Reminder that you can't use the god emperor start to get goodfucks/rapes. I wrote my sex skill level when I got it, maybe not optimal.
balsa: goodrape Shinoa, market girl (sex lv7?)
beech: goodrape Val, the drunk (sex lv10?)
cog: rape Shinoa using camo gear instead of brutality
fortunate: Prince start, go for as many marriage endings as possible (1 rape max, get the ring, refer to
this post) and marry the whole bunch during the ending sequence
pine: goodrape Kat, the thief in the security booth (sex lv10?)
scratched: meet Wade (sleeping beauty), scour internet for Izolda (mail-order bride), get $2K (send Jean the motel girl to Wade), go buy Izolda, send her to Wade, go to the brothel and visit the west room to check on her new job
softwood: goodrape Shania the cop (find the coke, don't give her back her gun, sex lv16?)
tar: same as oily, but fuck/rape sisters other than Hope Smith; when you send her to Wade he'll grab them along
tainted: meet Wade, goodfuck Lizzie, alley gangster (sex lv5? & try to please her) and send her to him
tarnished: get a slave somehow (grab C41 or use a slaver start) go to the brothel, talk to the receptionist and ask if you can make your slave work there