
Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
There is definitely some bias involved in seeing Alexis this way. I won't argue that she wasn't dishonest — she was. But we don't know what she knows in the beginning. We do later learn that she saw a good-looking guy and sat by him to talk. As he began to tell his story, she learns that he was the boy she knew and Erynn's former best friend. In her eyes, there is no betrayal here. I would agree that she was just following her hormones until the concert scene. At that point, she has lied to Erynn and not told the MC the truth about who she is.

We also learn that she tried to avoid him after the airplane. Their orbits just keep bumping into each other. And that would be fine if there were no backstory with Erynn. But bring in Erynn and now there is some contention about who is in the wrong/right. Simply starting from the beginning with this jaded view that Alexis is a lying, cheating bitch...That doesn't seem logical or warranted at all. But people have their reasons for liking or disliking any character or story.

Well-rounded refers to a fuller story. It has nothing to do with judging the personality of a character. As I stated in that post, I feel Layla's storyline is the most organic and natural feeling.

I think this has been mentioned in posts, the Nikki/Cara route is not designed to be a solo route. Similarly, Iris is not a solo route. These are events and relationships that happened during the MC's time away from his mom. We see what happened in the past with those ladies, and then again in the present when he goes to the wedding or when they visit him.

When an author is writing this stuff and releasing episodically, there are bound to be gaps when you see a character in one episode but not the next. Imagine how long it would take and how much work it would be to have full and complete stories for every character in every released episode!
I think the dev has just done a good basic introduction of a lot of characters and by now the one of Alexis is the most finished.
In tve next episodes Dev can choose who will have the next engaging deep dive introduction and story.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
There is definitely some bias involved in seeing Alexis this way. I won't argue that she wasn't dishonest — she was. But we don't know what she knows in the beginning. We do later learn that she saw a good-looking guy and sat by him to talk. As he began to tell his story, she learns that he was the boy she knew and Erynn's former best friend. In her eyes, there is no betrayal here. I would agree that she was just following her hormones until the concert scene. At that point, she has lied to Erynn and not told the MC the truth about who she is.

We also learn that she tried to avoid him after the airplane. Their orbits just keep bumping into each other. And that would be fine if there were no backstory with Erynn. But bring in Erynn and now there is some contention about who is in the wrong/right. Simply starting from the beginning with this jaded view that Alexis is a lying, cheating bitch...That doesn't seem logical or warranted at all. But people have their reasons for liking or disliking any character or story.
Going to quote a PM, to make things more clear:

When starting episode one.
MC was on his way home.
Going to face what he ran away from(Mom and Erynn<---mainly).

The last thing MC needed was to take on extra baggage(Alexis)
While heading to face past issues unresolved.
Aside from not knowing Alexis AT ALL and sharing that serious story MAINLY ABOUT Erynn.

IS WHY i, chose NOT to get involved with Alexis(not taking the Sex invitation).
Thinking with the head on my shoulders.
Not with my DICK, for Fap material.

Same reason chose to reject her at the bar.
Things were not dealt with yet.
As the old saying goes, "Home must be fixed first".

If You, Me or ANYONE is still hung up on someone.
That past must be resolved to move forward.
Otherwise, we end up in "Intertwined" hardships.

Not only hurting ourselves, hurting lovedones.
Some hurts do not heal easy and effect people around us.
Lovedones should never suffer for our Emotional Baggage, EVER!!

Didn't know how FUCKED UP Alexis is ONLY till later on.
My life partners did her rout because they wanted to know what kinda person it was inviting MC for sex in the restroom.

They pointed out to me in their runs.
How truly fucked of a person Alexis IS.
Even when i didn't give a dam n didn't want to hear about her.

I looked, it is fact and it's all there to see.
She continued to lie and manipulate the MC and Erynn.
And You think it's 'ok' because she fucks him and says how much she loves him?

Be honest, don't think with Your Dick.
Relationships born out of Lies and Deceit have a LONG history of never ending well. "

End of Quote.

Now do You see where i'm coming from a little clearer?
If You would like to confirm the validity of this quote.
May i add You to the conversation in PM so You may review it firsthand?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
Going to quote a PM, to make things more clear:

When starting episode one.
MC was on his way home.
Going to face what he ran away from(Mom and Erynn<---mainly).

The last thing MC needed was to take on extra baggage(Alexis)
While heading to face past issues unresolved.
Aside from not knowing Alexis AT ALL and sharing that serious story MAINLY ABOUT Erynn.

