
Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Last time I've talked about Erynn it was like the battle of Stamford Bridge, maybe that's why.

This but she puts a show to make people believe she is innocent, hurt person because how kind she is. If someone can explain why she stayed friends with Ethan and still under the influence of him, I'd gladly listen. Not generic answer that claims she is just naive though.

You remember exact opposite, Nikki ripped Erynn's gift because it reminded her manbun-ex, then she bought that weird coloured thing. I am not even sure what Alexis did was wrong anyway. She really tried to stay away from MC. She gave in after their 3rd random encounter, then she decided to talk with Erynn because she believed Erynn should have known before MC. Pretty sure, with all emotional immaturity of MC, Alexis was right with all of her reservations.

Sorry looks like I already did, though I've posted more elaborate in-game post about background characters but seems like people drawn to hatred more.
If you manage to read through my shitty writing, I did try to explain something about Erynn though. You can dissect her actions but all of the actions compliments her in one way, she has deceitful, insincere, even pious personality. There maybe one thing redeemable of her which comes from Alexis btw, she mentions how much she changed without showing to the outside because of the fear of Ethan. If that is true, which is highly likely, then all the fakeness in her maybe caused by that, yet again she did it to herself by keeping Ethan that close to her.
Why does she still keeps Ethan's photos?
There's unfortunately a lot of stuff that requires answering about Erynn but you know Nyx will drag it out for as long possible, she the queen of fucking with you and pointless overconvulated drama. Despite this still being my third most commented in thread, it's the reason I distanced myself from this for a while...just too damn messy and annoying.

Now unless Nyx going to throw in the excuse of all reasons as to why she is wrapped around Ethan's finger, even her most ardent, die-hard supporters (I was one) are going to lose faith. In fact, at this point, it would not even surprise me if she stops being an LI at some point...just there purely for cynicism and drama amongst the others.

Like any bad soap opera, this fucking drama with her needs a resolution and ASAP because it's just not interesting anymore, not at this point of the VN, it's dragged for far too long.
Last edited:
Oct 10, 2022
There's unfortunately a lot of stuff that requires answering about Erynn but you know Nyx will drag it out for as long possible, she the queen of fucking with you and pointless overconvulated drama. Despite this still being my third most commented in thread, it's the reason I distanced myself from this for a while...just too damn messy and annoying.

Now unless Nyx going to throw in the excuse of all reasons as to why she is wrapped around Ethan's finger, even her most ardent, die-hard supporters are going to lose faith. In fact, at this point, it would not even surprise me if she stops being an LI at some point...just there purely for cynicism and drama amongst the others.

Like any bad soap opera, this fucking drama with her needs a resolution and ASAP because it's just not interesting anymore, not at this point of the VN, it's dragged for far too long.
I agree about what the Nyx part but she is very good at dealing these dramas, so if she has a plan to explain it I believe she will do it magnificently. I still am thinking, whatever it is that lies behind the secret she shared with Ethan. Maybe something about her father, maybe something completely different but that flashback filled with information.
Did you ever read Nyx's insight about Valeria and her relationships. It makes so much sense that made me play the game over and over again. Also, even though she changes her opinions too many times, she has a very strict idea about the game and does not compromise on them. So, Erynn will be an LI. Though, I think that beach kill/fuck/marry game is not just a game but also future flag. If I am correct Nyx will kill either Iris or Erynn depending on who you put them over the the other one. Most likely, Erynn and John will learn about they are father and daughter then Ethan will cause a danger which will result of the death of Iris or Erynn or both.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020

Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
There's unfortunately a lot of stuff that requires answering about Erynn but you know Nyx will drag it out for as long possible, she the queen of fucking with you and pointless overconvulated drama. Despite this still being my third most commented in thread, it's the reason I distanced myself from this for a while...just too damn messy and annoying.

Now unless Nyx going to throw in the excuse of all reasons as to why she is wrapped around Ethan's finger, even her most ardent, die-hard supporters (I was one) are going to lose faith. In fact, at this point, it would not even surprise me if she stops being an LI at some point...just there purely for cynicism and drama amongst the others.

