Jan 30, 2019
True the game has been out for 4 years but remember Joe wasn't working on it for the four years. Since he took over a lot more content has been produced compared to the original team in terms of the time frame and the original games coding was well utter crap. When all the girls first scenes come out, then the amount of content released in each update should increase, so relax.
Also just to point out yes its been delayed, however they are adding more content and testing for bugs. If he had released on the original day, all he would get for folk, "Months of waiting for so little content.", and/or "There's so many bugs.". I'm honestly surprised Joe hasn't dropped this for all the crap he and his gets.
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Dec 22, 2018
Guys, Joe has rewritten the earlier chapters to reduce the amount of text to read. When the next update comes alone and it will be sooner than you think go and have a look at the earlier chapters. You will be pleasantly surprised. You need to forget the previous years as Joe and the new team has effectively produced a new game. New animations, new artwork, better systems, less text etc. Give the development time. You wont regret it.


Dec 22, 2018
For 4 years, many developers have already started 2-3 projects, but not a sad crab. Support, no one forbids you. You just need to understand that you are paying for mountain air, that is, for what you need to get for free. 4 years of pacifiers. Just imagine how much money they made from doing nothing.
Its a 5 man team of which 2 members only recently joined. Joe is giving the project direction. I haven't supported them for 4 years. It was only 1 year ago when I started to notice substantive changes happening which looked encouraging and made me decide to support them. Imagine trying to pull a project together where each member is assigned tasks. Person A you are doing artwork, Person B you are doing code, Person C you are writing the script so its an engaging story, Person D you are doing music and Person E sitting on top of management and task assignment and translating each build in different languages. Now imagine these members not doing development full time (not enough money coming in to move to full time development across 5 members) meaning after 8/9 hours of work they go home, firing up their pcs and then do some work in the evening to complete their tasks. There is only one artist in this project and he has a unique style (no one can argue his artwork isn't amazing). You cannot replicate the style with another artist so even if your code is ready, music is done, script has been written you are still waiting for artwork assets to come in. Once its all together Quality assurance needs to be done to check bugs etc. before a build is released for supporters and public. Long and short - wait for the next build. You will be pleasantly surprised.


Dec 22, 2018
An early version with bugs was already published, I saw everything. 10 minutes of new content (maximum). A programmer with a lower-than-market level of knowledge. And Yes, I supported them for 2 years, until it became clear to me that this project is money laundering, a fiction and a dummy. No one will be pleasantly surprised by this version, moreover, people will stop paying, because they will be disappointed because of the lack of new erotic scenes. Everyone expects that when they take a break in 3-4 months of development, we will see 1 sex scene with all the girls (I mean sex, Blowjob, but not petting). Unfortunately, they did shit with one character who isn't even the main character in the story. I don't want to see Jeanie, I don't want to see Luna masturbating. I want to go fuck witches. 4 years of undressing for a while and stupid mini-games is a disgrace. Code optimization for months. Remove me from this universe, please!
All very valid complaints and if i thought you were right and no progress has been made I would have stopped supporting them but that is not what I am seeing. If you supported the game, saw you weren't getting a bang for your buck and then stop supporting that's fine. But for someone who saw it for what it is, money laundering you said, you still hang around a lot and haven't moved on. This suggest to me deep down you like the game and want it to succeed otherwise why hang around and torture yourself. Just wait for the next build. We supporters see new things being introduced into each build so that is why i can say with certainty the game is moving forward. You wont be disappointed.


May 24, 2018
Its a 5 man team of which 2 members only recently joined. Joe is giving the project direction. I haven't supported them for 4 years. It was only 1 year ago when I started to notice substantive changes happening which looked encouraging and made me decide to support them. Imagine trying to pull a project together where each member is assigned tasks. Person A you are doing artwork, Person B you are doing code, Person C you are writing the script so its an engaging story, Person D you are doing music and Person E sitting on top of management and task assignment and translating each build in different languages. Now imagine these members not doing development full time (not enough money coming in to move to full time development across 5 members) meaning after 8/9 hours of work they go home, firing up their pcs and then do some work in the evening to complete their tasks. There is only one artist in this project and he has a unique style (no one can argue his artwork isn't amazing). You cannot replicate the style with another artist so even if your code is ready, music is done, script has been written you are still waiting for artwork assets to come in. Once its all together Quality assurance needs to be done to check bugs etc. before a build is released for supporters and public. Long and short - wait for the next build. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Basically what you're saying is that you're supporting some people's hobbie. Guess what, I don't beleive you, you're speaking like a shill (probably one of the devs or their friend). But you're also speaking like this project is something so unique that it's impossible to compare to anything thus it should be immune to criticism. While it looks fine as a humble hobbie-project, apart from its art, it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, user's reviews reflect that. However, given its funding people aren't treating IW as a humble-hobbie project, nu-huh they're actually expecting something far more solid so by defending this game you're just embarassing yourself at this point.