IS WHY i, chose NOT to get involved with Alexis(not taking the Sex invitation).
Thinking with the head on my shoulders.
Not with my DICK, for Fap material.

Same reason chose to reject her at the bar.
Things were not dealt with yet.
As the old saying goes, "Home must be fixed first".

If You, Me or ANYONE is still hung up on someone.
That past must be resolved to move forward.
Otherwise, we end up in "Intertwined" hardships.

Not only hurting ourselves, hurting lovedones.
Some hurts do not heal easy and effect people around us.
Lovedones should never suffer for our Emotional Baggage, EVER!!

Didn't know how FUCKED UP Alexis is ONLY till later on.
My life partners did her rout because they wanted to know what kinda person it was inviting MC for sex in the restroom.

They pointed out to me in their runs.
How truly fucked of a person Alexis IS.
Even when i didn't give a dam n didn't want to hear about her.

I looked, it is fact and it's all there to see.
She continued to lie and manipulate the MC and Erynn.
And You think it's 'ok' because she fucks him and says how much she loves him?

Be honest, don't think with Your Dick.
Relationships born out of Lies and Deceit have a LONG history of never ending well. "

End of Quote.

Now do You see where i'm coming from a little clearer?
If You would like to confirm the validity of this quote.
May i add You to the conversation in PM so You may review it firsthand?
I dont think MC is coming back only for Erynn because he is obviousley into nearly every girl in town and Nyx has made every girl only attracted to MC as it seems...so poor Zach deserves some understanding...:)
The only thing i am curious about is if Alexis or any other character beside MC know what Ethan is doing to Erynn.
Ii didnt find any hint so far ....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
I dont think MC is coming back only for Erynn because he is obviousley into nearly every girl in town and Nyx has made every girl only attracted to MC as it seems...so poor Zach deserves some understanding...:)
The only thing i am curious about is if Alexis or any other character beside MC know what Ethan is doing to Erynn.
Ii didnt find any hint so far ....
"Home", has more meaning then just Erynn.
MC got rebellious because of what happen.
That effected relations with Emily.

As far as all the other gals.
This is part of life.
There will Always 'be' others.

Choice remains to the Individual/MC/Player on what 'to do' or what 'not to do'.
In any given circumstance.
This is 'why' Nyx is more talented then any of us truly appreciate.

Not boosting, ass kissing or whatever anyone would twist it to be.
Just stating fact of appreciation.
On a large view of this task at hand with this VN.

That Said, DEATH TO ZACH!!! :devilish:


ps: Good Question, would like to know whom else knows as well in regards to Ethan.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
There is definitely some bias involved in seeing Alexis this way. I won't argue that she wasn't dishonest — she was. But we don't know what she knows in the beginning. We do later learn that she saw a good-looking guy and sat by him to talk. As he began to tell his story, she learns that he was the boy she knew and Erynn's former best friend. In her eyes, there is no betrayal here. I would agree that she was just following her hormones until the concert scene. At that point, she has lied to Erynn and not told the MC the truth about who she is.

We also learn that she tried to avoid him after the airplane. Their orbits just keep bumping into each other. And that would be fine if there were no backstory with Erynn. But bring in Erynn and now there is some contention about who is in the wrong/right. Simply starting from the beginning with this jaded view that Alexis is a lying, cheating bitch...That doesn't seem logical or warranted at all. But people have their reasons for liking or disliking any character or story.

Well-rounded refers to a fuller story. It has nothing to do with judging the personality of a character. As I stated in that post, I feel Layla's storyline is the most organic and natural feeling.

I think this has been mentioned in posts, the Nikki/Cara route is not designed to be a solo route. Similarly, Iris is not a solo route. These are events and relationships that happened during the MC's time away from his mom. We see what happened in the past with those ladies, and then again in the present when he goes to the wedding or when they visit him.

When an author is writing this stuff and releasing episodically, there are bound to be gaps when you see a character in one episode but not the next. Imagine how long it would take and how much work it would be to have full and complete stories for every character in every released episode!
We all have our bias... that's inevitable.
Alexis was retconed to be this way, she's introduced as an easy lay, no strings attached, that's a good deal...
Except after the retcon that's not the deal at all, there are a lot of strings here... and she knew it full well.
She could've played straight from the beggining, she could've came forth the second (or third or forth or...) time around but never did(those are more than enough chances imo), she chose to deceive, that's not "hating on Alexis" that's how the story plays out.
She gives you her reasons later(which you can buy or not), but those facts don't change.

