I am reading the posts over the past several days about the trans/futanari thing for Sam and Andy. What I see are possible story lines while the posts here are trying to force lore based on what has been revealed. The problem with lore is that you assume nothing can change, there is only one type, and any change is offensive.
We know MC (Jade or whatever you've named her) is an example of the archetypal futanari created in this world that was later cast aside. Thanks to Maria, we know it's a genetic trait passed from MC's great-grandmother. We don't know if that great-grandmother was one of the created ones, or one who inherited the trait like MC. The thing with inherited traits is that they can mutate over generations. With that in mind, what if the futanari gene changed slightly? Instead of leading to the mega-cocked amazon, what if it also could lead to a gentle man? A new generation of futanari could be appearing, but aren't recognized yet.
How would this apply to Sam and Andy? That's where imagination takes over. Andy may or may not be trans, but we do know he is a carrier of the futanari gene like everyone in his family. We do know he wants to fuck his aunt, and the way the story has gone he'll at the very least be a sissy for her. The day his dream comes true could be the day we get the reveal of the new futanari, or not. It could be a choice given to us, or might not even be put in the story at all. I am just making shit up here.
For Sam, clearly trans so far, but his girlfriend could find out something different during play time, and then just let MC know. Insert the reveal he is also descended from a futanari, and let the story write itself from there. Or not. I'm still just making shit up, but with fiction anything is possible. You just have to make it seem probable.
Ooh! Just had a new thought while re-reading this: what if NTL knows about the new gentle futanari with the femboy appearance, and that's why they are going after any and all futanari? The have taken on the mission of removing them from the gene pool to maintain the purity of the human race. They could still have this mission even without the femboy futanari.
At the end of the day, we'll just have to wait and see what's revealed.