You don't need to pay me to vote, it is a public vote, you just need an account (a free one will work I THINK) all things I post on Patreon are free you can just follow me no need to pay .This is the point where I say I'm too poor to actually have a patreon account and therefore cannot vote...
That being said, lemme say I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes and 100% would support you on there if I had the means to.
Anyways, since I can't vote on there I'll say on here that my vote goes to "whatever the dev wants to do." That being said, I realize you're still learning and it would be a bit much to expect, but something like Harem Hotel or Mythic Manor is typically how I like updates to go for sandbox games. Adding a little bit for all the main girls (1 to 2 events)+advancing the main story a bit+adding stuff for a few side girls+a new thing (or new things) as the dev finds the time/interest/desire to add more. Although I don't completely mind when a dev focuses on a few girls each update like in Corruption, or even better The Headmaster, in which they also progress the main story a bit and add a decent number of side events each update. I mean, ideally every aspect of the game would get more than "just a little bit" every update, but I realize that's a bit much to expect from single-person developers, especially those who are newbies and can't yet make this their full-time job.
When/if I ever get the amount of money those people get I will gladly update my game like them XD.
I only give so much time to the game development and most of it is still learning the things I need like I am now learning photoshop thats why my updates are super slow.
Thank you for your understanding