So some of you might remember my previous advocacy for monogamous paths thru the game. Well, I just opened my Nikki path to play through episode 12, and… hey look, there’s Erynn in the MC’s bed! And she wants to have a sexy handsy shower with him!
Whoops; guess I didn’t create a monogamous Nikki path. Well shit. Now I gotta make one from scratch.
Because yes, you can have paths where you’re focused on one particular girl… with Erynn on the side. You can fuck Nikki, Cara, Layla, or Gabi; or pursue Valeria; and also do hand stuff with Erynn.
Can’t with Alexis. Because she and Erynn talk, and she’ll find out, and righteously dump your MC’s cheating ass.
I figure it’s only a matter of time before word gets back to your non-Erynn LI, and the game doesn’t usually let you break up with anyone unless you do something massively assholic. Best to just never start anything with Erynn. Treat her like a sister. A hot, nubile sister who always wants to cuddle and can’t keep her tits covered, but still.