It's not being reworked, a few scenes are being altered and more added to early game to make sense of things later on.
It's not just that though, code changes and when code changes saves break. It happens. It happens to the big AAA companies and solo devs, it's just a thing that you deal with during development.
The amount of people that whine when they have to restart a game because saves are broken is beyond pathetic. If they want fully functional games and don't want to restart then they shouldn't be playing games still being developed and wait until they are finished.
Or, and I know this is asking a lot but i'm a hopeful girl, they should act like the adults they pretend to be and stop fucking whining.
When the women of the site complain less than the men you know shits gone wrong.
Worse yet is that some of those that whine about having to restart a game like it's the hardship of a lifetime are in other threads talking about how "alpha" they are and how they "fuck bitches" ..... assuming those bitches are their hands, anime bodypillows and fleshlights then sure, they pound those ho's.