She is the one starting things on the plane, on the bar, she later booty calls you... i can't really buy "she tried to avoid him but they kept running into each other" when in each and every instance, including getting the MC's phone from Zach, she's the one actively starting it, her justification sounds hollow when she's that eager and that active in getting her fuck on.

I can see your "well rounded", "fuller story" point because her personal story seems mostly over already, at this point she's either completely gone or fully commited relationship (to the point that it already feels like routine dating to me), while all other girls are just getting started and there's no commitment.
Nikki/Cara still has to solve the long distance thing.
Layla we are still progressing the relationship.
Elena is still behind the Layla roadblock.
Gabi still has her job and marriage to deal with.
And we are still in the getting to know you with Valeria.
And Erynn... i don't even know what to expect next here.

Maybe there will be a "dump her for Erynn/Iris" moment, or she catches you cheating with any random girl, but her personal tale seems over and i can't see any curveballs coming.


Engaged Member
Oct 31, 2017
*Firstly, I apologize for the lenghty text which seemed like a rant and if this post will offend anyone (pretty darn sure it will :p). It is not targeted at anyone but it just the general feeling I have upon reading most of the posts in this thread.

*Edit: When I say you below, it meant and referring mainly to the you as the player and not you as the reader.

Now, I am really confused. Am really playing the same game here? Although, I have to admit that I didn't explored all possibilities and aspects of the game in the entirety but at least I am pretty sure that when I played the game, I as the player made all the active choices for the MC. All the female and male NPCs (as the name implies Non-Playable Character) just react to your choices/decisions. You, the player has the oversight of the game narrative. I don't really understand the blame and vitriol against the NPCs while they just doing their part, reacting.

I have a strong affinity that the game basically reflect upon your choice/decision (as the player), "what would you do?", "will you cheat?", "do you take responsibility?", "will you help her/him?", "will you forgive him/her?", "will you take advantage/corrupt?", "will you be an accomplice/a perverteer?" etc. rather than about passing judgement and shifting the blame unto others (the NPCs).

In a nutshell, I think it is really NOT about which female NPC LIs is the best and who is the worst, it is more about (but not limited to) getting to KNOW each one of them, accepting their weaknesses, having compromises, making it work out together, basically how to deal with them individually (as opposed to all at once). Even the MC has his own flaws (although I am pretty sure most of the players are flawless).

So far, at least the NPCs reacting premise is spot on as I remembered playing different routes where I ignored certain female NPC LI and she basically fades away, play no part anymore going forward. I treat each individual route individually and I don't combined all routes into one giant narrative, just like I can't start yesterday all over again.

Please, stop this hatred against the NPCs. #FreeGuy. Obiously, you all are entitled to voice your opinions and I am not preventing that. Just hear me out, what I think is that you probably missed out the fact that this game is about how the MC deals with the NPCs, one at a time and NOT about the NPCs themselve.

To illustrate this (as demonstration purpose, don't take this literally as I might not used the politically correct term for each role mentioned forth, I don't want to start another debacle on what role on what route, I guess it up to you to interpret and play out the role itself), you play a certain role on each route (possibly same role perhaps on multiple routes), douchebag if you are on both Alexis and Layla route, 'white knight in shining armour' on the Erynn path, 'no-drama lover' on the Alexis path etc.

I guess the best still is to play all the routes and the best way to do it is by not projecting yourself and imposing yourself on the MC. To get the best outcome for the route is to make the best decisions for the MC for that route.

Nonetheless, I have to admit that in its current (work-in-progress) form, the MC does have his hands tied up on some occasions i.e. it seems like the player choice don't matter, and some NPCs reactions seems odds, unreasonable or does not make sense, but hey Nyx can writes whatever she wants and I am just enjoying her labor of love, every pixel of it.

However, it is really interesting to play the version (if anyone kind enough to caringly share) where NPCs make their own decisions and MC will just have to react. That sounds kinda fun.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Now do You see where i'm coming from a little clearer?
If You would like to confirm the validity of this quote.
May i add You to the conversation in PM so You may review it firsthand?
We all have our bias... that's inevitable.
I do completely understand why players have a problem with a character's behavior and why that player may have such an extreme emotional response. It is great to hear that the story affects someone so personally. It is important to remember that, in the end, it is just a story.

