there's just a largely silent echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear because they drew a Hermione with nice titties.
Is that bad though? I made a post on this before but I'll say it again, patreon isn't about making a game, it's the subscription service.
I don't imagine you pay for these games, I don't either, but for those that do the perspective is a lot different. They don't look at how much content has been added in the last couple months, they look at the tier rewards, and they subscribe for the new update because they want more of Hermione's nice titties. It's the equivalent of subscribing to a porn site so you can get the premium videos.
There isn't a finished product, there never will be. And I think if you spend long enough on a piracy site it's easy start backseat-directing, deciding what you're entitled to from the developer because he's making whatever obscene amount of money, but thinking that way isn't gonna take you anywhere but being upset on the internet.