Ren'Py Abandoned In Another World with My Smartphone... Are We Serious? [Ch. 5Part2] [Bomba33]

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New Member
Oct 29, 2017
What are tou talking about? Are you serious? Yes is a predominantly EROS forum (with some too much bad porn games for my taste) so where is the problem?. What i have expect? Maybe nothing, maybe pass ignored by all the users. Not be isulted for nothing.
I have first a mental issue but a screaming and crying porn addicted person how would you define it? Please tell me.
Last but not last I rellally don't care in climb a career here; I am not here for money or succes, maybe for the fame but this is another personal thing.
So if you will continue in yours delusions from lack of porn...well good luck in your pity life, I don't care.
As I have written I will continue on my way, whether you agree or not . It will be the responsibility of the administrators to punish me if in some way I'll break the rule 7.
I'll continue on writing my own story not only for me but even for those few who follow me and appreciate my work, period.
Yes, I am serious. When you conduct yourself in such a fashion it causes others to think less of you. You decided to start calling people porn addicts and delusional for giving you advice and you just expected people to accept that from you with no recourse? You're not being insulted for nothing, but instead for showing a lack of common sense in how to conduct yourself in your responses. Also, your "Do you have a straw tail?" question is irrelevant here since no one here but yourself has a guilty conscience apparently. People have been straightforward with you and gave you advice but you turn around and just say to them "I don't want to do that" when you already stated you planned to. Do you understand now?


Mar 6, 2018
Piece of advice for the creator; If you feel like you are repeating yourself in your responses sometimes it's better to just not respond to those people or at least to those specific points you have already covered. Not only is it a waste of time since you already gave an answer, but it's also only going to incite them more and give them more chances to find fault with you or what you are saying. Also it's not healthy for you if you spend too much time on it. It's fine to try and cater to the players to some extent. But I think in the end the best games are the ones the creator wants to make, not the game they were forced to make.

That aside, good luck with the game. Though I probably won't play it unless it's making fun of the characters (I hated the characters in that show). I only popped in this thread purely out of curiosity and boredom.


May 3, 2018
A word of advice on copyright: The work has to be transformative enough that similarities are for referential purposes to the original work. Making a game based on an existing property and changing nothing is not transformative. You're taking an existing concept, story, etc and putting in on another platform. That's it. I love Honkai Impact 3rd, but I can't just lift the models from the game, slap together a shoddy anime from clips and shit, and call it a "parody." It doesn't matter if I make a profit or not. I'm taking credit for doing to an existing property what it was not intended for, without the author's permission. If that concept escapes you, Dev, then you deserve to get sued out the ass.

On loli content: Hilariously, the UN tried to insist Japan criminalizes sexual violence against women in their media. One could presume the same applies to loli content, given dlsite has its fair share, and then some. In terms of encouraging op to produce such content and "adjust the ages", I can't recommend it. Especially if he ends up going to court (which is likely, given his attitude), that's just additional fodder for the lawyers. The dev could work it into a patch and then share that patch, but that doesn't get him out of the pile of shit he'd be in already for staying the course on this game.

On "Porn Addicts": Currently, we're all stressed beyond merit. Those of us who have an excuse to get outside (job, front-line workers, etc) I would hazard to call fortunate on the basis that they live with the fear of what could happen, amplified by the power of 1,000,000 angry Ivan's. I've read the posts, actually fucking read them (unlike some sycophant in this thread. Don't worry, this is the only acknowledgement you'll ever achieve from me), and while I disagree with the vitriol slung the dev's way, I can't even shame those people. I get it. You're stressed, and feeling attacked.

Problem is, you're supposed to set a standard not just for your content, but yourself, as well. Your messaging is bad in terms of whether or not adult content is on the table, if it will be you providing it, and if it will even be available to interested parties. Obviously, my investment is nil in this shit. It's a bad joke of a rip-off for a generic isekai that only low-functioning weebs enjoyed. I've seen Re:Zero, guys. Shit is just Higurashi in Another World. Fuck outta here with this low-effort "I got sent to another world except truck-kun didn't crush my cellphone hurr hurr hurr!" Standards, people.