Like any bad soap opera, this fucking drama with her needs a resolution and ASAP because it's just not interesting anymore, not at this point of the VN, it's dragged for far too long.
I've noticed that it's, for the most part, easy to tell when an actual woman is behind the writin in a game: Unnecessary drama. Now, this is factual about 85 - 90% of the time. Bt there are a few male devs who are more attuned to their feminine side and who love their drama.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2023
If I am correct Nyx will kill either Iris or Erynn depending on who you put them over the the other one. Most likely, Erynn and John will learn about they are father and daughter then Ethan will cause a danger which will result of the death of Iris or Erynn or both.
You're probably not wrong about that. I had already considered killing Erynn, fucking Iris and marrying Alexis

EDIT: or kill Erynn, fuck Alexis and marry Iris

But for a different reason: I can only imagine a relationship with two LI's where sex isn't the top priority - Elena and Iris
Last edited:
Oct 10, 2022
For once (rare ocassion), we shall have to agree to disagree on both of those points.
Let's see what will happen, mine is wishful thinking at this point anyway. :giggle: There is a huge potential that Nyx gonna fuck up all these drama and make a mess of it. Though, like I mentioned whole Daryll&Valeria shit was too annoying for me, so I checked the discord what were they talking about it. Turns out Nyx has very good explanation and idea of what's going on there, so I take that as a reference point for what I said. (y)

For the rest of your post, I can see that happening very well (or similar) which just means...more annoying drama lol.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2023
that's quite radical plan.
How come???

Elena is trapped in her family role. What Elena is looking for is support and for the burden to be lifted from her at times and the whole beach scene shows how grateful she is for that.

He has known Iris for two years. He knows what makes her tick. But the most important thing is that he can talk to her about anything.
Oct 10, 2022
I've noticed that it's, for the most part, easy to tell when an actual woman is behind the writin in a game: Unnecessary drama.
Dude, you can't say that in this era. :LOL:

that's quite radical plan.
Yeah, mine would be kill Erynn twice to be sure she is dead, ignore Alexis, fuck and marry Iris but for the lack of choices I always go kill Erynn, fuck Alexis, marry Iris option.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Though, like I mentioned whole Daryll&Valeria shit was too annoying for me
Well I need to replay anyway...I'm many updates behind, pretty much caught up on my backlog but don't know what you're talking about..guess I'll find out.

Will most likely just make my third save (I cut down to just three, Erynn, Alex with Erryn help and Nikki and fuck everyone's problems) my favourite. In that one, Nikki is LI, could't care less about anyone's issues, watch Erynn self-destruct, Layla can be killed by her stalker for all I fucking care...remind me wtf Darryl is? Fuck him too...never cared about Valnyx anyway....

It's actually an enjoyable save when you just refuse to help anyone rofl (whether you still can do that is another matter, guess I'll find out).


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
Last time I've talked about Erynn it was like the battle of Stamford Bridge, maybe that's why.

This but she puts a show to make people believe she is innocent, hurt person because how kind she is. If someone can explain why she stayed friends with Ethan and still under the influence of him, I'd gladly listen. Not generic answer that claims she is just naive though.

You remember exact opposite, Nikki ripped Erynn's gift because it reminded her manbun-ex, then she bought that weird coloured thing. I am not even sure what Alexis did was wrong anyway. She really tried to stay away from MC. She gave in after their 3rd random encounter, then she decided to talk with Erynn because she believed Erynn should have known before MC. Pretty sure, with all emotional immaturity of MC, Alexis was right with all of her reservations.

Sorry looks like I already did, though I've posted more elaborate in-game post about background characters but seems like people drawn to hatred more.
If you manage to read through my shitty writing, I did try to explain something about Erynn though. You can dissect her actions but all of the actions compliments her in one way, she has deceitful, insincere, even pious personality. There maybe one thing redeemable of her which comes from Alexis btw, she mentions how much she changed without showing to the outside because of the fear of Ethan. If that is true, which is highly likely, then all the fakeness in her maybe caused by that, yet again she did it to herself by keeping Ethan that close to her.
Why does she still keeps Ethan's photos?
Oh yeah it was Nikki don't know how I mixed that up lol. Also sorry if this is a bit hard to understand it's kind of hard to explain what im thinking about when it comes to this. also sorry if I repeat myself a bit it's something that is easy for me to do when trying to explaining something that is hard for me to put into words.

Yeah I agree I don't think what Alexis did regarding her lie was really horrible either but it sure isn't good either. Not gonna lie it does suck to see post like yours about my favorite AVN LI of all time haha. Only cause there is some truth to it even if I may disagree cause of my own personal point of view / interpretation. But im not so blind that im going to simp for her and disregard your point entirely or make excuses for her cause I just happen to like her alot. ( Even if it sounds like I am from time to time) I'm not saying you didn't make any good points cause you did it's a really good post but it's just hard for me to see it the same way cause of how forgiving and understanding I can be.