Some players can view Alexis's behavior as being benign and coming from a naive place. Others view her as malicious. One of the differences between these viewers is the bias that their own personal experience brings to the story.

"Taking on extra baggage" is just life. Everything we do, everything we experience in life is baggage. Sometimes it adds to the load we carry, other times it can help lift the load. But we ALL carry baggage. We can't all run off to a convent/monastery and shut off the outside world. We don't have the luxury of experiencing one "issue" at a time in life. Sometimes it feels like everything hits us at once. Sometimes we get hit by positive things, and other times, we get hit by the weight of the world.

As the saying goes, "all is fair in love and war." Alexis meets the now more mature MC and is attracted to him. He is not married. He is a mature man who can make his own decisions. If she wants to go after him, she has every right. OTHERS may judge her behavior and her for having sex with a guy she just met on an airplane. But it is her right to offer, and his right to choose. Personally, I would tell anyone that has issues with that to evaluate their judgment and what they are putting out into the world.
Maybe there will be a "dump her for Erynn/Iris" moment, or she catches you cheating with any random girl, but her personal tale seems over and i can't see any curveballs coming.
I think the tale is far from over. I do agree that there will be a time coming when the MC will have to choose between Alexis and Erynn if that is the route the player has chosen. And that cheating on Alexis will end that relationship.
ps: Good Question, would like to know whom else knows as well in regards to Ethan.
Alexis does know what kind of person Ethan is. Ethan told Erynn that he slept with Alexis in an attempt to drive a wedge between Erynn and Alexis. From that point on Alexis had nothing to do with Ethan. She explains that to the MC and Erynn.


Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
I guess the best still is to play all the routes and the best way to do it is by not projecting yourself and imposing yourself on the MC. To get the best outcome for the route is to make the best decisions for the MC for that route.
I feel that is the root of most drama with consumers of the genre, they self insert and anything deviating from their fan-fic version of events is met with vitriol.

They don't go in trying to play/roleplay the MC, THEY are the MC and he is the avatar through which they exercise their IRL shortcomings and frustration. To say that they go in looking for confirmation bias on their beliefs and world view, its me being kind.

Its not rare to run into threads around here where you'll see them harassing devs to steer the story a certain way, or threatening they will stop supporting if 'X' doesn't happen how they want(Well, the messages usually do get deleted by mods, but if you are active in real time into game threads you will see). definitely some of the weirdest, most self centered and demanding fanbases I've ever met online and I've been on the internet since forever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
I do completely understand why players have a problem with a character's behavior and why that player may have such an extreme emotional response. It is great to hear that the story affects someone so personally. It is important to remember that, in the end, it is just a story.

Some players can view Alexis's behavior as being benign and coming from a naive place. Others view her as malicious. One of the differences between these viewers is the bias that their own personal experience brings to the story.

"Taking on extra baggage" is just life. Everything we do, everything we experience in life is baggage. Sometimes it adds to the load we carry, other times it can help lift the load. But we ALL carry baggage. We can't all run off to a convent/monastery and shut off the outside world. We don't have the luxury of experiencing one "issue" at a time in life. Sometimes it feels like everything hits us at once. Sometimes we get hit by positive things, and other times, we get hit by the weight of the world.

As the saying goes, "all is fair in love and war." Alexis meets the now more mature MC and is attracted to him. He is not married. He is a mature man who can make his own decisions. If she wants to go after him, she has every right. OTHERS may judge her behavior and her for having sex with a guy she just met on an airplane. But it is her right to offer, and his right to choose. Personally, I would tell anyone that has issues with that to evaluate their judgment and what they are putting out into the world.

I think the tale is far from over. I do agree that there will be a time coming when the MC will have to choose between Alexis and Erynn if that is the route the player has chosen. And that cheating on Alexis will end that relationship.

Alexis does know what kind of person Ethan is. Ethan told Erynn that he slept with Alexis in an attempt to drive a wedge between Erynn and Alexis. From that point on Alexis had nothing to do with Ethan. She explains that to the MC and Erynn.
Sorry, not only do i disagree.
Not buying the excuses for one second.
Dishonest is dishonest, no matter how one justifies it.

Secondly about "anyone else knowing" about Ethan's actions/blackmailing.
Has Nothing to do with Alexis.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Sorry, not only do i disagree.
Not buying the excuses for one second.
Dishonest is dishonest, no matter how one justifies it.

