That is true. I didn't go through the whole hot tub party scene to see if there is any tracking of the delivery. I would guess not, as Nyx will know if you were there to see Darryl if you were at the party. It just won't be possible to know if you tipped him or not. If MC didn't go to Layla's hot tub party, then you never saw Darryl there. Beyond that, there's really nothing to know about that particular moment.
I can confirm now, there's no such thing as Darryl points(even Zach has points) or flags... ever.
Not for tipping him, not for pushing him... all those choices are fluff.
The things the game might remember/take into consideration when it comes to Darryl.
Wether he won or we did at the last event(it's not tagged Darryl, but the game has ways of knowing if you won or not, due to practicing with Layla).
Wether you have a Tori/Val relationship or not.
It is also consistent with a number of other moments you can only see if on specific paths. Some of the scenes do track point changes or decision, but other's don't. For example:
- Iris/Erynn/Lexi beach trip. There's a lot of talking and scenes between the three of them that the MC will never see unless on Lexi's path(s). Same with getting to see Val and Darryl at the beach, you can see it if you go to the beach, hear Val retell it if on her path, or Erynn just tells you it was a girls beach day.
- Elena's beach visit Layla bails and her mom drops her brothers off. You get a lot of interesting context with Elena, her mom, and brothers, that you don't see unless you have enough Elena points.
- If Elena points are high enough, you can practice cheering with her at her house. It's the only way I've found thus far for the MS Cheer Team to finish in first place. Every other time, they always finish second. But again, you also see tidbits of Elena, when at her house, you never see elsewhere.
- Lexi will only help Erynn if you are on her path(s) and lock the two of them in Erynn's room. Any other choice, you never see/hear Erynn tell her best friend at any point. Even after you convince Erynn to tell Melissa and Emily.
The Erynn girlfriend moment playing volleyball on her beach date, to me, was one of the biggest misses in the story thus far. It was set up perfectly and then just dropped. Here's hoping something even better can replace it when they do become official... and not just "becoming" official without saying it to each other.
Overall I do like there are different glimpses you can see, based on the path(s) you take, even if they are just flavor. Even if it's just for flavor, it makes each path/date have a unique feel to the others you don't take and adds a bit to the overall story each time you play.
I like them too.
To figure out that Mr Donovan and Zane are the same person you have to do both Erynn and Val dates.
Elena's squad only wins if you help her, you only win if you train with Layla(relationship or not).
And to figure out that Darryl might be poor and has to work during spring break while his (i was gonna say friends
) schoolmates are partying and relaxing you need to be on Layla.
There's always danger that too many exclusive scenes slows down development, so maybe some streamlining would help... scenes that start the same but end differently.
Something like you are at school and meet Layla, Elena, Val... and this part always play out, but then you get an exclusive portion for Layla, another for Val, another for Elena.
Nyx already did this more or less for Layla and Alexis with the dinner scene, no matter which girl you went there to talk to, the dinner is quite similar(some small differences here and there).
Same idea can be applied to Erynn, Iris and Alexis if Nyx choses to.
And yes, while i like the fluff choices, just for fun... when you make a scene that creates big expectations on the players... and it turns out to be meaningless fluff. It sucks... that's what happened on the Erynn scene.
We already have Alexis basically making MC and Layla official before they discussed anything... let's hope we actually get something between Erynn-MC(and the other girls too, Val, Iris... whatever).
I hope Darryl does become an ally somehow.
We need more guy friends apart from Nathan.
Apart from my wish of an 80s bar fight versus the other schools relay teams that bonds our Madison Springs High Relay Team to win the race,
Darryl might become the male Elena or the mirror of the MC?
- Also abandoned by his dad, but has a lot of siblings,
- Intertwined Single mom working two or three jobs who the mc will want to fuck (I know he's fucking hopeless), (it's a stereotype but could be done well.)
- Or alcoholic dad - not violent but neglectful in his abuse? No mom?
We could also help Darryl get a good deal on fixing his scooter at John's garage if he needs it for income?
As a member of team "Darryl isn't so bad"(such proud support
) i hope so too.
And a fight is old school male bonding, i love it.
Also a potential character arc moment for Darryl-TJ if they see the MC getting jumped by multiple guys and this time they decide to help, showing that they changed from that scene with Lucas.
Maybe a begrudging first step "i don't like you, but you are on my team, can't have you getting your ass kicked by those chumps" lol.
Helping him with his scooter is also nice, and the contacts are already in place.