One thing we do differ on is I don't see her a deceitful at least not on purpose I think it's more when she is insecure or Jealous or scared she can have moments where she is deceitful without meaning to on purpose. Like when she saw we knew Alexis and snooped in our phone. To me a deceitful person is someone that acts like that on purpose not when they have moments of weakness cause of other feelings.

But yeah not everything she did I can agree with or be understand why, like why she didn't cut of Ethan sooner other than perhaps there was more to what meets the eye cause it did seem like there was some secret we don't know about. But still whatever the secret was I don't know why she would still be his friend in that moment. But at the same time since she never cut Ethan off I can understand why she might have kept Ethan as a friend still. ( don't want to explain why I can understand trying to keep this vague) Things like that is why I say she is a perfect character that isn't black and white but more one that our own views and personality can shape alot on how we see her and her actions. Cause like you pointed out in your post there is alot of questionable things she has done yet my point of view and interpretation lets me see some of those things in a different light but not so much so that I disagree with your points 100% other than maybe certain things.

Sorry again if this was a bit of a ramble or doesn't make sense not something I am able to explain how I feel easily. But I do respect your opinion and I do enjoy seeing different point of views despite my difference in opinion or views.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2023
:KEK: Because of all the controversy surrounding Erinn, Alexis and some Ethan, I'm getting more and more difficult to try this game, this game seems to be too dramatic... 1638893335160.gif


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
:KEK: Because of all the controversy surrounding Erinn, Alexis and some Ethan, I'm getting more and more difficult to try this game, this game seems to be too dramatic... View attachment 3301851
if you want to avoid as much drama as possible this is how I rank them in terms of Drama
Layla & Elena = almost no drama expect for the ending depends if you decide to break Layla's heart or not
Alexis = Not that much drama imo after the whole Erynn and Alexis bit is done with and it doesn't last long
Erynn = most of her Drama is story related but she does have the most of it
Nikki & Cara = their drama is the same and it isn't much to begin with
Valeria = basically zero for right now cause she is under developed imo
Tori = no idea I don't touch her with a 10 foot pole
Oct 10, 2022
Well I need to replay anyway...I'm many updates behind, pretty much caught up on my backlog but don't know what you're talking about..guess I'll find out.

Will most likely just make my third save (I cut down to just three, Erynn, Alex with Erryn help and Nikki and fuck everyone's problems) my favourite. In that one, Nikki is LI, could't care less about anyone's issues, watch Erynn self-destruct, Layla can be killed by her stalker for all I fucking care...remind me wtf Darryl is? Fuck him too...never cared about Valnyx anyway....

It's actually an enjoyable save when you just refuse to help anyone rofl (whether you still can do that is another matter, guess I'll find out).
What?! A normal person who just play a few path he likes, how is that possible? Like I said a few posts back, I have over 200 pages of saves I've played every path, chose every option if I've missed anything it can only be mean it's very hidden with chain choices. I normally don't use dev mode but I also use them too, I also checked the code to get better understanding what triggers what. I've probably waste 5 times more than I normal spend on a game.

Ok, what was I talking about? Yeah, Val. She teased MC using Darryl then took it too far thinking he has a chance with her.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
What?! A normal person who just play a few path he likes, how is that possible. Like I said a few posts back, I have over 200 pages of saves I've played every path, chose every option if I've missed anything it can only be mean it's very hidden with chain choose. I normally don't use dev mode but I also use them too, I also checked the code to get better understanding what triggers what. I've probably waste 5 times more than I normal spend on a game.

Ok, what was I talking about? Yeah, Val. She teased MC using Darryl then took it too far thinking he has a chance with her.
View attachment 3301871
I don't know if you remember (You might not have been around then), but I used to do the pdf walkthrough for this...

Back then, yeah I had saves for every route, every possible girl etc etc (and was a supporter)....but then just got fed up of the spoon-feeding of utter bollox drama Nyx kept giving cut it down to just three saves.

I will be redoing those same three saves. Couldn't care for the rest of it (even if I do like Elena, but this is Nyx, it won't be simple, it will be messy as fuck and will drag on for 13 more updates).
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