We have ta admit Ethan has a lot of duded knowing actually what he is after - Eyrin.
For the purpose of this theory, we have ta go back to the incident in the parc with MC and the bully:
We have to acknowledge the two brothers in the park when MC got beat up bad did not intervene.
We can conclude thus far, the possibility that there could be a mountain of a man who was there for Ethan,
but after seeing what he actually wanted to do to eyrin, fkked him up after Ethan started acting rapey towards her.
Nobody wants to be there in a rape scenarion, precisely
for the reasons the two brothers did not get involved in the park with the bully of Layla:
You do not stick your neck for nobody, least of all for ethan.
One of my theories is that such a dude let her there and scrammed after chasing ethan and the others away.
Like some on here also told of real life events, she could be in shock after one of the goons who was supposed to
help ethan mess her up actually saved her, hopefully fkked ethan up in the process and made his swift exit outta this mess.