The little demon suggest
Alright nobody is talking about it on here so clearly I’m dumb but I’m stuck at like the very first level, I keep seeing ‘I need to get to the lab’ ‘I need to unlock Lola’s power first’ and ‘I feel like I’m not ready to approach it’ when facing the weekday afternoon travel menu, translation attempt, and inspect mirror prompts respectively, even though I have gotten as much relation as I can with everyone at the moment. Where’s the lab?
The little demon suggest u to like get to know mom better. Since I straight only able to chat with other char first I end up do her the last. Just keep talking to her til the demon say it ready then talk to her agian to prograss. (I am here at the moment)
So I took abreak and check the comment and as I thought
that dev got plan here and there
here my thought
teleport through house map
I say just lock behide power. Lincon probably work as scientist soo I guesss he mean it time to go to work whenever he mention of lab. I could imaging somehow his like I come up with teleporter mobile app funny porn plot but should be unlockable/purchaseable/I AM WIZARD spell after l get to know ton of sisters first
The porn grinding part....
This is hard one because if grind not fun then I would suggest for skipable with fixed amont of lust one can gather
The fun part of porn
this gonna be painful for solo artist. Dev gotto give player lots of choice of fun The lot of position and dialogue of each diff characters responding to player might do. benefit of why not skipping is there. I dont know how powerful of Ren Ry but I hope like the porn part gotto have some animation and lot of position depend on couple 2 some 3 some Maybe unlock them along the way?? game like Hex, artificial academy 2 etc. but expand on that like maybe get toy, funny gimmek, corruption/unique dialogue after done something to unlock it etc. That could be use for reference
I think the porn on those game were nice but I not sure if others will feel the same
It just hard to explain without one playing alot of game but for grinding porn basically the porn is just for lust/resouces? or for satisfy player fun porn play neeeed. which I prefer the fun porn
other stuff
let dev working on it. Cant tell how it gonna play out without it release to us
I been playing little more and now to a part of asking Leni to date and done handy. Hmmm it give me idea that I hope we can do this as many time as we can until we rank up to do more extreme gangbang to get more lust. Then when everyone are here the more girls we corrupt the larger storage for lust and gangbang. This should scale with lust needy each day OR not scale at all. Just leave it as a simple the longer player play the game the longer they get better (stronger) and teleport mobile phone could be extra teleport when got more energy to spend for more girls in future. (havent use the wing yet but unlock it and i done for today) I imaging that it need recharge each day and has 3 battery phone usage. maybe upgrade with money in future?? will have to see how it play out
oh and the porn is alright. still not real bang yet