go to place if you need help or extra informations.
Here is a short list about the planned content. Its possible that some content may be added or changed during the developement.
- Tutorials: A big complain I got are the heavy tutorial sections and the long blocks of texts of informations you encounter in game. I understand this complain. From now on (and after the renovation also for the already existing tutorials) I will only do essential Informations and controls directly in game. More detailed informations will be updated in the Guidebook.
You will get a Notification if the book is updated:
You can choose between open up the informations in the Guidebook and read them or skip it and move along with the game. I hope this will be a good balance for players who just want to expiriance the games and others that need more informations.
- Mallen Informations: You will find here different stats about Mallen his titles, equipement and things like that.
- Female Characters: Like with Mallen you will find here all informations and stats about your female party members
- Quests: This will be a log of all your Side-Quests finished and not finished. The idea here is to give you informations about started quests to get you back on track without spoiling secrets or anything like that and to provide you an overview of side content you can do while desperately waiting for the next Update of the Game. Lol
Quests included her are: Tavern-Quests, Guild-Quests, Shop-Quests and Quests trough World Encounters. Only Quests you started can be found here. Again to not spoil any secrets absolutly for Quests trough world Encounter.
Not included is the Main story Progression because that is mostly straight forward and story information can be read in the world information section.
- Bestiary: Informations about monsters you have encountered their weaknesses and strengths and other details that can help you beat them.
- World Informations: This is more about the Lore of the Story and the story itself. information about historical events, important characters and so on.
- Statistics: For everyone that likes statistics
Wrench Icon:
Game Options Hotkey "O"
For saving, loading and exiting the game and graphic and screen settings
Graphic and screen settings will be saved now. More or less the same options as before. More settings will be added.
Potion Icon: Hotkey "U"
Leads you to the item list. The Item List is the same as before but will also be updated during the renovation.
Heart Icon: Hotkey "I"
For starting the Interaction Mode. Also no other changes here. I will add the list of the Attribute Levels for Mallen and the selected character, maybe a chance to select an other character befor starting the interaction Mode
Female Potrait Icon: Hotkey "C" Toggle "Num 0"
For the moment when you finally have more characters in your party then only Naris. With "C" or pressing on the Icon you will open up a list with Num 0 you can toggle between characters.
Wardrobe Icon Hotkey "Num 2"
Will open up the customisation options. Also the customisation interface will get a new face during the renovation.
Shield-Icon Hotkey "X" Toggle On/Off "Num 1"
Will be available as soon as you get your first armor part for Naris. Armor can only be weared in dungeons will boost your defence in combat however hinder you to do any EcchiCommands or EcchiSkills. Will be taken off automaticly if you enter a town or start interaction mode.
Necktie Icon Hotkey "Num 3"
For setting up Mallens Equiepment (Outfit, Accessoire)
NCS Icon Hotkey "N"
NCS stands for Non-Combat-Skills. Here you will find informations about your Skills or you can directly interact with items in your inventory with the help of your skills.
I wanted give you some more informations. But this are the most important changes and other suff is mostly still in testing. So I don't want to stretch this post any longer and will keep you updated in the future.
Again sorry for the long post