Beat Night 12* and I got a good grasp. The issue does come down to RNG however and from time to time, the characters need to touch the glass to attack you, like Bonnie and Chica of FNaF.
Sammy the Ringmaster(Tiger): Basic FNaF character that randomly shows up in different rooms. Can instantly teleport from the opposite end of the map to 'distract' you in the office by blocking all interactions until you spin the camera to confuse her and make her go away. This mechanic can be a problem as if another character at the door/window when she distracts you, they can still attack you while you deal with Sammy.
EDIT: The Phone guy says she might steal something from your office and I assume that is from the Staring Contest minigame she imposes on you but she doesn't steal from my testing, just blocks your use of the doors, stress toy, and Poppi's Bombs while you try to spin to win.
UPDATE(20/10/2024): I noticed I recovered 30% Sanity when you chase Sammy off. Nice.
Poppi the Clown(Bunny): Similar to Sammy in behavior but more aggressive. She is currently the only character with multiple Catch animations (Hammer or Bomb). From time to time, she will hang a bomb down from the vent above you, requiring you to click and hold until it is gone.
Nile the Queen(Cat): Like Sammy and Poppi, Nile will wander around the building. From time to time, a large heart will appear above her head, failing to fill the heart by looking at her through the camera by swapping cameras will disable that room's camera until you repair it. She can get some cameras from several rooms away.
UPDATE(20/10/2024): Due to the removal of 'repairing' cameras, if she breaks one, you are down a camera for the night, sadly she appears in nearly every required room so you'll need to spend that long second staring at her and pray nothing jumps you.
Ari the Maid(Wolf): She starts appearing on Level/Night 4, acting as Sanity guard. Even if she appears by the door, she won't attack you unless she is around while you have low sanity (seems to be 15% or lower, perhaps 0%). From time to time, she'll force open the right door for a moment before leaving, when she does this, the girls can not attack until she leaves. You are safe to keep the doors open around her to help with sanity, just watch for the others...
UPDATE(20/10/2024): For obvious reasons, she doesn't appear on Night 12. While this means you don't instantly lose with low Sanity, it still means camera and interacts will take a Presidential Term to load up while you go nuts.
Maddie the Cook (Bear/Dog/Boobs): She is the only character that doesn't attack the player and starts to be a problem on Night 5. What she does is block a room's camera with her body and open/block the right door open for the girls to attack you, the only way to deal with her is by triggering the microwave. While it has yet to happen to me, a comment mentioned that frequent use of the Microwave will break it so try and prioritize her cameras for last if possible when fixing things but always trigger the microwave when she blocks the right door. If that thing breaks, you are basically screwed if she decides to take up your door instead of a camera.
UPDATE(20/10/2024): Seems like her AI is more... aggressive but from my recent playing, she rarely blocks doors unless it's near the end of the night. Every night since Night 6, she always blocks the right door after 6, usually when the Microwave broke.
Misty the DJ(Shark): Misty is never on the cameras and is behind the locked door to the direct left of the office. Using the Stress Toy 10 times in a row will trigger her, causing her to attack from the right side.(Should be noted that the game is VERY generous with Stress Toy usage, you'd have to spam it to trigger Misty). If the door is closed, she will bang on it for a second before returning to her room, forcing you into a precarious situation between Ari and her. I've seen her active as early as Night 2. There is a pixel perfect moment where you can trigger the old 'Misty prying the door open' animation, I had it happen once by accident and am under the impression that you could possibly stop her if you push on the door or... something?
EDIT: In the NSFW Update, she got buffed to have her door open randomly during the night, which makes her more responsive to the Stress Toy (about 5 uses can trigger her instead of 10) making her more of a threat but she is still negated by the Left Door's existence unless Maddie is blocking it.
UPDATE(20/10/2024): Due to how Sanity slows you down heavily(a new development to me), Misty is a bit more of a problem but spacing each squeeze of the toy and keeping her door close should minimize her presence.
Dark-Ari the Savage?: I originally thought this were the gunslinger character that once sat at the shop but it is just a red recolour of Ari. She appears Night 12 and starts in the long Hallway. Looking at her through the cameras will stop her, otherwise she will slowly make her way to your office from the Long Hallway, to Main Hall to Right Hallway. The doors do not stop her and if she reaches the door, she will slash your throat.
Cleaning Bot: One of the 4 tasks required to keep the green bar in the office green is to make sure the robot is upright and moving. It can appear in the Main Hall and Kitchen, it might be harder to spot in the Kitchen as the natural camera view has it slightly off camera. Be wary of Maddie when trying to find the poor guy.
UPDATE(20/10/2024): According to the changelog and experience, the Cleaning Bot now spawns in the left and right security hallways in addition to the Kitchen and Main Hall, that said the Main Hall is still good for checking up on the little guy as his flashing lights require real effort to overlook.
The Switch: In the stage camera, there is a switch with a green, red, and yellow light. Thanks to a comment on here, you need to make a mental note of the coloured post-it notes in the office, indicating the current order you need to press them in. (From Left to Right)
The Valve: In the Goo Room, the valve will require tightening from time to time. Click/Hold on the Right side(or E) to turn it right and click/hold on the left side (or Q) to turn it right. Releasing the button will cause the valve to rotate a little bit more than expected so account for an additional half inch of movement. The goal is to get the marker to stop in the green zone for at least a few frames before the game registers it as fixed.
Broken Cameras: Around Night 3 or 4, Nile will start breaking cameras if you try to look at her. To fix this, you gotta hold R to repair it. it takes a while and releasing it will require you to do it all over again.
Microwave: The Microwave is only useful when Maddie is blocking doors or required Cameras. It will break after 3 uses. Someone said it could be repaired but I tried to break it on Night 1 and it wasn't getting fixed by the Repair Command. This either means a bug or Maddie is likely the most horrifying antagonist in the game by supporting the others.
Good luck, The Game is very RNG dependant as Maddie and Ari opening your doors for you, Sammy's Mechanic, and the 3 tasks you gotta keep on top of make this tough but no where near as bad as the real FNaF games. Even Night 12 pales in comparison to most Night 5s or 6s of the Original FNaFs.
I will say this, Sanity feels... a bit unfair at times. yes you can regenerate it but considering how aggressive the girls can be at times, you'll likely be spending half the night hovering between 40% and 70% if you don't wanna deal with Misty.
EDIT: Upon finishing a task, you can leave that camera while it finishes the animation. Helpful when you need to regain sanity or to block the door.
EDIT: Thank you folks for making sure this is correct
EDIT: Got my hands on the NSFW (thank you for the link), and updated it this for everyone.
UPDATE(20/10/2024): Tried to add whatever I found in the update for the Security Room. Also Sex scenes were updated and I disaggree with the chosen pose for Misty. Why are we domming the angry shark girl? How are we able to dom these monsters?