Where was I..? Right. The other thing is, for all intents and purposes, with respect to what OVER 9000!?!?!?! pages of content would verify in this section alone, this is very much a porn site. A porn site doesn't need to exclusively host porn to retain that identity. It's what is at the core of their identity that matters and, as many have already pointed out, this is a porn piracy site. You can't come here and unanimously declare it is not when the community has deemed it as much. You are not judge, jury, and executioner.

As for your shitty attitude (because that is exactly what it is), you are a goddamn developer trying to pitch your "game" to people you clearly want the attention of. Rather than this passive-aggressive "either you play it or you don't" bullshit, how about having some humility and acknowledging that these people want one form of content, and if you can't even cater to that with a patch, then maybe you're failing to appeal to your intended audience and should re-evaluate how you approach this project? Y'know, rather than these outbursts that do nothing except taint the image of you and your projects, however many you may attempt in the future?

You can claim that we're all Human and have our limits, but that's an excuse. My time on here has not been long, but I have learned over the years to step away if something bothers me, lest I go picking fights. Not always, and especially against overwhelming levels of stupid that should not be possible with current year amounts of access to the internet, but here we are. Someone with a temper such as mine, I've learned when I'm past my "breaking point" and need to step away before walls are smashed and necks are snapped. If you can consciously acknowledge that in yourself, then perhaps rather than go out on a limb attacking the users of a forum, you ought to step away, take a breather, (watch an actually good series, may I recommend Higurashi?) and, if shit still makes your blood boil when you come back, just ignore it? I do.

On this entire affair: While I personally have no interest in calling the feds (especially on some dude who clearly deserves little more than a slap on the wrist for being so ignorant of copyright laws), I would recommend the dev take a huge step back, re-evaluate everything about this project and their attitude in general, play some bad porn games (Vanja shout-outs allowed, guys?), watch some better isekai (Seriously, Re:Zero is just Isekai Higurashi and that's what makes it so fun), and I dunno, wait out this 2020 victory lap? Maybe, when you do have a concept that isn't lifted off another property, come back and wow us. Shove it in our faces, and get your well-deserved praises when you have a good project and an awesome attitude, to boot!

Just... don't continue down this path. It doesn't do you well, ever.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
A word of advice on copyright: ...
I was going to give you a reasonable response since at least your points on copyright seemed good, and you might have had something else to contribute, but then I got to the bits about sycophants, calling people weebs, and then saying, probably with a straight face, that you think attacking forum users is bad form.

I couldn't stop laughing long enough to respond.


Sep 6, 2020
>picture shows characters of questionable age
>incest, loli

there's special place in hell for people who do stuff like this
and they are forced to play games with MTL for eternity
Oh, I had hope that was a special place in Hell to do stuff with sexy demon girl...what a pity. I'm joking. I really hope to reach fast as I can a point in the story when i can implement some sorta of things, but not here in this forum. If you are really interested I can keep you updated as I am doing with other users.


Sep 6, 2020
I was gonna be like "wtf where are the catgirls!?" and then i realized that was Death March.
Humm...not quite true. In the animation of "Isekai smartphone to tomo ni" there are beast races. I only found cat girl and fox girl asset to daz for free; I don't know if I will can implemented in my game but I will try to do everything possible. If not...well...I apologize in advance.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
Oh, I had hope too much text lol
no need to keep me updated anon i am noone important here
but let me give you an advice
it's actually an advice for all devs
You are making a game for Coomers
this means that you should include at least one small tiny scene/poster/whatever that would make us Cooom
if you won't do that we quickly forget that game/artist exists because we don't have this instant gratification (cooom)
this happen because we (Coomers) are wired that way from constant (and almost instant) cooming, because we have access to too much (and too degenerated) porn
this means that you actually need to include one small scene so we (Coomers) remember your work and cooome back for more thus giving you attention (and hopefully money)
in other words think about this like drug dealing
and for an example find "Malise and the machine" game on our forum, this game is perfect example, it came, we coom to few included scenes, we remember and want moar

also who says that you need to write this story from beginning ? pick a point in middle of game, some side quest, maybe something wholesome, maybe something interesting you really don't have to write everything from beginning
edit: just remember to piece it back together in a way so it has arms and legs
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Aug 10, 2017
Humm...not quite true. In the animation of "Isekai smartphone to tomo ni" there are beast races. I only found cat girl and fox girl asset to daz for free; I don't know if I will can implemented in my game but I will try to do everything possible. If not...well...I apologize in advance.
Yeah there were beast-kin races in the manga/anime but not in the MC's party (at least in the anime)


