Not negative at all, by any means! Was just curious on a different interpretation. It wasn't directed solely at you either just happened to be the first one I found I replied to.I see this final line as something she's speaking with the benefit of hindsight, she likes him now, no doubt about it, and she wishes the situation she currently finds herself in wasn't so complicated... she wonders if him staying would've been enough to uncomplicate it.
At the same time she recognizes that had he stayed, their current relationship probably wouldn't have played out the same way...
He was 13, looked like a kid and she was 16 close to a young adult(and, again, she expresses being unhappy with the kiss right at the moment), they didn't have much in common(Erynn also says that during their fight, that they never talked much).
Heck that was the thing that was scaring him about "losing Erynn", she was making new friends, her own age, and didn't have time for him... that applies to Alexis too, though he wasn't concerned about her at the time.
Her level of indifference vs actively wanting him to stay (at that particular moment, not right now where she clearly wishes he had stayed) is always going to be speculative and biased vs objective.
I do think this kiss meant more to her than to him, since she remembers everything and connects the dot much easier and he needs a biiiiiig push to remember her at all.
Maybe you will find my take overly negative(like i find yours positive) but it is what is...
PS: I think we got off on the wrong foot, but i don't wish any ill will upon you and i think this latest post was very well reasoned even if i see it differently
I definitely concur that the MC didn't see Lexi in the same light as I think Lexi saw MC. He even saw pictures at Erynn's and couldn't recognize her, other than her looking familiar.
To me, I think there was interest in the MC back in the day, just how much something it was is the question. It would be odd to go kiss someone on the cheek in a vulnerable moment like that if you didn't at least care for the person. Otherwise why have chased them, and been the *only* person the flashback to wish him happy birthday. Not even Erynn did it, in the scene we can see, and he didn't talk to her again after the scene, as Erynn said when he finally confronter her about it.
I still think Lexi's look after having her first kiss stolen was more of a shock or surprise at the moment it happened. It wasn't to push him away, glare, frown, but there is some room to interpret the surprise overrode it briefly.
But that's the beauty of a single moment in time, from the past. It's in isolation with a lot of missing context. Did Lexi have any sort of interest in the MC? She is clearly the quietest in the group so may have been really shy in those years. Were there any other scenes that could confirm or deny it?