I wouldn't be surprised if Zach killed her. Rachel fucked him like she does every guy and idiot thought that they are in serious relationship. After some time he learned that she is turbo slut and killed her because of jealousy.
i think Ethan, he tried to use her as a substitute for Erynn and his brain broke and he couldn´t live with himself
over "cheating" on Erynn and was afraid he might be "exposed" as a cheater... so he protected Erynn...
Yeah thats really kinda strange, i love val but shes such a weird combination of "strong girl" and utterly weak girl, its confusing. Self-respecting girls usually dont let guys treat them like that (at least if they are not into them)
she is still gauging what might be good options or not,
and therefore she is afraid she might push her best choice away!
she is new in the place and doesn´t want to make a mistake!
besides she just might be "naive" and not really weak!
same way we guys fuck as many girls as we possible can
and hope they don´t find out about the others
but once we´re pushed against the wall we tend to find the right answers...
but never before we are made to choose or pushed against the wall!
sort of weird ain´t it?
so if she is not being pushed or made to choose why make an hasty decision?
sometimes not making a decision is your only or best decision...
you get to keep fucking 4 or 5 sluts and still be free!
in her case, unless someone pushes her against the wall in regards to sex...
why choose just yet?
as long as her social image doesn´t suffer...
i mean we can easily see Daryl throwing her under the Bus over Tori
or Zach being butthurt ruining her good name saying she is a slut cause she isn´t into him!
or read it from the harpy´s mouth in the answer bellow!
You've no idea how "smart" 18yo teenage boys in heat are when it comes to girls.

To be honest, from my experience this MC would be one of the smarter guys. That's just nature I guess. Most of the guys evolve with time, some never do. But don't be upset. Girls have the same problem, just expressing it in another way. Erynn for example fits very well. The way how she dealt (or more not dealt) with the Ethan problem isn't uncommon for young girls. Coming of age isn't easy for anyone.
its actually worse for attractive dudes,
uggly dudes must developt charm,
attractive dudes are fucked cause they go by on their looks
until they can´t go by it anymore
but they never learned how to get by without it...