- Sep 4, 2020
- 632
- 577
Is there any in game evidence to show, suggest, or even imply that Zach's mother is to blame for his character, personality, and behavior? Are there any scenes or lines of dialogue in the game that support your theory?
yeah well thats what you get when you are raised by a single mother!
Also guys like that wouldn´t exist if women didn´t wanted them!
shit on Zach all you want,
if he exists the way he does its because someone nurtered him like that
and then girls instead of educating him went around him and did their thing!
also its not like Zach isn´t the back up plan of half the girls if they get pregnenant!
Dumb enough and wealthy enough to take the blame and help raise a child...
its not like we haven´t seen this archetype in the begining of this game!
and yet people like Zach do exist!
who do you blame?
my theory makes far more sense!
always easy to just blame whatever instead of aknowledging the underlying problems!
i don´t particularly like Zach and his betrayal stinks, but you said people like Zach!
whats the diference beteween Zach and the MC then?
yeah he is a thirsty motherfucker but so are all boys his age!
what makes him particularly repulsive?
except for the betrayal ofc but that aside what about him?
is it his lip piercing?
i have a strong suspicion that if Zach came out as Gay everyone would be so understanding...
double standarts and shit is what i find hard to accept!
exceptions do not confirm the rule
and the 20% that come out on the other side
do tend to come out better in some aspects like menthal fortitude!
that still leaves 80% of emotionally and unstable young adults
(i say young adults since quite a few don´t make it past that...)
75% of those raised in 2 parents households come out okish,
still leaves the 25% who are pieces of shit!
my problem is the dehumanization of Zach!
90% of the users here are just like Zach!
thirsty motherfuckers who never had a meaningfull relationship in their life
and since they are so broken and immature they think Sex is all that there is!
maybe 90% is too much, i came out on the other side of Dievorce
so yes i am broken just like the rest, but its just in a diferent way!
i can relate to most MC`s here cause i never had any issue finding women!
my main issue was me picking with my dick instead of picking the right woman!
but thats on me and no one else, not even my ex-wife...
so just like women are not just pieces of meat
men are not a bunch of mindless muscles who thirst
yes sexyal dinamics are part of that,
but we are suposed to reach higher then that!
enjoying a healthy sexual ralationship is part of growing up, but its not the end all of it!
So people need push back and have their bubbles burst now and then!
this Zach hating train is just too much!
i mean we have Ethan and Andres in this game, still humans,
so i suspect people have raw reactions to betrayal ignoring he is just an immature kid!
its like game of thrones, all the Geoffrey hating... its a 13 year old kid ffs!
what are you expecting a 13 year old kid to do given the illusion of power?
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