Rant: Ignore if you get triggered by those.
Sad to learn that the dev went backwards to, what I would call, an inferior product - Personal Trainer. I really hope that In a Scent does not get put into the garbage with all of the other abandoned games with amazing potential.
I know many of these artists need support in order to finish, I just wish there was a better way to guarantee funding and results this way both the devs and supporters get what they want. I have supported many of these games and I just won't do it anymore. Far to many are money grabs or the dev is "no longer inspired" by that project. I will never say that a dev's responsibility is to their supporters over family/friends. That being said the bad apples have spoiled the bunch for me and while from what I can tell, this dev seems genuine. But how can anyone trust that? Why would anyone support them in this manner if they ghost the product that their supporters really wanted. In reality, if the dev had never started In a Scent and just went directly to finishing Personal Trainer, that would have shown that the dev has the ability to focus and finish 1 product from beginning to end without getting distracted with the "shiney new thing". It would not surprise me if the dev decides to scrap it and create a brand new project. All I know is that if I did support In a Scent from the beginning, I would have stopped supporting a long time ago.
End Rant
I wish this dev well. I mean no harm/ill will by my rant.