I've got each LI done 4 times, so my bases are covered:
- Preferred Emily not goin on the date with John (my head canon official path):
- Went along with the plan at the bar with John
- Intervened to save Erynn at the bar
- Approved Emily going on the date with John:
- Went along with the plan at the bar with John
- Intervened to save Erynn at the bar
I don't mind John by any means.
But by the time John's opportunity presents itself I've already left the station on the mommy Brooke hope train. Those are my primary head canon saves, the John ones are others are just to see what happens with John.
Since the intervention or not-intervention have pretty much merged after returning the phone at Erynn's request, and no difference as of up to the last update, I'm personally leaning towards intervention being my head canon route.
I prefer John to Brooke(with Emily).
John creates tension between Emily and Melissa, between John and Santiago...
And John is much more connected to the story with Erynn, Iris.
No doubt in my mind this is the option that will give us more(and better) storylines.
Not much sauce with Brooke honestly, what it will come down to? They come from work together and hang around the living room? And we get to be the voyeur again? Not my thing.
Brooke is also uncertain to ever happen, they've worked together for years and Emily never looked at her twice.
By blocking John one may think they are helping Brooke but may end up helping Santiago... newly single, 100% ready for a trip down memory lane with Emily...
Ultimately my prefered path for Brooke would be helping her with her first guy experience, not pushing her towards my mom.
Punching Ethan or not seems to not have made a difference long term(Nyx warned this would be the case)...
Not punching we get an extra talk between father and daughter.
Punching we get well... the satisfaction of punching him, some extra dialogue with Erynn about the phone.
Punching wins!!!
No bike,
No bike rides with Erynn and Lexi.
Val is also interested in the bike. When the MC mentions it during their first running date at the beach (pink leggings, wet t-shirt date), Val asks about it. We might be able to bring her home from a date and hello Mama Ximena (maybe).
You also lose a riding date with Iris in a future update.
You also lose a chance to bring Brooke home from work in a future update. Brooke liked the bike a lot.
(I am guessing also that Gianna and Tori might be into bikes too.)
And in a future update, Erynn might recreate your sexy moment with Iris on the bike. She was thinking about what birthday present to give to you.
Hopefully we get to go with the bike to school, see all the girls reactions.
And yeah the bike is being used to facilitate lots of scenes, good thing it's easy to obtain

Just finished a Val-Nikki route and I'm wondering: Is Mr. Donovan come off as creepy in other routes? I have a hard time thinking the guy who say "I'm still thinking about the girl I've seen a week (or more?) ago for less than 1 minute, who was with her boyfriend" will end up being a nice guy.
I might be reading too much into it (it was probably just to establish him as a rival for multiple routes?), but the scene came off as creepy.
As someone who used to live near the beach(and hang out there a lot) i don't think his comments are that bad.
People that hang at a certain spots become well known to each other, not unlike the usual clients of a small bar.
Every once in a while comes in a new girl that catches your eye, and you simply hope that she'll show up again the next few days... and start becoming a regular of that spot, so you can do a slow get to know each other instead of bothering someone who is sun tanning/minding her own business.
As for having a BF, i think he's also hoping it's not a serious relationship.
He doesn't know Nikki(and in traditional Intertwined fashion the MC walking right by him rings no bells), so he can hope.
And yeah he's gonna be around for several paths, Nikki, Erynn, Val and the other HS girls...