please for the love of all that is good and proportional trim that female ass. Slenderfy it other wise it is just disgusting and sickening. Good game and all but the proportional size are just undesirable and bad. Well in my humble opinion.
Well Dev its your game so do what you want. am very tired of seeing over size attrablute in the art work.
Your opinion doesn't come off as humble, but you're still welcome to it.
While I agree to some extent that the LIs' measurements are unnatural and indeed, to some extent, unrealistic, might I remind you that:
A) This is a work of fiction, and therefore not beholden to the laws of nature.
B) Bimbos and plastic surgery exist. While it's not everyone's ideal, some prefer body types like this.
Just remember, everyone has their own tastes and most often first-time devs will make the game the way they want and not pander to the masses. I know you already basically said "you do you, Dev" but it kind of came across as "No offense, but <something subjectively offensive>". Putting your opinion out there isn't bad, but only saying what you don't like doesn't tell anyone what you do like, so what's the point?
Perhaps you might offer some constructive criticism and words of encouragement to someone who submitted their creative piece for review at the risk of harsh criticism from others instead of simply saying it's "disgusting and sickening" or "undesirable and bad". For example, you could tell the dev that the unrealistic Bust-Waist-Hips ratio break immersion for you, or you could comment on the story and how that could be improved. Maybe you could even just go with the generic "Looks interesting. Good luck Dev", but either way, there's no need for a post with all negativity, no constructive feedback or suggestions, and no encouragement. That doesn't help anyone. On that note...
I have some advice for the dev.
1) A first time Indie game developer topping AAA charts is a nice dream, but too unrealistic, it shatters suspense of disbelief. Perhaps he has previous experience or maybe he had partners/been bought out by a big production company?
2) If the MC just now became an overnight millionaire from his game becoming a success, why is he already living in a mansion? Either include a plausible backstory as to why he's already so well off (this was a passion project or a hobby that paid off) or set the timeline of his success a little further in the past to give him time to have bought such a magnificent home.
3) It seems like English isn't your team's first language and that's fine, but if your target audience is an English-speaking majority you would do well to either get an English proofreader or write the game in your native tongue and get an English translator on board. While the writing is legible, it also isn't very grammatically correct. There are many incongruities that detract from the overall quality of the writing, breaking immersion and distracting from the story. Quality writing is as important, if not more so, for a VN as the renders. A picture may paint a thousand words, but they are all subjective to the viewer. Words are concrete and paint a direct picture of the situation. Both of them working in harmony is what makes a VN such a great artistic medium.
All in all I would say that this demo is short, but has promise if the dev can make some improvements going forward.
The story has a good premise overall, but many of the finer details don't fit or are contradictory, as if several people came up with ideas, threw them in a hat and pulled them at random, then someone else wrote them all down without tying them together. I would suggest trying to get a clear idea of who the MC is going forward. What are his goals and personality like? How does that affect how he interacts with other characters? Once you answer those questions and make sure everything is consistent along those lines you'll have a much better, well-rounded story.
1)Improve English.
2)Improve continuity.
3)Make it believable. Even fantasy needs a basis in reality.
Best of Luck
reaperentertainment !