Dec 22, 2018
Basically what you're saying is that you're supporting some people's hobbie. Guess what, I don't beleive you, you're speaking like a shill (probably one of the devs or their friend). But you're also speaking like this project is something so unique that it's impossible to compare to anything thus it should be immune to criticism. While it looks fine as a humble hobbie-project, apart from its art, it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, user's reviews reflect that. However, given its funding people aren't treating IW as a humble-hobbie project, nu-huh they're actually expecting something far more solid so by defending this game you're just embarassing yourself at this point.
It is quite unique in the sense that it's drawn by hand and not generated in Daz or other 3D software. Let me explain something to you. Not everyone has an established company with staff of 50 to 100 people that can churn out large amount of content. Some individuals have talent and want to escape the 8 to 5 work cycle and go professional however can't effort to quit working so enter Patreon. It allows you to explore your talent and get funding from patrons. If your product is good and you get enough patrons viola you can quit your job and go full time. Hell your product may be so awesome that many people back you and you can hire loads of people to increase production time. As a person funding this game I don't mind the development cycle. Do you support it? If not then you don't speak for me. Hell I wish I was a friend or undercover member of team but I am a developer and project manager irl so I know what it takes to bring a project together working with different departments. As I said before you could be miles ahead with coding, music etc but if art lags behind there isn't much you can do other than release with placeholder white squares which will piss people off even more or leave that content out until next release.


Nov 10, 2018
So basicly you have to practice your codding stuff for 10 years to create a sex scene instead of a mini-game?
Holy shit, i didn't knew that...

The stage of preparation to add sex scenes in this game is literally equal to Space-X rocket launch. Joe, countdown please.
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Nov 3, 2019
Its a 5 man team of which 2 members only recently joined...not enough money coming in to move to full time development across 5 members
Afaik Crab team is mostly (if not completely) located in Russia, and for russian developer 2K USD per month is waaay above average salary, not even mentioning double or tripple average wage of an artist.
imo - They simply abuse same trust as a.k.а Бур (akabur) does. I had suspicion these teams are even related in some way
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May 24, 2018
It is quite unique in the sense that it's drawn by hand and not generated in Daz or other 3D software.
Not really. Quality of IW's art is outstanding, hardly anyone argues about that but there're still many similiar games, just inferior in that department.
Let me explain something to you.
I'm well aware of that, thanks.
Hell your product may be so awesome that many people back you and you can hire loads of people to increase production time.
Nice misspelling there, mate :KEK: so far it looks what is happening with Sadcrab though.
Do you support it? If not then you don't speak for me.
Yeah, yeah, nice "absolutely-not-stale" argument there. Like it's so fucking hard to invest ~5$/month so it will inevitably change the whole perspective on it. Look, if you're not lying - good for you, continue to support them if you like but don't you dare tell others that it somehow will drastically change opinion about the game. By the way, mr. informed patron, why you aren't aware of this?
Real job and time sink, we have more artists now, we are training them up on style.
Or they've been rejected all together?
I am a developer and project manager irl so I know what it takes to bring a project together working with different departments. As I said before you could be miles ahead with coding, music etc but if art lags behind there isn't much you can do other than release with placeholder white squares which will piss people off even more or leave that content out until next release.
Ever heared of covid-19? Working remotely is far more standart practice now even for non-IT labor. Yes, it has massive downsides but it's managable enough ergo no excuse. As for possible Siserg's project bottlenecking - perhaps, but AFAIK they promise 1 (one) lewd scene in the upcoming update. He's probably doing much more than that but people here mostly care about lewd stuff, just so you know.
Afaik Crab team is mostly (if not completely) located in Russia, and for russian developer 2K USD per month is waaay above average, not even mentioning double or tripple average wage of an artist.
Nah, 2k USD is pretty much average wage for a senior (!) dev in Russia, it's not like they're chained in stables people or something.
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Nov 3, 2019
Nah, 2k USD is pretty much average wage for a senior (!) dev in Russia, it's not like they're chained in stables people or something.
Senior, yes. Average team (basing on own experience of 20 dev years in 5 companies in 3 countries) is 6 people. So ~1/3 of devs (1 teamlead and 1 senior) get 2-3K, rest (4 juns/regulars in an average size team) get 1-1.5K. 2K is WAAAY above average.
And I hope you don't imply simple loops and counters in renpy game logic requires any kind of senior dev skills :D
How many devs in Crabs are required for writing loops with counters? More than one?


