I get that. What I like the most about it is the "intertwined" stuff, most of the time it's like a straight soap opera, which is
not a category of entertainment that I enjoy, but somehow it works here. Yes, some of it is stupid, the cliffhangers are stupid, the constant incest teasing is stupid. And it's stupid fun. Except the fucking blackmail thing, close it off already
The "intertwining" is the most unique aspect of this game, and i love it.
Others allow you to choose your favorite routes but i don't think any other has their girls playing off each other, butting heads, as much this one.
I agree I feel like the blackmail part, hell the whole Ethan part of the story was unnecessary. The fact that the MC unknowingly hooked up with Erynn's best friend Lexi on the plane and then later at the bar. As well as the whole confession misunderstanding, which had me completely anti-Erynn btw the first time that I played this I can't lie, until I saw what really happened.
These things were enough to make the Erynn path interesting for me.
I don't think that I've played an AVN yet where I'm really as invested in the main storyline as I am in the romantic relationships with the LI's. Usually I just want to get through the main story as fast as possible and get to the good stuff, and no not the lewds, they aren't that important to me.
I feel like the Zach redemption may be coming, but now I feel like it's too little too late. For me he's now beyond redemption, unless he literally takes a bullet for the MC or one of the girls. We shall see.
I feel like the blackmail has done it's job, and now we need to get rid of it.
The fact that Erynn is a fragile, traumatized girl, who needs to learn to trust and love again is an interesting wrinkle, and her mental state is directly connected to Ethan's abuse.
It makes me like her more than if she was the standard "childhood friend" from most other AVNs.
The blackmail value was never on dealing with the actual blackmail, but on how it built/affected Erynn's character.
So it had it's value... but it's painful that we are still dealing with it in chapter 13(and counting)...
As a fan of "intertwining" the thing i that interests me the most is the frenemy relationship with Alexis(and Iris a little bit), in that they are great friends in love with the same guy, at this point the stupid blackmail is just getting in the way of what i really want to be doing.
Let's see how Zach will play out in this plot, will he figure out that Ethan is using him and change his ways... help bring him down? Learn from this, become a good guy and start dating one of the random girls(Hat Girl maybe)?
Though at this point i'm more inclined to seeing him face first in the gutter, that would be cathartic