the whole thing for her getting upset as a implied promise / something Alexis should know that would hurt her being friends with her for 15 years. So I more or less saw it as her being hurt over her keeping something like that a secret than being jealous. I felt she would of accepted them being together without the drama if she knew he was back. This is just a case of what I like about AVN's as it comes down to how we see / interpret scenes.
Okay, I understand what you mean. But this is where VN itself messes up (or is genius, can't decide yet).
*puts Sherlock Holmes monocle on*
Erynn found out about MC being back on literally the first or second day, so she didn't rely on Lexi telling her (Lexi not telling her had literally no effect or consequence), so we can remove that issue from the equation. She also forced the issue of their reunion, didn't give him the opportunity to do it on his own terms (which was as shit thing to do tbh.). But this is where it gets complicated and where VN is extremely unclear.
From what we know she didn't have romantic feelings for MC. At all. Which is natural, he was basically a kid for/to her, 13 to her 15. As a previous member already said (sorry, I forgot your name), teens don't really see kids as anything other than kids, certainly not as romantic partners. We can't be angry at someone for not feeling feelings we want them to. BUT we can hold against them what they do with/to other people's feelings.
This is the situation where her blow-up is waaaaaaaaaay out of proportion for the situation.
From my personal perspective and experience she reacted as if Lexi had stolen her man from her or intruded on her territory. Or at least the guy whom Erynn had romantic interest in and Lexi knew that Erynn was in love with him and was waiting for the first opportunity.
I would've understood her anger in that case.
But that was not the case. All MC and Erynn ever were was friends. Childish/childhood friends who played together like kids do. Erynn herself never, at any point in the VN, even hinted that she regarded him as a LI when she was 15 or that she had romantic feelings for him at any point from 15 to 20.
They are now young adults with no relationship and who basically don't know each other anymore. They are rebuilding everything from the ruins of their past. There was no chance or time for Erynn to develop romantic feelings for him since he was not there. After all, she hadn't seen him in the last 5 years and last time they saw each other she laughed at him and then didn't even bother for weeks to reach out and get in contact (the reason I'm repeating this is because it lead to the break up). Weeks during which his behaviour deteriorated to the point school got involved and his mother had to sent him away for a week. There was no way for her to fall in love with him.
To her he is still basically the 13 year old kid she jumped on in bed, NOT the 18 year old young man with plenty of sexual experience, who's dated another girl for 2 years, had sex with over 5 others, has plenty of other friends and a life that is completely removed from her and she has no part in - basically is no longer just focused on her with his entire world revolving around just 1 girl/friend like it did when he was 13. He's an accomplished, rounded-out, well-adjusted young adult now, no longer a child.
Otoh she herself is frozen in time and has not moved on from that point in her head about him. Which is proven and richly demonstrated when she does exactly that, jumping on him in bed, on their first meeting and almost every meeting after.
So, with lack of romantic interest evidenced and the fact that Erynn found out he was back basically as soon as she was back herself, her vitriolic and almost hateful reaction to Lexi's relationship with MC makes no sense.
I hope you can agree with me it was out of proportion, inappropriate and never should've taken place at Lexi's place of work. Place of work is essential for any adult person's legitimacy, livelihood, ability to stay free and valid and eligible; so should thus be sacred and untouchable. Instead she attacked, literally ripped into Lexi like a savage animal, biting with incredible viciousness and rage; going after Lexi's every sore point and weak spot and weakness that she knew of, calling her a whore and a cheating slut, taking it so far Lexi broke down in tears right there.
Without allowing Lexi to get a word in and explain. Erynn wasn't interested in hearing Lexi's side, she was't there to talk or see reason, she was there to "kill and destroy".
That's inexcusable. Nothing justifies doing that, especially not a little white lie of OMISSION (yes, at worst it's a lie of omission, nothing more), especially not to your best friend.
If the rest of the VN is not enough, it's this scene that makes me not like Erynn.
There was also something similar in the VN Babysitter which made me dislike Chris. It was the way she viciously ripped into Jessie, mocked her and attacked Jessie's weaknesses without mercy. In personality Lexi and Jessie are quite similar.
I do see where you are coming from with the privacy issue with what she did. For me I just kinda see it different because of my personality but also because MC's known her in the past even if they havent known each other for the last 5 years and people can change.
Problem is that the last time they saw each other was when she broke his trust (again). Which is the sole reason why MC ran away, why they hadn't seen for 5 years and why they are at the point where they are REBUILDING their old friendship and for this trust is ESSENTIAL.
MC extended himself incredibly far with his love confession, he trusted her not to hurt him for being this courageous and daring. They were friends, no matter what, she should've treated him nicely. Instead he got shot down in flames, ridiculed, physically abused and THREATENED.
Trust is easy to lose, but very hard to earn. Once it's gone, it's gone, relationship after that is never the same. And Erynn betrayed the trust he placed in her by not handling his confession correctly. Which was compounded when she broke it again.
When you give your phone to someone, with everything that is on it, you trust them not to abuse your trust and ONLY do with it what you consented to. Not more. Not breach your privacy.
Again, he had his girlfriend's nude photos on his phone. Someone else's EXTREMELY private and intimate gift. How can you shrug this of? It wasn't just his phone, it was a third person's privacy as well and right to keeping her intimate stuff intimate, her best friend's privacy, as well.
This is why the player gets punished if he decides to scroll through Val's photo gallery when he holds her phone.
Or even more punished if you help Zach spy on the naked girls. because people value privacy and ability to be intimate and naked without anyone intruding above all else and feel betrayed when it's breached.
Me neither, this is why sometimes my text is full of memes. Sorry about that.
"he got home and had Erynn ending your fling/Sexcapede/Romance with Lexi because She told Lexi before about loving/Having a crush on mc, So lexi hooking with him is wrong by friendship rules!"
Yeah for someone with a crush in him., Oh boy did Erynn fucked up!
Ah! NOW I understand. Thanks for explaining! And yeah I agree, Erynn fucked up.