Nov 3, 2019
See what their encoder does. You will be surprised how terrible it is. That's why there are so many bugs and the test period is 1-2 months.
I don't get why people waste their time to help lazy devs and test buggy code for free. Those who play alpha builds are usually called "testers" and are paid salary. Somehow nowadays game devs (not only Crabs, and they were far from first) release buggy demo versions to market, and sell those with "early access" label charging even more money :D
That is some premium grade marketing bullshit!


Jul 30, 2018
Innocent Witches was one of first games that I have played when I arrived on this site. It have really great graphic and nice characters, although mostly because they are parody of Harry Potter.

What I really loved in this game is that they know how to tease porn and make this game really ecchi. Although ecchi part of the game is really well made, I can agree that it lack main dish, however it is game in development so there is big chance (as dev had said so) that they will add a good content in future. IMO a lot of dialogue and writing are a good part of this game especially ever scenes with Snape are gold.

However I can agree that a lot of content need to be rewritten and remade. Especially that damt swimsuit quest, on paper it work nice but gameplay wise it is terrible. Also IMO they made a mistake splitting game path in to two as now they need to made twice as much content, also normal players will only bother to play half of this content.

BTW reading this thread from time to time, give me a lot of entertainment. How people here over behavior about what’s going on with this game is funny, just funny.
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Dec 4, 2017
I remember very well when they changed their game engine from witch trainer to this one. And all their promises of 'oh things will go much faster from now on belive us'... Even donated for few months... Such a fool I was. And I remember reading back in summer of 2019 that some people asked 'how many sex content in 0.4?' And when they heard that 'none' they replied 'ok I will come back in a year and fck them all at one'. LOL

Jon Humbert

Jul 30, 2018
And I remember reading back in summer of 2019 that some people asked 'how many sex content in 0.4?' And when they heard that 'none' they replied 'ok I will come back in a year and fck them all at one'. LOL
A good amount of this thread since 2017 is "lets come back in a year"
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Its a 5 man team of which 2 members only recently joined. Joe is giving the project direction. I haven't supported them for 4 years. It was only 1 year ago when I started to notice substantive changes happening which looked encouraging and made me decide to support them. Imagine trying to pull a project together where each member is assigned tasks. Person A you are doing artwork, Person B you are doing code, Person C you are writing the script so its an engaging story, Person D you are doing music and Person E sitting on top of management and task assignment and translating each build in different languages. Now imagine these members not doing development full time (not enough money coming in to move to full time development across 5 members) meaning after 8/9 hours of work they go home, firing up their pcs and then do some work in the evening to complete their tasks. There is only one artist in this project and he has a unique style (no one can argue his artwork isn't amazing). You cannot replicate the style with another artist so even if your code is ready, music is done, script has been written you are still waiting for artwork assets to come in. Once its all together Quality assurance needs to be done to check bugs etc. before a build is released for supporters and public. Long and short - wait for the next build. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Only one year ago, eh? A year filled with delays, updates with godawful design decisions, a very poor translation, and very little real content? Joe may be giving the project direction, but it's still as strapped for worthwhile content as it always has been and is still being made people a group that has no idea how to design a game.
Dec 16, 2018
Stupid question but where I do post save files? I thought about putting them in a "save" folder, but it doesn't do anything.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Innocent Witches 0.5.1F
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Zirael Q

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
I remember very well when they changed their game engine from witch trainer to this one. And all their promises of 'oh things will go much faster from now on belive us'... Even donated for few months... Such a fool I was. And I remember reading back in summer of 2019 that some people asked 'how many sex content in 0.4?' And when they heard that 'none' they replied 'ok I will come back in a year and fck them all at one'. LOL
it's a great sentence that can be used multiple times... what do you guys want more :Kappa:
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