Secondly about "anyone else knowing" about Ethan's actions/blackmailing.
Has Nothing to do with Alexis.
I can appreciate that dishonesty is a hard limit for you. Personally, I look at honesty as a spectrum — not black and white. For example, I can relay a story to my best friend, my mother, and a work colleague. The level of detail can change dramatically depending on who my audience is. My best friend may get the unabridged version of what actually happened. While my mother and work colleague may get the same story with certain details omitted. Some people consider that dishonesty or lies of omission. I consider that wise judgment and awareness of my audience.

The second part, Alexis knowing Ethan is a piece of shit, was in regards to that post where you asked if anyone else knew about Ethan.
Edit: But I don't think anyone else knows about Ethan's current level of debauchery and hell he is putting Erynn through.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
I do completely understand why players have a problem with a character's behavior and why that player may have such an extreme emotional response. It is great to hear that the story affects someone so personally. It is important to remember that, in the end, it is just a story.

Some players can view Alexis's behavior as being benign and coming from a naive place. Others view her as malicious. One of the differences between these viewers is the bias that their own personal experience brings to the story.

"Taking on extra baggage" is just life. Everything we do, everything we experience in life is baggage. Sometimes it adds to the load we carry, other times it can help lift the load. But we ALL carry baggage. We can't all run off to a convent/monastery and shut off the outside world. We don't have the luxury of experiencing one "issue" at a time in life. Sometimes it feels like everything hits us at once. Sometimes we get hit by positive things, and other times, we get hit by the weight of the world.

As the saying goes, "all is fair in love and war." Alexis meets the now more mature MC and is attracted to him. He is not married. He is a mature man who can make his own decisions. If she wants to go after him, she has every right. OTHERS may judge her behavior and her for having sex with a guy she just met on an airplane. But it is her right to offer, and his right to choose. Personally, I would tell anyone that has issues with that to evaluate their judgment and what they are putting out into the world.

I think the tale is far from over. I do agree that there will be a time coming when the MC will have to choose between Alexis and Erynn if that is the route the player has chosen. And that cheating on Alexis will end that relationship.
I think "taking on extra baggage" is ok if it's done consciously, when Alexis chose deception, sold herself as something she was not(no strings attached), Alexis dumped extra baggage on our lap without our knowledge.

"Alexis meets the now more mature MC and is attracted to him. He is not married. He is a mature man who can make his own decisions. If she wants to go after him, she has every right."
Well she should tell him who she is then, so he can make an informed decision rather than one under false pretenses, she has the right to chase her happyness, no doubt, the dishonest method she chose to approach this is why i criticize the character.

I judge her less on the fact that she went for a one night stand and more on the fact that she kept banging him while not telling him what kind of baggage she brought along and doing that behind her friends back(who she suspects carries a major flag for this guy).

"I think the tale is far from over. I do agree that there will be a time coming when the MC will have to choose between Alexis and Erynn if that is the route the player has chosen. And that cheating on Alexis will end that relationship."
I hope so, because her story feels stale(imo), maybe there will be a final "choose one" with Erynn scene and inevitably dating other girls is gonna backfire at some point, let's see.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
I can appreciate that dishonesty is a hard limit for you. Personally, I look at honesty as a spectrum — not black and white. For example, I can relay a story to my best friend, my mother, and a work colleague. The level of detail can change dramatically depending on who my audience is. My best friend may get the unabridged version of what actually happened. While my mother and work colleague may get the same story with certain details omitted. Some people consider that dishonesty or lies of omission. I consider that wise judgment and awareness of my audience.

The second part, Alexis knowing Ethan is a piece of shit, was in regards to that post where you asked if anyone else knew about Ethan.
Edit: But I don't think anyone else knows about Ethan's current level of debauchery and hell he is putting Erynn through.
Dishonesty is just Dishonesty.
My limits or anyone's are irrelevant to 'what it is' OR, the JUSTIFICATIONS for 'it'.
Making excuses for continuing to lie and manipulate for one's personal gain(Alexis), changes nothing.

It's what has been written into Alexis' character by the Author, Nyx(not me).
Is there to see for whomever may be inclined to read it all(it's not an opinion).
Has nothing to do with Judgement, it just is.

But yes, Puma and i are curious to know 'Who Else' might know of of Ethan's actions.
Are You not curious?
We already know Alexis hates him, that's a given! :LOL:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Dishonesty is just Dishonesty.
My limits or anyone's are irrelevant to 'what it is' OR, the JUSTIFICATIONS for 'it'.
Making excuses for continuing to lie and manipulate for one's personal gain(Alexis), changes nothing.

