- Sep 6, 2020
- 94
- 176
I am a calm person, but I am not a saint and my patience has a human limit. Why insist in bothering me, I don't change my mind period. All this bad critics for what? If many of you users that don't follow nether play my game because it haven't sexual content, what's the point in all of this? What do you want to obtain? Please move on, there is many of porn game in this forum ready to satisfy your desire to fap.
Who has said that this forum is only for sex content? Who has said that this forum is a "Jolly roger" lair? I've been here recently but what I have seen only a big group of capable graphic and 3D creator, developer and people who share a common interest for erotic content.
I strongly believe that if my favorite big 10 developer, will stop to implement sexual content in their games, they will always have a lot of supporters despite the absence of sex; because their story BREAKS ROCKS! And are so much fun, enjoyable and full of eros.
I consider myself a mentally ill person but reading certain comments I have to change my mind about myself; I feel like I'm dealing with hopeless porn addicted people. You all must die if you don't have your daily dose of fap? I am 41 MGTOW not a kid but here I see only a bunch of spoiled little girl who scream and cry if they don't have their expensive cosmetics.
Is Doujin illegal perhaps? Is Cosplay illegal perhaps? Is subtitle japanese animation illegal perhaps? Is make love with a cyber waifu is illegal perhaps? Is painting a teenager on canvas illegal perhaps? Is "David di Donatello" illegal perhaps? It's always the same story..does't change nothing.
Toother e-girls, they are illegal because they steal your money for nothing, not me.
I have an utopian goal with my game, achieve the big 10 ranking developer like Braindrop, Killer7, Neverlucky, Galcerose, F.Lord, Runey, Sir Dammed, Bad Memories and Westy (despite the fact that I don't consider him a good person, but this is only my personal opinion).
It need much effort, sacrifice and spirit of self-denial and i will do it because I enjoy in create VN content, I enjoy playing it and I enjoy this fantastic forum. I am perhaps wrong?
That said if you like my game and enjoy it your are welcome; if you don't like it does not matter i'll survive anyway; life goes on. Please abstain yourselves from sterile comment, life is too short for that shit. I and you all don't needed that.
Who has said that this forum is only for sex content? Who has said that this forum is a "Jolly roger" lair? I've been here recently but what I have seen only a big group of capable graphic and 3D creator, developer and people who share a common interest for erotic content.
I strongly believe that if my favorite big 10 developer, will stop to implement sexual content in their games, they will always have a lot of supporters despite the absence of sex; because their story BREAKS ROCKS! And are so much fun, enjoyable and full of eros.
I consider myself a mentally ill person but reading certain comments I have to change my mind about myself; I feel like I'm dealing with hopeless porn addicted people. You all must die if you don't have your daily dose of fap? I am 41 MGTOW not a kid but here I see only a bunch of spoiled little girl who scream and cry if they don't have their expensive cosmetics.
Is Doujin illegal perhaps? Is Cosplay illegal perhaps? Is subtitle japanese animation illegal perhaps? Is make love with a cyber waifu is illegal perhaps? Is painting a teenager on canvas illegal perhaps? Is "David di Donatello" illegal perhaps? It's always the same story..does't change nothing.
Toother e-girls, they are illegal because they steal your money for nothing, not me.
I have an utopian goal with my game, achieve the big 10 ranking developer like Braindrop, Killer7, Neverlucky, Galcerose, F.Lord, Runey, Sir Dammed, Bad Memories and Westy (despite the fact that I don't consider him a good person, but this is only my personal opinion).
It need much effort, sacrifice and spirit of self-denial and i will do it because I enjoy in create VN content, I enjoy playing it and I enjoy this fantastic forum. I am perhaps wrong?
That said if you like my game and enjoy it your are welcome; if you don't like it does not matter i'll survive anyway; life goes on. Please abstain yourselves from sterile comment, life is too short for that shit. I and you all don't needed that.