Jul 11, 2020
Listen, don't take it badly but you still haven't figured that maybe I don't want to change the age of my character? Maybe I don't want to implement sex content in my game?
If I have to obey to all nonsense of the users in the previous posts, the game will not be anymore a parody of "Isekai wa smartphone to tomo ni" but a squalid parody of "Rocco Siffredi goes to another world and bangs all the chicks with his gun".
If is that all the [addict] users want, maybe it's time for them all to make their own F porn game and stop bothering me; so then we can talk about it again.
Please rethink of your "genuine" advice bacause to me it looks like an imposition. Peace.
...I'm sorry if you misread my original post. You said that you didn't want to make characters ages custom because it seemed too difficult/complicated. I presented an answer to that. I in no way meant to pressure you into including sexual content or custom character ages. I only, from one aspiring dev to another, wanted to show you that there are sources you can go to when you have problems with renpy code. That is all.
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Sep 6, 2020
...I'm sorry if you misread my original post. You said that you didn't want to make characters ages custom because it seemed too difficult/complicated. I presented an answer to that. I in no way meant to pressure you into including sexual content or custom character ages. I only, from one aspiring dev to another, wanted to show you that there are sources you can go to when you have problems with renpy code. That is all.
Yeah, I need to apologize too; I've been too rude not only with you.
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Sep 6, 2020
Shit, shit, shit and more shit...I am so stupid sometimes. I have forgotten to turn off the CPU in rendering!


Sep 6, 2020
Most likely dev accidentally set his scene to render using the cpu instead of gpu. Gpu renders are generally MUCH faster.
Yeah...after reading some advice from other thread I've done a test without the CPU. The result was astonishing. Why I must to learn always in the hard way? Sigh!
Now with the implemantation of denoiser and the fact that I have learned how to use the shader I am very thrilled to use DAZ. The only limit that I have is only my own immagination...for a creator this is heaven! Literally!


Redone an image that I don't like too. Much better in half of the time. What do you think?
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Sep 6, 2020
169 1080! This is what I call an F render, done in 30 minutes! 30 freaking minutes not 2 hours! I am so exited!
Sorry to bother all of you with my delusional delusions, but I am feeling like a child in a candy store in this exactly moment!
Now my plan to finish the 3rd chapter to the end of this month is not only a dream!
However, I cannot guarantee one hour of gameplay but...f---k! This is so awesome!

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ben akeba

Active Member
May 9, 2018
912 1080! This is what I call an F render, done in 30 minutes! 30 freaking minutes not 2 hours! I am so exited!
Sorry to bother all of you with my delusional delusions, but I am feeling like a child in a candy store in this exactly moment!
Now my plan to finish the 3rd chapter to the end of this month is not only a dream!
However, I cannot guarantee one hour of gameplay but...f---k! This is so awesome!

View attachment 986684
a man learn of his mistake and a wise from those of others they say, don't get over exited with your discovery and try things for fun or you'll burn youtself out and end up doing less of your project that you hoped
totaly happenned to me at my beginning on rpgm a couple year ago ^^ i still used the sidetracked work but people was disapointed for my tardiness T_T (i only use hand draw pic and i don't do h or ero so i don't know shit about rendering :S still know a lot about getting sidetracked, ever wondered what happen to those crab that eat coconuts in winter ?
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Sep 6, 2020
a man learn of his mistake and a wise from those of others they say, don't get over exited with your discovery and try things for fun or you'll burn youtself out and end up doing less of your project that you hoped
totaly happenned to me at my beginning on rpgm a couple year ago ^^ i still used the sidetracked work but people was disapointed for my tardiness T_T (i only use hand draw pic and i don't do h or ero so i don't know shit about rendering :S still know a lot about getting sidetracked, ever wondered what happen to those crab that eat coconuts in winter ?
Oh, shit; I now that my word meanings nothing to you but I am very sorry for you and your project. That situation is not funny and I know. Many years ago I had dream to create my own manga, but lazyness and too much work for a single person they made me give up. At that time I didn't use a computer, only the old school style: paper, rubber, pencil an ink. Now I have a big issue with my eyes and consequently it is very difficult to me drawing something. With DAZ and Render is much more way easily now. (and enjoyable).
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4.30 star(s) 3 Votes