It's what has been written into Alexis' character by the Author, Nyx(not me).
Is there to see for whomever may be inclined to read it all(it's not an opinion).
Has nothing to do with Judgement, it just is.

But yes, Puma and i are curious to know 'Who Else' might know of of Ethan's actions.
Are You not curious?
We already know Alexis hates him, that's a given! :LOL:
Do you have a notion that someone else knows?

I don't think Zach knows what is really going on. He adores "Erynn." I use quotes because he is infatuated with the model persona of Erynn. He doesn't actually know her. But I do not think he would approve of the way Ethan treats her.

Obviously, the parents do not know what Ethan is doing. Alexis does not know everything he is doing. I think he is a lone wolf with a hardon for Erynn and making her his bitch. A sadistic POS that gets off on hurting others.

We don't know who his dad is (he owns the company Ethan and Erynn work for). Perhaps he is someone we have already met, or maybe he will never be important to the story.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
I think "taking on extra baggage" is ok if it's done consciously, when Alexis chose deception, sold herself as something she was not(no strings attached), Alexis dumped extra baggage on our lap without our knowledge.

"Alexis meets the now more mature MC and is attracted to him. He is not married. He is a mature man who can make his own decisions. If she wants to go after him, she has every right."
Well she should tell him who she is then, so he can make an informed decision rather than one under false pretenses, she has the right to chase her happyness, no doubt, the dishonest method she chose to approach this is why i criticize the character.

I judge her less on the fact that she went for a one night stand and more on the fact that she kept banging him while not telling him what kind of baggage she brought along and doing that behind her friends back(who she suspects carries a major flag for this guy).

"I think the tale is far from over. I do agree that there will be a time coming when the MC will have to choose between Alexis and Erynn if that is the route the player has chosen. And that cheating on Alexis will end that relationship."
I hope so, because her story feels stale(imo), maybe there will be a final "choose one" with Erynn scene and inevitably dating other girls is gonna backfire at some point, let's see.
You have the option, as a player, to completely ignore Alexis from the moment you meet her. You have the option to pursue her, have a one-night stand with her, have a full relationship, or just a hookup. The author gave us ALL these choices. If you choose to pursue her, then the story plays out that you keep bumping into her and she falls for you.

What exactly is she selling? I do not remember ever having a discussion about a one-night stand. Or her saying that is what it was. You, as the player, have to choose to pursue her. And then it turns into a relationship. That route leads to a confrontation where you can choose to forgive her for not telling you who she was from the beginning OR you can choose to walk away and not forgive her. YOU have the choice.

You even have the choice of telling Layla about the MC and Alexis...TWICE!

Yeah, but not why exactly she hates him so much ... Maybe because he enjoyd her Backdoor and thats why.
Questions after Questions and never some real answers. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Alexis clearly states that she never did ANYTHING with Ethan. That is where we learn that Ethan has been manipulating Erynn and her relationships all along.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Alexis clearly states that she never did ANYTHING with Ethan. That is where we learn that Ethan has been manipulating Erynn and her relationships all along.
Are you sure, that ya trust someone who lied (or atleast kept important infos a secret) already to her Best Friend & MC. :unsure::ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Do you have a notion that someone else knows?

I don't think Zach knows what is really going on. He adores "Erynn." I use quotes because he is infatuated with the model persona of Erynn. He doesn't actually know her. But I do not think he would approve of the way Ethan treats her.

Obviously, the parents do not know what Ethan is doing. Alexis does not know everything he is doing. I think he is a lone wolf with a hardon for Erynn and making her his bitch. A sadistic POS that gets off on hurting others.

We don't know who his dad is (he owns the company Ethan and Erynn work for). Perhaps he is someone we have already met, or maybe he will never be important to the story.
That's the thing!!
There are several possibilities to go on and there MUST be someone else in the mix of things that knows.
Where the heck is Zane and whatever happen to him?

Is he somehow involved with all this mess with the modeling agency?
And Yeah, how deep does Ethan's dad fit into all of this?
SOMEONE else has to know about what's happening.

Erynn cannot possibly be the only that's being manipulated in the scheme of things.
Going by the type of scumbag Ethan is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Yeah, but not why exactly she hates him so much ... Maybe because he enjoyd her Backdoor and thats why.
Questions after Questions and never some real answers. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
On a serious note.
He tried to split up her friendship with Erynn or am i mistaken?
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